Come back down to earth là gì năm 2024

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcome back/down to earth (with a bump)come back/down to earth (with a bump)REAL/NOT IMAGINARYto stop behaving or living in a way that is not practical She soon brought him back down to earth. → earthExamples from the Corpuscome back/down to earth (with a bump)• Adai can come back to Earth after Gog is dead - after I am dead, perhaps.• They recently have come down to Earth.• Maybe, but the once pricey products that use this satellite technology have come down to earth.• Peter Lilley came down to earth.• In Karuzi you quickly come down to earth.• AIr travellers came down to earth with a bump when they joined in some charity aerobics.

This is a down-to-earth book, full of data, suggestions on therapeutic interventions, and with a good index.

The book is very logically organized, in line with its down-to-earth subject.

Here, then, is medium as passive matter: down-to-earth, brisk, appreciative of good food, and reassuringly ignorant.

A down-to-earth issue is to try to solve the main obstacle in the interaction between human and computer.

It may be a good exercise to unravel this definition in down-to-earth terms.

Much of the early comedy in the film revolves around the strained relationship between the coarse, down-to-earth father and the effete and otherworldly son.

Packed with anecdotes and quotes, and exhaustively researched, its appropriately down-to-earth and exuberant style makes enjoyable reading.

Regarding more down-to-earth issues, the prose is clear and easy to read.

A convenient, memorable term thus came to function as a marketing device, an easy and down-to-earth moniker around which outof-this-world beliefs could cluster and be sold to a wide audience.

I wish to associate myself with many of his comments about a "down-to-earth slog".

His incisive mind and clear down-to-earth temperament were of tremendous value to that inquiry and made a very deep impression.

It strikes me as a wholly admirable document which puts this emotionally charged subject into a down-to-earth, realistic perspective.

Once again, the best brains eschewed more down-to-earth and relevant studies.

The down-to-earth, practical business people who work in small and medium-sized enterprises realise that.

The time has come when priorities, particularly between science and more down-to-earth technology, must be reassessed.

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