Be the apple of ones eye

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe the apple of somebody’s eyebe the apple of somebody’s eyeLOVEto be loved very much by someone  Ben was always the apple of his father’s eye. appleExamples from the Corpusbe the apple of somebody’s eyeBen was always the apple of his father's eye.He was the apple of her eye, the salt of her earth, the source of her strength - her everything.Lucy's son was the apple of her eye, work her raisond'être.

: a person or thing that someone loves very much

His daughter is the apple of his eye.

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“The apple of someone's eye.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 28 Nov. 2022.


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Be the apple of ones eye


Idiom:  apple of someone's eye

  • someone or something that is very important to someone
  • someone or something that someone likes very much

This is idiom is used frequently to describe someone who is special.

Example sentences

  • Joan’s husband is the apple of her eye.
  • His only son was the apple of his eye.
  • My brother loves his wife but his Ducati motorcycle is the apple of his eye.
  • I know I shouldn't pick favorites but my youngest daughter is the apple of my eye.
  • My father is an avid gardener and these orchids are the apples of his eye.
  • My parents' favorite family member is our dog. She's the apple of their eye because she gives them love and doesn't ask for money.
  • I used to be the apple of my teacher's eye until he caught me cheating on a quiz.
  • My mother never liked me very much but I was the apple of my grandmother's eye.


  • the light of someone’s life

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Be the apple of ones eye

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What does being the apple of eye mean?

Meaning: Someone whom you cherish above all others. Example: My youngest daughter, Cherie is the apple of my eye.

Is apple of the eye an idiom?

'The apple of my eye' is an idiom that Shakespeare used in his A Midsummer Night's Dream play. However, Shakespeare was using this phrase literally (simply referring to the pupil of an eye), rather than the figurative way it is used today.