Can I upgrade from El Capitan to Sierra

MacBook Pro? I have one. Actually, I have multiple MacBook Pros, I only buy newer versions when I think I have to upgrade my device. My current MacBook Pro has the OS X El Capitan. I want to get an upgrade to a macOS Sierra. Can I upgrade from el capitan to sierra? Is it actually worth it? Or should I stay with OS X El Capitan? Can you give me a comparison between the two?

El Capitan vs Sierra: there are its own drawbacks and benefits. And if you’re thinking about should I upgrade from el capitan to high sierra, then you’re looking at the right guide. We’re going to look into detail about how the macOS Sierra compares to the previous OS X El Capitan. By the end of this guide, you’ll know if Sierra is actually worth the wait. Before we actually start with the comparison, you have to know that macOS Sierra runs on almost any Mac bought after 2009. Plus, you can only make an upgrade from OS X El Capitan. You can’t skip El Capitan and run from Yosemite to macOS Sierra immediately. Now, let’s start with the comparison.

Contents: Part 1. Is It Worth Upgrading from El Capitan to Sierra?Part 2. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of FeaturesPart 3. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of PerformancePart 4. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of System Requirements

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Part 1. Is It Worth Upgrading from El Capitan to Sierra?

OS X El Capitan vs macOS Sierra: should I upgrade? We will be giving you a comparison of the performance, features, and system requirements of both El Capitan and macOS Sierra. These are the most common criteria used when making a decision as to whether you should keep El Capitan or upgrade to Sierra. Some measurements included in this guide are actually approximations. It might be different for a specific type of Mac device (e.g. battery life). The said metric depends a lot on the age of the Mac device and its usage intensity as well.

Part 2. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of Features

Cross-Device Syncing On iCloud

El Capitan allows you to sync the usual stuff across multiple devices so that you can remove your purgeable space on Mac. These include Calendars, Notes, and Messages. On the other hand, macOS Sierra has added new folders for syncing. These folders include Documents and Desktop.


El Capitan does not have Siri in it. However, with macOS Sierra, Siri is available.

Apple Pay

El Capitan doesn’t have an Apple Pay feature within it. However, macOS Sierra has this feature and it works very well within it.

Management Of Space

When it comes to El Capitan’s space management, you have to do it yourself by being organized when it comes to your files and folders.

However, macOS Sierra gives you the Optimized Storage feature. Plus, it comes with features for cleaning.

Apple Watch Unlock

El Capitan doesn’t have the Apple Watch Unlock feature. However, macOS Sierra has it and it works perfectly fine.

As you might have noticed, macOS Sierra is filled with a lot of new features. Some can be taken advantage of if you have multiple Apple devices such as the Apple Watch or the iPhone. The Optimized Storage feature has taken storage maintenance to a whole new level.

Tip: A Powerful Tool Helps Your System Run Smoothly

If you wish to ensure that your system runs smoothly after installing one of these two versions, you have to use third-party applications such as a PowerMyMac. This is because your system might contain a lot of junk that’s causing it to slow down because it is already clogged up.

PowerMyMac helps to enhance the performance of your Mac by speeding up the entire device’ processes. It helps to allows you to scan your Mac device and clean up unnecessary files that clogs up your device and causes it to slow down.

Get A Free Trial Now!

Another new feature you can find in the Sierra is the helpful assistant Siri. Although the assistant can’t do all the tasks for you, it can still help you find the files you need on your Mac device. Plus, it can help you find restaurants you might want to go to for a birthday dinner.

Part 3. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of Performance

Speed Test

The El Capitan works with fine especially when you have more than enough disk space that is about 10% or higher. On the other hand, the macOS Sierra runs better and faster on new Mac devices. Plus, it looks snappier maybe because it’s a new system that appears cleaner.

Battery Life

The battery life of OS X El Capitan is approximately 6 to 7 hours on a MacBook Air bought in 2013. However, it has a shorter lifespan on macOS Sierra (for the same device). This is at 5 to 6 hours of battery life. Although, this is a usual trend that happens when you upgrade your OS X.


When it comes to security, El Capitan is already solid. However, macOS Sierra does it better with 65 security fixes.

When it comes to performance, thinking about which is more powerful or faster, it’s difficult to judge both versions. However, a new system might be snappier and have faster responses. This can be due to the fact that it’s a new version and the faster response might be lost in a year or two.

Let’s talk about system requirements then.

Part 4. El Capitan vs Sierra: Comparison Of System Requirements

RAM (Memory)

El Capitan and macOS Sierra requires 2GB of RAM.

Storage Space

Both OS X El Capitan and macOS Sierra requires a free storage space of 8.8GB.

Hardware (Or Mac Models)

OS X El Capitan will work on models starting late 2008 (and higher). However, macOS Sierra requires models from late 2009. But mostly, it works in models from 2010.

You can actually check out Apple’s Support Page to ensure that your Mac model is compatible with macOS Sierra.

To sum it all up on El Capitan vs Sierra, you can actually have a macOS Sierra if you check out the system requirements and your Mac model is from late 2009 (or higher). It is a pretty solid version of the macOS and can be a great upgrade to that of El Capitan. Finally, if you really want to get an upgrade of your OS X, ensure that you use PowerMyMac to ensure your device is in tip-top condition.

What can El Capitan be upgraded to?

If you're running High Sierra (10.13), Sierra (10.12), or El Capitan (10.11), upgrade to macOS Catalina from the App Store.

Can I update directly from El Capitan to High Sierra?

Can I upgrade to Sierra from El Capitan? On some computers and devices yes. But in 2020, it's much more difficult, as Apple have released multiple versions since then. All devices that run macOS Sierra can run 'High Sierra', which is available from the App Store.

What is the next upgrade after El Capitan 10.11 6?

El Capitan was replaced by Sierra 10.12, High Sierra 10.13 and the current release, macOS 10.14 Mojave.

Can I update El Capitan to Monterey?

If you are running OS X Mavericks or Yosemite you may need to upgrade to OS X El Capitan first before you can upgrade to macOS Monterey. If you happen to be using OS X Mountain Lion on a Mac that meets the hardware requirements, you need to upgrade to OS X El Capitan first, and then you can upgrade to macOS Monterey.

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