Blacklist Season 8 Episode 19 cast hearse driver

Script 8:19 Balthazar Bino Baker ( 129)

NBCs series The Blacklist starring James Spader and Megan Boone
Series created by: Jon Bokenkamp
Program air date: 5/28/2021 in the US (7pm Central/Chicago Time)
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Last updated: 5/30/2021 at 2:35am CT [ Central/Chicago time ]

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Directed by: Christine Moore
Written by: Lukas Reiter


Raymond Red Reddington James Spader
Elizabeth Keen Megan Boone
Donald Ressler Diego Klattenhoff
Harold Cooper Harry Lennix
Aram Mojtabai Amir Arison
Alina Park Laura Sohn
Dembe Zuma Hisham Tawfiq


Chester Jason Babinsky
Arthur Brian Cali
Anton Mobley Dylan Martin Frankel
Vandyke Lukas Hassel
Townsends Man Marty Lawson
Henchman Steve Mason
Resslers Driver Declan Mulvey
Neville Townsend Reg Rogers
Delores Knapp Daphne Rubin-Vega
Balthazar Bino Baker Mike Starr
Walter Stevens Michael Stoyanov
Agent Paula Danforth Nellesa Walthour
Surgeon Yan Xi

Note: OurBoard provides a raw version of each script (the screen captions). These typically are available by noon the next day, but can be delayed by a day or more. I add the speakers, formatting, and descriptive material when called for. Reds lines are highlighted as Red:. And Lizs lines are now Liz:. I am sure there are mistakes.

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Script 8:19 Balthazar Bino Baker ( 129)

Brief (Where were at):

Liz has been apprehended by the FBI, after a tense stand-off in which she held at gunpoint the hit man Neville Townsend sent to capture her, defying instructions by Ressler, Aram and Park to put her gun down. When the hit man, known in Reds world as The Protean (Blacklister #36; a shape-shifter who commits murders using the identity of someone who had just died, in this case, a Rhys Engel) made a move for Lizs gun, Ressler was forced to shoot him, leaving Liz apoplectic. Not only had he killed her entire team (Esi Jackson, Skip Hadley, and Jax), but he shot and killed her half-sister Jennifer, who he used to lure Liz out. Jennifer died in route to the hospital. Liz saw the hit man as someone who could lead her back to Townsends world, to answer the big question: What did Ivan Stepanov (Blacklister #5), one of Reds oldest and closest friends who also happens the be in Russian intelligence tell Townsend that caused him to immediately turn on her, and put out ransom-for-murder Directives, not only on her but on her team, Red and the task force.

It can be easy to forget that Liz is still #1 on the Blacklist after she provided an instrumental assist in helping the task force decipher messages between Red and Stepanov and after having been deployed by Cooper to grab Stepanov in Moscow. Instead, Townsend got wind of the plan by bugging Resslers phone. This allowed him to move in first. He captured Stepanov and submitted him to torture and an SVR-developed truth serum to get him to tell one of Reds big secrets which is so significant that he not only wants to kill them, he wants to kill Liz while Red watches, just as he was forced to watch his familys murder after Red (as N-13) spilled secrets from a cache of stolen documents (the Sikorsky Archive) that led the Russian Vory (mafia) to take revenge on Townsend.

Despite her assists to the task force, Liz still faces legal jeopardy for the bombing of Reds hospital room after he suffered a bout of the mysterious illness he is dying from, and for the proxy murder of Mary Bremmer, Neville Townsends sister (Chemical Mary, Blacklister #143). Townsend ordered the murder of his sister to test the sincerity Lizs offer of an alliance against Red and to keep Mary from talking. This murder succeeded but may face legal hurdles as it was not committed directly by Liz, but by her Cyranoid, (Blacklister #35) a look-alike who Liz controlled remotely.

For S8 Episode 8:19 Bino Baker

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Cooper: [ Voiceover ] Previously on The Blacklist:

Liz: I used to believe in salvation.

[ Silenced (

) gunshot ] [ Jax grunts and falls ]
[ Skip Hadley sees the gunman Rhys Engel and raises his hands ]
Skip: Wait, wait, no.
[ Silenced (
) gunshot ] [ Skip grunts and falls ]

Liz: That good was rewarded

[ Esi leaps on Engel ] [ Grunting ] [ Silenced (

) gunshot ] [ Esi is killed ]
[ Engel finishes off Skip (
) ]

Liz: And evil punished.

[ Lizs half-sister Jennifer is shot


Liz: [ Voice breaking ] But I dont believe in that anymore. Not in this life.

Townsend: Ive opened up a new directive, like the one for Rostova, but double the bounty.
Rhys Engel: That wont be necessary. Ill be there. With Keen.
[ Liz holds her gun to the back of Engels head ]
Liz: Looking for me?

[ Liz sits in the back of Engels car, pointing her gun at him in the drivers seat ]
Liz: [ To Engel ] Drive!
[ Ressler and Arams SUV arrives; they jump out and rush to Engels car ]
Aram: Liz, put the gun down.
Liz: Not until I get the answer Im looking for!
[ Engel goes for Lizs gun ] [ Ressler shoots him

Liz: No! He knows where Townsend is!

Cooper: [ On phone ] We have her in custody.
Red: Harold, bring her here. Im the only one who can save her.
Cooper: Not today.
Red: Elizabeth Keen is a criminal. She will never be an agent again. She will never be a civilian. Her only hope for survival exists in my world.

