Bài tập đại số tuyến tính nân cao năm 2024

Chương 1


Bài tập 1.1 Đưa các ma trận sau về dang bậc thang:


1−3 2

3−4 1

2−5 3 






−4 1 −6

1 2 −5

6 3 −4


1 2 −3 0

2 4 −2 2

3 6 −4 3 


2−2 2 1

−3 6 0 −1

1−7 10 2 

Bài tập 1.2 Đưa các ma trận sau về dang bậc thang rút gọn:


2 2 −1 6 4

4 4 1 10 13

6 6 0 20 19 


2 3 −2 5 1

3−1 2 0 4

4−5 6 −5 7 


1−2 3 1 2

1 1 4 −1 3

2 5 9 −2 8 


1 3 −1 2

0 11 −5 3

2−5 3 1

4 1 1 5


1 2 −1 2 1

2 4 1 −2 3

3 6 2 −6 5 


0 1 3 −2

0 4 −1 3

0 0 1 1

0 5 −3 4

Bài tập 1.3 Xác định hạng của ma trận sau:


3 5 7

1 2 3

1 3 5 






1 1 −3

−1 0 2

−3 5 0 


1 2 3 4

2 4 6 8



4 3 2 2

0 2 1 1

0 0 3 3 


1 2 3 6

2 3 1 6

3 1 2 6 


1−1 5 −1

21 1 −2 3

3−1 8 1

1 3 −9 7


1 3 −2−1

2 5 −2 1

1 1 6 13

−2−6 8 10

Bài tập 1.4 Xác định sự tồn tại nghiệm của mỗi hệ sau:


Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

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