Clean bill of health là gì năm 2024

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(kliːn) adjective

1. free from dirt, smoke etc. a clean window; a clean dress.

2. neat and tidy in one's habits. Cats are very clean animals.

3. unused. a clean sheet of paper.

4. free from evil or indecency. a clean life; keep your language clean!

5. neat and even. a clean cut.


completely. He got clean away.


to (cause to) become free from dirt etc. Will you clean the windows?

ˈcleaner nounˈcleanly adverb

The knife cut cleanly through the cheese.

cleanly (ˈklenli) adjective

clean in personal habits.

ˈcleanliness (ˈklen-) nounclean up

to clean (a place) thoroughly. She cleaned (the room) up after they went home.

a clean bill of health

a certificate saying that a person, the crew of ship etc is entirely healthy (especially after being ill). I've been off work but I've got a clean bill of health now.

a clean slate

a fresh start. After being in prison he started his new job with a clean slate.

come clean

to tell the truth about something, often about something about which one has previously lied.

make a clean sweep

to get rid of everything unnecessary or unwanted. The new manager made a clean sweep of all the lazy people in the department.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

The idiom ‘Clean Bill of Health’ meaning is that a person, system or organisation has been examined and found in good condition, without facing any significant problems or issues. This term is mostly used in medical examinations to indicate that a person is healthy and free from any disease or medical conditions.

Also read – Tuck In Idiom Meaning

The use of this term is not limited to the medical field only. It can be used in a much broader sense and various other contexts to indicate that someone or something has been thoroughly inspected, examined or reviewed and has been determined to be satisfactory or without any negative consequences. Here are some examples of this term that can be used in various situations.

  • ‘All the athletes were asked to undergo a rigorous medical test before the competition to receive a clean bill of health, which is important for their participation.
  • The auditors carefully reviewed the company’s financial statements and issued a clean bill of health, which confirmed the accuracy of their records.’
  • ‘The water quality tests resulted in a clean bill of health for the local river, assuring locals that the water was safe for consumption and recreational use.’
  • ‘The safety protocols of the school received a clean bill of health after the inspection by the Fire and Rescue Department.’

Also read – By and By Idiom Meaning

Clean Bill of Health Synonyms

The phrase ‘clean bill of health’ has a lot of similar words and phrases that can be used interchangeably, Here are some of the popular terms that can be used in place of this term.

  • Approval
  • Pats on the back
  • Endorsements
  • Rubber stamps
  • Blessings

Clean Bill of Health Quiz

The annual physical exam gave him a clean bill of health and

  1. Motivated him to maintain good physical health
  2. Encouraged him to eat junk food
  3. He stopped working out

Ans. Motivated him to maintain good physical health.

Also read – Bristle With Rage Meaning

This was all about the phrase clean bill of health meaning with examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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The boat was fully searched on its arrival, given a clean bill of health and the four men went home.

It is much better that there is a clean bill of health rather than a continuation of rumours.

By and large, he gave the sector a clean bill of health.

In fact, it has given them a clean bill of health.

I do not think he can possibly give a clean bill of health in this way.

Presumably, he gave a clean bill of health to those centres.

At the end of that time, after further tests, they were given a clean bill of health and went elsewhere throughout the country.

I also worried that voluntary organisations would be unable to ensure that volunteers had a clean bill of health.

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