[ Neville Townsend listens to frantic, chaotic violin music ]
[ Katica Illényi plays Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakovs Flight of the Bumblebee ]

No Lyrics ] [ Tap square below to play ]

[ In a nearby room, Chester, one of Townsends men, prepares his meds ]
[ Door opens ] [ Vandyke, Townsends security/tactical lead, enters ]
Chester: Mr. Townsend is sleeping.
Vandyke: Keen is being moved.
Chester: He cant be disturbed.
Vandyke: I need to see him. We have people in position
Chester: He was very clear.
Vandyke: Keen is in FBI custody.
Chester: So?
Vandyke: So hitting a federal convoy is public. Messy. I need to see him.
Chester: Hey. We work for a madman. Im separating the mans medications, so I know better than anyone else. Hes totally insane. This is insane.
Vandyke: Watch your words.
Chester: Hes feeding off this. Destroying himself and us. The FBI raided us. There are warrants for our arrest.
Vandyke: Youre out of line.
Chester: I mean, what the hell is this even about? Elizabeth Keen has to die. We should go out, shoot feds, risk our own lives for some lunatic?
Vandyke: What did you call him? What did you call Mr. Townsend?
Chester: I didnt mean I didnt
Vandyke: The man is avenging the death of his wife and children, which means we are the only family he has left. So we will take care of him the way he takes care of us. Now let me do my work and dont ever disparage the good man again.

[ Cooper and Aram get out of the elevator at the Post Office. Aram is on the phone ]
Cooper: Where are they?
Aram: The decoy convoy is passing through the Seventh Ward.
Cooper: Keen and Ressler?
Aram: They held back. Left just six minutes ago. [ To person on phone ] Thank you.
[ They get to Arams workstation. He brings up a live map showing the convoys location ]
Aram: Best guess is they are 23 minutes out.
Cooper: No interference?
Aram: Uh, nothing yet. Maybe Townsend isnt crazy enough to hit an FBI convoy.
Cooper: You really believe that?
Aram: I do not. Just, uh, trying to stay optimistic here.

[ Liz sits next to Ressler in a moving SUV ]
Liz: Why are you doing this? Ressler, you know what happens if you take me in.
Ressler: I know what happens if I dont. Townsend wont stop. And I wont bury you, Keen. I wont stand next to Agnes while she cries at your funeral.
Liz: You think Im safer in custody? Townsend has people everywhere. He can hit me from the inside. I wont last more than a few days.
Ressler: Well see.
Liz: Even if youre right, what then? Its over. Ill never be an agent again. Im going to prison.
Ressler: You dont know that. If Reddington can still walk around, you can walk too.
Liz: The rules are different for Reddington. Look, what Ive done, I cant undo. Mary Bremmers death? The bomb in Reddingtons hospital room? Everything that happened in Kansas. Youre holding on to a reality that doesnt exist. Ressler, you have to accept it. Things are never going back to the way they were.

[ Coopers office ] [ Red comes in and takes a seat ]
Red: I tried to convey this, Harold. But once again, we find ourselves in a situation where, when faced with a unique, complicated, and volatile set of circumstances, you immediately punt to bureaucratic protocol.
Cooper: Elizabeths coming in. Im not releasing her, and you can be damn sure Im not turning her over to you.
Red: Things have changed. From the day I arrived, my intent has been to keep Elizabeth safe. To do that, I had to keep certain facts about my life hidden.
Cooper: Well, the truth is out. Whatever youre hiding, Townsend knows.
Red: Yes, and because he knows, his focus has shifted away from me and onto Elizabeth.
Cooper: Why?
Red: To try to make me understand how he suffered the day his family was slaughtered.
Cooper: So he wants to kill Elizabeth to make you suffer?

[ Townsend broods. Violin music resumes ]

Red: Not just suffer. To understand. He experienced something too dark to comprehend. To avenge what was done to his family and to him, he wants to feel that Ive experienced a similar darkness for myself.

[ Townsend snaps awake ]
Townsend: [ Gasps ]

Cooper: Why are you telling me this now?
Red: Because you cant protect her, Harold. And youre about to find out what youre up against.

Ressler: Part of its my fault. I didnt stop you before you went too far.
Liz: [ Chuckles ] Ressler.
Ressler: All the calls, going to meet you without telling Cooper. That night you showed up at my apartment.
Liz: You werent wrong for wanting to help me.
Ressler: But I didnt help, Liz. I only made it worse. I mean, I let how much I care about you cloud my judgment.
Liz: This wasnt about your judgment. I knew exactly what I was doing. Look, if Reddington wants to keep his secrets, its fine. He can keep them all. Except for the ones that are truth about my life and my daughters life. Except for the ones that explain why psychotics like Townsend wake up every morning drooling about new and exciting ways to murder me and my daughter as payback for something he did. Those he doesnt get to hide. And Im telling you right now. I am so tired of the double standard.
Ressler: What double standard?
Liz: You know. Reddington can do whatever he wants, and the Task Force just takes it in stride. We dont even know who he is. Except for that hes a Russian spy who murdered my adoptive father, my mother, is responsible for the deaths of my husband, my half-sister, my grandfather.
Ressler: Nobodys okay with that.
Liz: You accept it! Doesnt matter what he does. Its okay. But me? I fight back and Ive gone too far.

