alen là gì - Nghĩa của từ alen

alen có nghĩa là

A super cool bosnian. Usually plays soccer, and is really fucking good at it. Dresses like a O.G. Original Gangster, screw the new, dresses like the original.

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Bosnian. OppositeOfASerb. Bosna. Bosnia. alen

alen có nghĩa là

really sweet and caring guy and always knows how to make people smile.

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Bosnian. OppositeOfASerb. Bosna. Bosnia. alen

alen có nghĩa là

really sweet and caring guy and always knows how to make people smile.

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Bosnian. OppositeOfASerb. Bosna. Bosnia. alen

alen có nghĩa là

really sweet and caring guy and always knows how to make people smile.

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Bosnian. OppositeOfASerb. Bosna. Bosnia. alen really sweet and caring guy and always knows how to make people smile.

alen có nghĩa là

alen made me smile today

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Really sweet and caring, loves technology, protective of friends and family.

alen có nghĩa là

Alen was really nice to me over the computer. A really way hot girl who you totally want to bang/bone/someother'b'word refering to the act of making love in a nice and pleasant manner

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Will: "There goes Alene."
Jesse: "Yeah, I totally want to b-sex her up" A bosnian hotshot; always casting a shadow over the competition. Someone you really want to their true love. Like a brother.

alen có nghĩa là

Alens such a writhing dick-quenching sex god.

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Hot asf.

alen có nghĩa là

Always nice and kind. Good in bed. has a lot of friends and loves them. Many Girls are after alens. Balkan boy

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Guy 1: yesterday a guy ,,loved'' me so hard. Thật là tuyệt

alen có nghĩa là

in love with a beautiful girl known as adelina. princess.

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Guy 2: It was a boy named alen, no?

alen có nghĩa là

Tuyệt vời

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Oh yeah I know a alene

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