colossus là gì - Nghĩa của từ colossus

colossus có nghĩa là

Any of the 16 antagonists in SotC. The colossi are imposing creatures made of stone and dark fur resembling grass. Surprisingly, not all of them are huge in size, but they still require thinking to find and exploit their magic sigils, where they must be struck by with the ancient sword.


A glowing pattern of light similar to the design on Wander's tabard, the Sigil must be struck to slay the colossi. Striking these points does great damage to a colossus and are the only way of mortally wounding them. Some sigils will vanish after a certain amount of damage has been done, forcing Wander to find the other sigils.

colossus có nghĩa là

Created by the brilliant Team ICO, under direction of Fumito Ueda, Shadow of the Colossus is the worthy sequal (or prequal, however you want to interprete the timeline) to ICO, an underrated masterpiece of a videogame released for the PS2 back in 2001.
Shadow of the Colossus is set in the ICO universe, an undetermined number of years before the events of ICO itself, and features a lone warrior (Wander), his trusty steed (Agro),recently deceased girlfriend (Mono) and 16 mysterious beasts (Colossi). These, for the vast majority of the game, are the only characters involved. The story is the simplest of tales of love: Wander is tasked with the slaying of all 16 colossi (with just a sword, bow and arrows) in order to bring his girlfriend back to life.
Shadow of the Colossus is a testament to the brilliance of Fumito Ueda and Team ICO, turning such a simple premise into one of the greatest videogames of all time, and the game oozes the jaw-dropping artistic direction that only Fumito Ueda can produce.
This game is at once epic, haunting and lonely. A masterpiece that should be enjoyed by all people of all backgrounds.

As a side note, Shadow of the Colossus sold significantly more copies than ICO because of the increased emphasis on violence, however somehow I think Rockstar will sleep easy tonight.


Boy: Hey, what game is that?

Gamer: Shadow of the Colossus.

Boy: It looks amazing, with an unrivalled art direction and real sense of loneliness to the landscape. The sound effects are haunting and the emotive architechture is a really subtle touch. You really made a good investment with this game!

Gamer: ....I only bought it because the box was made out of cardboard...

colossus có nghĩa là

A fucking great game. Better than any pussy ass ps3 or 360 game. This fucker had you killing 16 bad ass bosses in a row in a fucking sexy environment. This game is the greatest game i ever played. Man, After playing this game you'll want to burn the box and inject the smoldering ashes into your retina. And check out this mutha fucka, the third in the series is coming out soon. Jesus I almost had a heart attack and a stroke when I heard this shit. Fuckin' Japs man, They make killer games. For the PS2, and its only $20, TWENTY DOLLARS. MAN YOU COULD BUY A SPAYED CAT OR BUY THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE.


Harley: Hey man I just bought MW2 wanna play? Jack: No, ill play Shadow Of The Colossus, the game that'll rape your mother and kill your dog. Harley:....

colossus có nghĩa là

Peter Rasputin. A member of the X-Men who could change his skin to organic steel. Romantically involved with Shadowcat, A.K.A. Kitty Pryde, and with Zsaji, the alien healer. Killed while testing the cure for the Legacy Virus.


Poor old Colossus- he died for the team.

colossus có nghĩa là

George Herman Ruth Junior aka Babe Ruth As heard in the 1993 movie The Sandlot


Smalls: I was gonna put the ball back.
Squints: But it was signed by Babe Ruth!
Smalls: Yeah, you keep telling me that! Who is she?
Ham Porter: WHAT? WHAT?
Kenny: The sultan of swat!
Bertram: The king of crash!
Timmy: The colossus of clout!
Tommy: The colossus of clout!
Smalls: Oh my god! You mean that's the same guy?

colossus có nghĩa là

Being incredibly strong, like the marvel super hero


Ive been working out so now im Colossus and i could destroy you

colossus có nghĩa là

An amazing coaster at thorpe park.You fall out in the inlines.


Colossus is good and i love it not like alton towers which is poo.

colossus có nghĩa là

Noun. Embarassingly big object.
Can only be used when in the presence of the object, so the owner or object itself can hear, yet not understand the context.


John, did you cycle in on your colossus today? That number 6 has a colossus following him around in the scrum!

colossus có nghĩa là

Colossus is a superhero badass with incresdible strength and amazingly good speed for his metallic organic steel. But the poor guy took one for the team and died by the legacy virus PS he came back and kicked everyone's ass


That Colossus is heroic

colossus có nghĩa là

The act crying, vomiting, urinating, defecating, and sneezing simultaneously. Other bodily functions that qualify for the colossus are: coughing, belching, farting, sharting, or bleeding. Note: a mini-colossus is the combination of any thee functions at once.


Gross, dude, did you just colossus?

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