Driver: Looks like we just got some backup.
[ Ressler makes a call ]
[ Arams desk phone rings

Aram: Hey, uh, Im monitoring your progress. Everything okay?
Ressler: So far, so good. No sign of Townsend, and the backup you sent just got here.
Aram: Backup? Uh, okay, and, uh, what backup would that be?
Ressler: We got local. Two MPD units just joined the convoy.
Aram: Okay, negative. Im checking scanners now, but we specifically chose not to ask for city reinforcement. Those arent cops.
[ One of the police cruisers pulls up; a man signals to pull over ]
[ The police open fire
Driver: Gun!
Ressler: Shots fired, shots fired! Officer down!
Liz: Get us out of here!
[ The driver is shot
in the head ]
[ One of the police cruisers climbs over a parked car and flips over, crashing on the pavement in front of the other
[ Horn
blaring ]
[ The SUV with Ressler and Liz hits a concrete pillar underneath an overpass

[ Ressler wakes up with blurred vision, groggy. Liz is not there ] [ Ressler opens the door of the vehicle, but falls onto the pavement. Hes been shot in the upper right chest ]
[ Someone walks toward him, seen through his blurred vision. The man points his gun at Ressler ]
Henchman: Wheres Keen? Last chance.
Liz: Right behind you.
[ Liz shoots him

Liz: Hey, Ressler, are you okay?
Ressler: [ Speaks indistinctly ]
Liz: I cant hear what youre saying, honey.
Ressler: I cant breathe.
[ Liz sees Resslers gunshot wound ]
Liz: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Okay, we got to go. We cannot stay here. We got to go. We got to move.
[ Liz helps Ressler to his feet and with her supporting him, they walk away from the scene ]

[ Vandyke arrives in a large black SUV ]
[ At home, an assistant hands Neville Townsend a phone ]
Townsend: Tell me its done.
Vandyke: Almost. Two of our men are dead, but the convoys down.
Townsend: Shes on foot?
Vandyke: In the Seventh Ward. Less than a minute ahead of us.
Townsend: Im sending more men. Lock the area down. Clear every block until you find her.
Vandyke: And then?
Townsend: If possible, bring her to me. If not, kill her and anyone else who stands in your way.

[ The Post Office ] [ Aram listens to the police radio ]

[ Over police radio: ]
Reports indicating shots fired.
All units, officers down. All units, officers down.
Witnesses on site report multiple fatalities.
EMS and SWAT en route.

[ Aram rushes up the yellow metal staircase to the landing ]

[ Cooper sits in his office with Red ]
Aram: Excuse me. Uh, convoys down, sir.
Cooper: Down?
Aram: Attacked by, uh, two gunmen posing as Metro PD units. So far theyre saying three agents down, two in the support vehicle and the one driving Liz and Ressler.
Red: Aram, what about Elizabeth?
Aram: Shes unaccounted for. So is Agent Ressler. Although a witness claims she saw a man and a woman running from the scene.
Red: Theyre on foot? Where? What exact location?
Aram: The convoy was hit moving southeast on Central at Wilmont.
Red: That wont be the end of it. Townsend will have more teams on the ground.
Cooper: Reddington, well handle it. The area will be swarming with police.
Red: Were running out of time, Harold. You look your way, Ill look mine.
[ Red puts on his fedora and leaves ]

[ Liz and Ressler get to a building with a red door covered with graffiti ]
Ressler: [ Coughing ]
Liz: I need your badge.
[ Liz slides Resslers badge between the doorframe and the door to unlock the catch. The door remains stuck. She jerks it open ]

Sirens wailing
[ Townsends men fan out ]

Cooper: What about the gunmen?
Aram: Both dead, found shot at the crash site.
Cooper: I want you and Agent Park on site. Coordinate the Bureau and Metro response and find them before Townsend can.

[ Inside the building, Liz and Ressler get to a kitchen. They enter and Ressler sits down. Liz finds a folded white towel and a roll of duct tape to bandage Resslers wound ]
Liz: Take your coat off.
Ressler: [ Grunts ]
[ Outside, one of Townsends men finds the red door ]
Liz: I got you.
[ Townsends man shoots

the lock ]
Glass shatters
[ Liz leaves Ressler to investigate. She shoots the man who entered ] [ Gunshot
[ Liz fights with another man ] [ Gunshot
Ressler: [ Alarmed ] Keen?!
[ Liz returns ]
Liz: We have to keep moving.
[ Liz helps Ressler up; they leave ]

[ In Reds car ]
Dembe: Raymond, even if we can avoid the police and Townsends men, Elizabeth wont be easy to find.
Red: I agree, which is why were not looking for Elizabeth. We need to find Bino.
Dembe: Bino?
Red: I think his real name is Balthazar something. Baker. Anyway, he came up as muscle with Moms Wimbley, back when she went to war with the Italians in the mid-70s.
Dembe: He was an enforcer?
Red: One of the best. Story was he had more hits than Babe Ruth. People started calling him Bambino. After a while, just Bino. Nowadays, he runs a payday loan operation in the Seventh Ward. His people move at least half a million in cash on those streets every week. Hes got eyes on every corner. Locals on the payroll who move his money right under the laws nose. If Elizabeth and Donald are still alive, he can find them. He owns an underground chess club in the Seventh Ward The Castle. Binos a hell of a player. Way better than me. Maybe even better than you.

[ Bino Bakers underground chess club, The Castle ] [ One player sits alone at a table, staring at a chess board ]
Balthazar Bino Baker: Youre still here? Rashad, go home. Take a shower. Eat a sandwich.
[ Door opens ] [ Red and Dembe enter ]
Red: Ah! The latest victim. Let me guess The Greek Gift Sacrifice.
Bino: First a shootout in the street. Now you show up? Hmm. Cant be a coincidence.
Red: I need your help.

