Can Windows 7 connect to Windows 10 Remote Desktop?

Hi all,

this is the first time I've ever really tried to do networking stuff, but if every tutorial I've found online is to be believed, it really shouldn't be this hard haha.

I have a Windows 7 64bit desktop and a Windows 10 64bit laptop. I'd like to run Chrome on my Windows 10 laptop and access it from my desktop so I can not have a browser running on my desktop, taking up all my ram.

So I went to system properties on the Desktop, made a workgroup name, already had a computer name. Rebooted. Did the same on the laptop with the same workgroup name.

I can see the laptop under my Network, and I can access the files on it in the shared user folder. This is the first time I've ever did this so I'm really happy! Haha.

But if I right click and go to "Connect with Remote Desktop Connection" I am given the old "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:" and I'm sure you know the rest of it.

Now yes I did go onto the laptop and click allow Remote connections.

I also tried turning off both of my firewalls (didn't try fully disabling Windows Defender, just the firewall part).

Other than that, every troubleshooting thing I find seems to just be repeating the same steps, which I've tried over and over all morning.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

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