CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach reviews

We do not only work with individuals suffering existing injuries, pain or health roadblocks. We work with anyone who has a goal and prioritize their programs to include high level assessments so as to prevent injury. We know that injury is a certain hurdle for any athlete or person aiming to excel in their sport or fitness goals.

Assessment techniques include Infant Development to identify developmental issues, a Primal Pattern() assessment to assess movements essential to life and sports performance, orthopedic assessments and physiological loads to determine stress levels in clients.

The CHEK program has the most complete assessment system in the world of fitness and wellness. We assess posture, length tension relationships, perform movement screening, biomechanics, derma tones, visceral systematic reflexes, nutritional and lifestyle screening, hormonal, emotional and spiritual factors, spinal pathologies and upper cervical anomalies. In all cases we do this before an injury occurs.

This gives us an approach called surrounding the dragon. If we can identify what the problem is then we have a way of strategizing and hitting the problem from multiple angles, rather than just using one tool or one system. The body is a system of systems and must be approached as such.

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