[ Red has explained the situation to Bino ]
Bino: Theyre still in my Ward? Youre sure about that?
Red: Im not. Im hoping. But you could make some phone calls, Bino, let your network know that these are our friends.
Bino: Hmm. Friends who are being hunted by shooters, not to mention the police and the feds.
Red: These people are important to me.
Bino: My people are important to me. If they get involved, they could be killed or worse: They could be arrested and interrogated.

[ With Liz helping Ressler to walk, they reach a staircase. Ressler is tiring ]
Ressler: [ Breathing heavily ]
Liz: Easy.
[ They sit on the stairs ]
Liz: Call Aram.
Ressler: No. Its not safe. You said it yourself. Townsends got eyes and ears everywhere.
If we reach out, hell know.
Liz: We have to risk it.
Ressler: No. No. Keen, you should go. You wont make it out carrying me around.
Liz: I am not leaving you. You have to tell the police where you are. I dont care if I get arrested as long as you get to a hospital.
Ressler: Where are we?
[ Liz gets up to look out of the door ]

Sirens wailing
[ Ressler places a call ]
Ressler: Its Ressler. We need help. Im with Keen. Were on foot, but Ive been shot. Townsends men are closing in.
Liz: Tell him were at Danton and 56th.
[ Ressler hands the phone to Liz ]
Liz: Hey, Aram, were at Danton and 56th. Ressler is having a hard time breathing. I think the bullet mightve collapsed his lung.
Red: Danton and 56th.
Liz: Reddington?
Red: Elizabeth, listen to me. I have a way for Donald to get the help he needs and to get both of you away from danger. [ To Bino ] Decision time, Bino. Help me and Ill help you. Dont just focus on the move right in front of you. Look a few moves ahead.
[ Red holds his phone so Bino can speak into it ]
Bino: Theres a bar on Danton and 59th. The Outpost. If they can get there, help will be waiting.
Red: Did you hear that?
Liz: Yeah, I heard. Who was that?
Red: A friend. The Outpost. Youre only three blocks away. Get moving.
[ Call ends
Liz: [ Annoyed ] Why?
Ressler: Because, like it or not, hes the best chance to get out of here alive.
[ Liz helps Ressler to his feet ]
Liz: If you die, Im gonna kill you. You know that, right?
[ Both grunt ] [ They head out again ]

[ Radio chatter ]
[ Aram and Agent Park are at the scene of the crash ]

[ Townsends men hurry through the streets, searching ]
[ From a perch above the street, Vandyke catches sight of Liz and Ressler ]
Vandyke: There! One block east on Danton. Circle up to 58th. Go, go, go! Cut them off!

[ Liz and Ressler make it to The Outpost ] [ They enter ]
Liz: Hello? Reddington?
[ Gunfire

] [ The windows on the bar are shot out ]
[ Liz returns fire

[ A panel of the wall slides back ]
Delores Knapp: This way. Quickly. Quickly. Watch your heads.
[ They go through the opening and the hidden door slides back ]

[ Vandyke and Townsends goons enter ]
Vandyke: Find them!
[ The men search and return: ]
Townsends Man: Its all clear. They didnt go out the back. Doors bolted from the inside.
Vandyke: They were here. Where the hell did they go?

[ Delores leads Liz and Ressler through the pipeline of tunnels ]
Delores: This takes us under the buildings going east.
Liz: You work for Reddington?
Delores: Honey, I dont know who that is. Youre in the pipeline courtesy of Mr. Bino. Whoever you are, you got some powerful friends.

[ Park runs up to Aram ]
Park: Metros got a dozen officers looking for them. So far, no sign of either of them.
Aram: I just checked with Dispatch. No sightings came in to 911. Maybe they arent running. Maybe they were taken.
Agent Paula Danforth: Hey, we got a report of gunfire. Patrol on canvass heard the shots.
Aram: Where?
Agent Danforth: About eight blocks north on Danton. A bar called The Outpost.

[ The Outpost ]
Vandyke: Theyre here. Keep searching.
Townsends Man: We are out of time. Someone mustve heard the shots. Sir, if we dont go now, were gonna have to fight our way out.

Sirens wailing
Vandyke: Fine. Clear out.
[ Vandykes places a call ]
Townsend: [ On phone ] Take her to the safe house on Bowden.
Vandyke: I dont have her. I thought we did, but I dont know. Its almost like she disappeared.
Townsend: Disappeared?
Vandyke: We have to clear this area. Our locations blown.
Townsend: Seems I made a mistake entrusting this to you.
Vandyke: No, sir, I can find her.
Townsend: Apparently not. [ Cellphone beeps

[ Delores, Liz and Ressler emerge from the pipeline where a man awaits with a hearse ]
Delores: Here you go, darlings. Far as I take you. Hey, Walter.
Walter Stevens: Delores. You want to tell me what the hells going on?
Delores: Dont know. Bino said snatch them up, so I snatched them.
Walter: All right, in you go, the both of youse.
Delores: This is how the pipeline works. Whatevers traveling is called the baton. It gets handed from one runner to the next.
Liz: And were the baton?
Walter: Normally its a brick of cash half the size of Cleveland. But if Bino says its you, I guess its you.
Liz: Hes hurt. We need to get him to a hospital.
Walter: Nobody said anything about a hospital.
Liz: Hes been shot! Hes having trouble breathing.
Delores: Honey, we dont know where youre going. Only the last runner knows the destination.
Walter: Yeah, if you want a hospital, youre better off letting the cops come and get you.
Ressler: Thats not an option.
Walter: Then I suggest you get in the vehicle. Times ticking. We got a hand-off to make.

[ Aram and Park are now at the bar (The Outpost) ]
Cooper: [ Over phone ] A gunfight?
Aram: Shots fired into and out of the bar. My guess is Liz and Ressler were holed up inside.
Park: Looks like Townsends guys got in. Nobodys here, so we have to assume they were taken.
[ Coopers cell phone vibrates ]
Cooper: Hang on. Ive got another call. Its Reddington. Maybe he knows something.
[ Coopers cellphone beeps

Cooper: Im concerned. We tracked them to a local bar, but we cant be sure they made it out.
Red: Not to worry, Harold. Elizabeth and Donald are in safe hands.
Cooper: Thank God. ~ How do you know that?
Red: Because I arranged the pickup. An associate of mine in the Seventh Ward.
Cooper: And he has them?
Red: Im told theyre in transit. Donalds hurt but holding on. Theyre not out of the proverbial woods yet, but we have reason to hope.

[ Liz and Ressler lie alongside one another in the back of the hearse ]
Ressler: Keen, if I dont make it
Liz: Stop. Almost everyone I love is gone. As it is, Im barely hanging on. I cannot lose you too.
Ressler: Oh, so now you love me? And you waited until were in the back of a hearse to tell me?
Liz: Maybe you shouldnt speak. Save your strength.
Ressler: Its okay, Liz. I know what you mean.
[ They nudge closer together ]

[ A sidewalk in the Seventh Ward ] [ Anton Mobley, a boy about 10 years old, walks with a friend ]
Anton Mobley: I know how to do the math. Im just saying they make calculators for a reason. Whoa. Is he handing out money?
[ A line of children file past a black car. Inside is Neville Townsend ]
Anton: Hey, Mister, can I get one of those?
Townsend: Depends. You want a job?
Anton: What kind of job?
[ Townsend hands Anton some money along with a card ]
Townsend: That moneys a finders fee. Im looking for finders. And if youre any good, theres a lot more where that came from.
Anton: Who you trying to find?
Townsend: Big crash over on Central. These two took off running.
[ He holds up photos of Liz and Ressler ]
Townsend: Theyre hiding somewhere in the Ward.
Anton: You could find them yourself.
Townsend: Maybe. But I know how it goes around here. People talk, but not to outsiders. If you want to find someone, its best to make arrangements with the locals. No trouble, just information. If you know where they are, call the number on the card. Anybody has a problem, tell them Mr. Townsend said its okay.

[ Anton runs to Bino Bakers home base, The Castle. He dashes inside. A security guard tries to slow him, but Bino waves him over ]
Bino: Anton. Whats up, little man?
[ Anton hands Bino the card with Townsends name and number ]
[ Binos look darkens ]

[ Reds cell phone rings

] [ Beeps
Red: Bino. Im hoping this is good news.
Bino: Neville Townsend? Thats who your people are running from?
Red: Does it matter?
Bino: Youre damn right it does and you know it. If you had told me, I wouldve never gotten involved.
Red: Well, that explains my reluctance.
Bino: I dont believe this. Do you know what Neville Townsend will do to me when he discovers that Im the one who helped you?
Red: Hard to say. Probably the same thing I wouldve done to you if you hadnt helped me.
Bino: This isnt a joke.
Red: Im not laughing, Bino. Townsend doesnt know it was you, so all we have to do is keep it that way.
Bino: Im out. You hear me? Im out!
Red: Its too late. Youre already in. Theyre in transit.
Bino: Deals off. Im turning them over.
Red: That would be a mistake.
Bino: You shouldve told me. Bottom line Im more afraid of him than I am of you.
Red: Dont do this. If you give them to Townsend, hell kill them.
Bino: Better them than me.

[ The hearse has arrived at its destination ]
Walter: Were here. Head in and take the staircase on the right. Thatll lead to a basement storage room. Someone will meet you, take you from there.
Liz: Give me a hand. He needs help getting out. Ressler.
[ She pats his face ]
Liz: Hes unconscious. Can you hear me? Open your eyes, Ressler!
Walter: Hes still breathing.
Liz: The car keys!
Walter: Whoa, hang on.
Liz: I do not care where you were told to take us. We are going to a hospital right now. Do you understand me?
[ Liz takes Resslers badge out and shows Walter ]
Liz: FBI, Walter. Hes a federal agent. If he dies, your life is finished! Now give me the keys.
Walter: Cant go to a hospital.
[ Liz grabs Walter by the lapels ]
Liz: Hes dying!
Walter: The nearest hospital is 30 blocks away. Your man doesnt have that kind of time. He wont make it.
Liz: I have to try!
Walter: Okay, theres a place. Its close, but its not a hospital. Theres a doctor. Used to work as a surgeon before coming to America. Bino keeps one on the payroll in case one of his people gets hurt.

[ They arrive at the underground hospital. It is sparse, but there is an operating table ]
Surgeon: What happened to him?
Liz: Are you the surgeon? This is where you operate?
Surgeon: Whos this?
Walter: Trust me, you dont wanna know.
Liz: Gunshot wound to the chest, probably a collapsed lung. All you have to do is stabilize him until an ambulance gets here.
Surgeon: [ Speaks Mandarin ] Get them out of here.
[ The non-medical personnel begin to file out ]
Liz: Please. Save him.
[ Liz speed-dials ] [ One of the men in the group grabs her phone ]
Liz: Give that back!
Walter: They wont let you call. Whole point is this place doesnt exist. No cops, no ambulances.
Liz: He cant stay here.
Walter: Careful now. You dont want to insult these good people.
[ The surgeon opens Resslers shirt ]

[ Red calls Cooper from his car ]
Red: Harold, sad to say things have taken a nasty turn for the worse. The associate I told you about has reconsidered our arrangement.
Cooper: What do you mean? I thought Keen and Ressler were in transit.
Red: Im sure they are, but Bino has changed the delivery address. He found out that Elizabeths being hunted by Townsend, and he intends to give Townsend what he wants.
Cooper: You never told him it was Townsend?
Red: Of course not. I was trying to motivate the man.
Cooper: So now what?
Red: Now we rally, Harold. Now we shock Mr. Bino and the rest of them with our poise and ingenuity.
Cooper: And how do we do that?
Red: I have no idea. Well, thats not entirely true. I have one place to start. That, uh, bar you mentioned, is it still a crime scene?
Cooper: No, Agents Mojtabai and Park had it processed, but they cleared out a little while ago.
Red: Good. Stay by the phone. If this works, you and the Task Force will need to work quickly.

[ Red shows up with Dembe at the bar, The Outpost. The only person in sight is a man sweeping up ]
Arthur: Who are you?
Red: Im the man you answer. Im the man you tell the truth.
Arthur: Yeah, sure.
Red: Lets start with your name. First is fine.
Arthur: My name is Arthur. I clean up mostly, mop the floors, take out the trash.
Red: Okay, Arthur. Two very good friends of mine were told to come in by a man named Bino. You know the man I mean?
Arthur: Everybody knows Mr. Bino.
Red: [ Chuckles ] Yes. Bino told them to come in so they could enter the pipeline. Still with me, Arthur? You know what Im talking about?
Arthur: The pipeline?
Red: So you dont? Well, thats either true or youre playing games. I love games. In fact, Im playing one now, with dominos. First, I line them up, then I knock the first one over, and it leads to another and then another and another until the trail takes me where Im trying to go.
Arthur: I dont know anything.
Red: Well, I should think not. Youre just the first domino. Problem is I cant reach the end of the trail unless you fall.
Delores: Leave him alone.
Red: [ Chuckles ] Look at that, Arthur. The second domino has revealed itself.
Delores: Im the one who helped your friends.
Red: Sometimes the dominos fall without even pushing them.

[ The underground hospital ] [ The Surgeon is done operating on Ressler ]
[ Flora Cashs Youre Somebody Else plays ]

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I saw the part of you
That only when youre older you will see too

Surgeon: [ To Liz ] Hes stable for now. But his lung, its badly damaged. I dont know if it can be saved.
Liz: Thank you. Can I see him?
Surgeon Hes not awake.
Liz: Please.

You held the balance of
The time that only blindly I could read you
But I could read you Its like you told me

Liz: Hey. Im here.
[ She strokes Resslers forehead ]

Its not a race to the end

Liz: Ive been thinking about what you said. How everything Ive done, the choices Ive made are partly your fault. You know thats crazy, right? Aside from being sort of chauvinistic. You know, Reddington, Tom. For whatever reason, I live in a world where people arent who they seem to be. Its hard to know what or who to believe. But you. Youve always been there. The real you, telling me the truth. And I love you for that.

But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface

Liz: There, I said it! It wasnt in the back of a hearse, but, hey, the back of a Chinese restaurant is pretty good. Youre okay. Were gonna make it out of here. I promise.
Bino: Sorry, Ms. Keen. But thats a promise you wont be able to keep.

Delores: Its like the sewer system, only with cash.
Red: [ Chuckles ] I like that. The sewer system with cash.
Delores: Binos got spots all over the Ward. You come in, ask whoever runs the spot for a loan, guaranteed against your paycheck, which is coming but you dont have it yet.
Dembe: And if youre approved?
Delores: We give you the cash. Or, if youre here to give back the loan that we already gave you, we accept the money and flush it to Bino.
Dembe: Through the pipeline.
Delores: Binos got pipes all through the Ward. This is just one of them. Bino called me, said he was sending two people over that I should snatch them up and send them through.
Red: These pipes Where exactly do they lead?
Delores: Binos not stupid. The runners only know the next step in the journey.
Red: The next step then. I need a name.

[ Red and Dembe pay a visit to the hearse driver ]
Walter: Walter Stevens. You two found the right guy, but I dont know anybody named Delores.
Red: Its all right, Walter. Were associates of Binos.
Walter: See now, I dont know who that is either. You fellas sure youre in the right neighborhood?
Dembe: Listen, friend.
Walter: Im not your friend. Hey, I dont I dont know you.
Dembe: Nows not the time to be brave. Its the time to be smart.
Walter: Well, if you two and this Mr. Bino were really tight, youd go ask him what you want to know and youd leave me the hell alone.
[ Red takes out his gun ]
Red: Im out of time, Walter. [ He takes out his gun ] Now, thats not your fault, but Im making it your problem, so did you see the two people Im looking for? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Walter: Yeah.
Red: And you handed them off to another runner, correct? Again, yes or no would be fine.
Walter: No.
Red: Last chance.
Dembe: Tell him.
Walter: I am telling him. We never made the hand-off. By the time we got there, that agent was out cold. Hed been shot, wasnt breathing right.
Red: You didnt take him to a hospital. If you did, wed know.
Walter: Its not a hospital. Not a real one, anyway.

[ The Post Office ]
Cooper: I got Agents Mojtabai and Park standing by in the Seventh Ward.
Red: Good, because Ive got a location. Elizabeth and Donald were taken to the Shanghai Palace, a restaurant at Weston and Grand. Dembe and I are headed there now.
Cooper: A restaurant?
Red: I dont have good news, Harold. Apparently Donald had to be taken to an underground surgeon because there wasnt enough time to get him to a hospital.
Cooper: And you dont know his condition?
Red: No.
Cooper: What about Elizabeth?
Red: I dont know. Were on our way. Call an ambulance and tell Aram and Agent Park to hurry.

Bino: So, youre what all the fuss is about. Elizabeth Keen.
Liz: And youre Bino? Im confused. Reddington said you were a friend.
Bino: Reddington has no friends.
Liz: Your people are helping us.
Bino: Only because Reddington withheld the truth. He never told me you were running from Neville Townsend. Get her out of here. Take her back to The Castle.
Liz: Wait. Wait, Townsend doesnt know youre helping me.
Bino: You dont know that. He may. Which is why now my best option is to turn you over and apologize.
Liz: No, no, no, no, wait, wait. Listen, okay? Were in the same boat, Bino. Your life is at risk because Reddington withheld information. Believe me, I understand that more than anybody on this planet.
Bino: Take her.
Liz: Townsend doesnt even care about me. The only reason he wants me dead is to get back at Reddington for something he did a long time ago.
Bino: What?
Liz: I dont know. What I do know is If you want to make peace with Townsend, youre not gonna do it by turning me over to him. Youre gonna do it by killing Reddington.
Bino: So let me guess. Youd like to help me do that?
Liz: Bino, I cant think of anything Id like more.
Bino: Put her in the car.
Liz: No. No! No! Ressler!
[ Liz reaches for Resslers hand, pulls it toward her as she is taken away ]
Bino: [ To the Surgeon ] You. That man never wakes up.
Surgeon: Hmm?
Bino: Whatever you did, undo it and get rid of him.
[ They put Liz into a truck. Bino gets in next to her ] [ Engine starts ] [ The truck pulls away ]

[ A black SUV pulls up to the restaurant ]
[ The Surgeon prepares to inject Ressler in the neck ]
Agent Park: FBI! Show me your hands! Hands!
[ The Surgeon grabs a gun ]
Aram: No, stop! Hands! Stop! No! Put it down!
[ The Surgeon puts the gun down ]
Park: Shes not here.
Aram: Ressler, dont, uh Dont try to move. Helps on the way, okay?
Ressler: [ Barely audible ] Castle.
Park: Whats he saying?
Ressler: [ Louder ] Keen, The Castle.

[ The ambulance pulls up ]
Park: Hey, here, over here! Hes not breathing properly.
[ Arams cell phone rings

Aram: Hello?
Red: Elizabeth. Is she there?
Aram: No. Uh, but Agent Ressler is here. Uh, hes injured, but EMTs are on site.
Red: But no word on Elizabeth?
Aram: No, we dont know where she is, but, uh, Ressler said something about a castle? Does that mean anything to you?
Red: I can look into it. Tell Donald to stay in the light. Ill call you when we know more.
[ Call ends
Red: The Castle. Bino took Elizabeth back to his club.

Townsend: [ Over phone ] I understand. You did the right thing by calling.
Bino: I hope youll accept my apology. Reddington intentionally misled me. Of course Id never agree to intervene if Id known you were involved.
Townsend: And you have Keen?
Bino: With me now. I understand your people are in the Ward?
Townsend: So am I. This is something that Im handling personally.
Bino: Even better. I have a small club where I do business. Ill send you the address. Keen will be waiting when you arrive. And, Mr. Townsend, I really do appreciate your understanding. This was all an unfortunate mistake.
[ Line beeps

] Hello?

[ Ressler is loaded into the ambulance as Park and Aram watch ]
[ Black Sabbaths Solitude plays ]

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Cooper: [ On phone ] Castle. What does that mean?
Park: We dont know. A place? Maybe some kind of safe house?
Cooper: Whatever it is, if thats where Bino took Keen, we need to find it fast.

[ The Castle ]
Liz: Hes gonna kill me for something I had nothing to do with. That doesnt bother you?
Bino: You sound surprised.
Liz: You own a chess club. You like the game. Im the pawn, and youre serving me up for the slaughter.
Bino: Its a gambit. You know that term? Its when a player sacrifices a piece in order to gain a positional advantage later in the match.
Liz: [ Laughs ]
Bino: A calculated risk.
Liz: And what advantage are you hoping to get exactly?
Bino: Are you kidding? Were talking about Neville Townsend, the one man powerful enough to make Raymond Reddington think twice. Look around. I may be small time, but that does not mean that I dont have big-time aspirations. A man like Neville Townsend snaps his fingers and my life changes.
Liz: Or it ends completely.
Bino: Like I said, a calculated risk. And all things considered, I like my chances.
Liz: You dont know him. I do.
Bino: Apparently, youre really important to him. So important that he came to take care of you in person. It seems to me that hed be very grateful to a guy like me for making it easy.
Liz: Thats not how he thinks.
[ Pounding on door ]
Bino: They mustve gone around the back.
Liz: Im telling you, hes gonna kill us both.
Bino: Well soon find out. Open it.

Nothing can please me
Only thoughts are of you

[ The double doors open with a barrage of

[ Red and Dembe demolish all of Binos men, leaving him standing alone ]
Red: I have to say, Im finding it hard to resist a chess pun in this moment. I mean, if you cant say checkmate at a time like this Checkmate. [
Red shoots Bino ]
[ Liz has grabbed a gun and points it at Red ]
Liz: Drop your gun.
[ Dembe points his gun at Liz ]

Ive not stopped crying since you went away

Red: Elizabeth, Im certainly not looking for a thank you, but this does seem uncalled for.
Liz: Why? Because you saved me? From a man I didnt know, who only wanted to kill me because of you? I cant take it anymore.
Red: Youre not wrong. I understand your anger.
Liz: Theyre all dead because of you. Tom, Esi, Jennifer, my mother.
Dembe: Elizabeth, please. We have to go. Put the gun down.
Red: Yes, theyre all dead. I tried to tell you that this is what would happen. Everything Ive been afraid of, everything I came into your life to prevent, its happening. Secrets Ive been keeping because to tell them would mean dangerous people like Townsend would stop at nothing to kill you and your daughter. And now some of those secrets are out, and they are coming. Im sorry. Ive tried so hard for so long to protect you from all of this. And Ive failed.
[ Liz lowers her gun ]

Memories I have remind me of you


Tires screech

Of you
Of you

[ Dembe looks outside through the blinds. Townsend and his men are piling out of their vehicles ]
Dembe: Raymond, were out of time.
Red: We have a car nearby.
Dembe: Theyre coming front and back.
Red: That doesnt sound good under any circumstances.
[ Pounding on door ]

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8:1 End Balthazar Bino Baker

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Episode Songs

Check Tunefind for any additional music for this episode

The Tale of Tsar Saltan: Flight of the Bumblebee
Composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Performed by Katica Illényi

[ Instrumental ]

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Youre Somebody Else
By Flora Cash

I saw the part of you
That only when youre older you will see too
You will see too
I held the better cards
But every stroke of luck has got a bleed through
Its got a bleed through
You held the balance of the time
That only blindly I could read you
But I could read you
Its like you told me
Go forward slowly
Its not a race to the end

Well you look like yourself
But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now youre making me nervous

You were the better part
Of every bit of beating heart that I had
Whatever I had
I finally sat alone
Pitch black flesh and bone
Couldnt believe that you were gone

Well you look like yourself
But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now youre making me nervous

Well you look like yourself
But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now youre making me nervous

Where are we?
Where are we?

Well you look like yourself
But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now youre making me nervous

Well you look like yourself
But youre somebody else
Only it aint on the surface
Well you talk like yourself
No, I hear someone else though
Now youre making me nervous

I saw the part of you that only when youre older
You will see too, you will see too

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By Black Sabbath

[Verse 1]
My name it means nothing, my fortune is less
My future is shrouded in dark wilderness
Sunshine is far away, clouds linger on
Everything I possessed, now, they are gone
They are gone, they are gone

[Verse 2]
Oh, where can I go to and what can I do?
Nothing can please me, only thoughts are of you
You just laughed when I begged you to stay
Ive not stopped crying since you went away
You went away, you went away

[Verse 3]
The world is a lonely place, youre on your own
Guess I will go home, sit down and moan
Crying and thinking is all that I do
Memories I have remind me of you
Of you, of you

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Script 8:19 Balthazar Bino Baker // Status: FINAL @NBCBlacklist #TheBlacklist My site: //

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Categories: 1 Script
Tags: 0819, 7th Ward, 819, @NBCBlacklist, Agent Danforth, Agent Paula Danforth, Anton Mobley, Arthur, Bumblebee (Flight of the), Flight of the Bumblebee, Babe Ruth, Babe Ruth (more hits than), backup, Baker, Balthazar Bino Baker, Bambino, baton, Bino Baker, bipolar, Blacklist, Boone, bureaucratic protocol, cargo, cargo (precious), Castle, chauvinistic, checkmate, chess, chess club, chess pun, Chester, Chinese restaurant, Chinese surgeon, collapsed lung, contraband, convoy, convoy (decoy), convoy (FBI), convoy (federal), convoy down, Danforth, DC, decoy convoy, delivery network, Delores Knapp, dominoes, dominos, door (hidden), double standard, duct tape, Elizabeth Keen, enforcer, Episode 19, fake Metro PD, fake MPD, FBI convoy, federal convoy, finders fee, friends (Reddington has no), gambit, gambling, gangster, Greek Gift Sacrifice, hand-off, hearse, hidden door, hit man, honey, I am not leaving you, Im the pawn, Ive failed, If you die Im gonna kill you, insane, insane (Hes totally), insanity, James Spader, Keen, Keenler, Knapp, Korsakov, light (stay in the), Liz, Liz/Ressler, Lizzie, Lizzy, lunatic, lung (collapsed), machine politics, madman, madman (We work for a), manic-depressive, meds, Megan Boone, Metro PD (fake), mob, Mobley, mobsters, Moms Wimbley, money laundering, more hits than Babe Ruth, MPD (fake), muscle, NBC, network (delivery), Neville Townsend, Outpost, Paula Danforth, pawn, payday loans, pipeline, poise and ingenuity, precious cargo, psychotic, Raymond, Red, Red (rules are different for), Red says hes failed to keep Liz safe, Reddington, Reddington has no friends, Ressler blames himself, Ressler shot, Ressler/Liz, rules are different for Reddington, runners, S08E19, S8E19, script, Season 8, secrets, Seventh Ward, sewer system only with cash, Shanghai Palace, smuggling, Spader, stay in the light, Stevens, surgeon, tax evasion, Tell Donald to stay in the light, The Blacklist, The Castle, The Outpost, Townsend, tunnels, underground chess club, underground hospital, Vandyke, Walter Stevens, ward boss, Washington DC, We work for a madman, Wimbley (Moms), Youre just the first domino

The Blacklist Declassified

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