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I have heard elsewhere that "books are the world". Indeed, books are miniature worlds, allowing us to experience and feel many different emotions. Through emotional stories, each person draws his or her own lessons. For me the book on the headboard, my favorite book is "The young banana tree wearing green shoes" by writer Nguyen Nhat Anh.

The story begins naturally logically. Dang is also the main character in the work that received a friend's suggestion: "You wrote me a story about your memories when you were here ... You wrote so dreamily. As good as writing a novel. At the request of my friend, Dang started to write, that was the time for many old, clear, innocent memories of my childhood to rush: friendship, love, affection for teachers and students. Those memories are so beautiful, so dreamy and so respectful.

In the story, what impressed me most is the journey of childhood and the development of friendship from the love of Dang and small Tham. Innocent children, innocent together during their childhood: drowned, they went to swimming lessons, protected each other from bad guys, went to school together, laughed together, ... and they were embarrassed. shy, embarrassed to hear jokes and jokes from others. But above all it is the attention, sincere help and earnest. I was extremely surprised, surprised with the innocent but also sincere action of the little uncle Khoi, Phan ... when Tham was forced to marry someone his parents match. It is also the infinite love of Tham's mother for her child. It is no one else but the lady who posted the paper in front of her house with the content against the backward marriage. How generous and how great the mother is. She knew that if she was undoubtedly small, Tham would be hit, so she volunteered to do it to protect the child from her whip.

The work also shows the love of people, the meaning of the village and the neighbors. He cut his hair just like Mr. Ba Be, but my parents still threatened me whenever I broke down. He teased children in the village, his mouth chewing betel nut red and terrifying all the children in the village. But when he saw Dang and Tham fell into the water and was about to drown, he rushed to save them. Behind that crazy person is all such a kind and honest heart.

And there are many small, extremely ordinary stories in the story that one can read once and never forget. Perhaps when reading this book, the rural children will like to relive their innocent, innocent memories. Only small stories, small stories full of humanity and full of love.

The story is written in a soft, deep voice, imbued with the lyric nature. The simple, natural and Southern language makes readers feel loved and close. Not only that, Nguyen Nhat Anh also created unique situations, unexpected details to make the story more attractive and interesting.

Closing the book, what's left in everyone's heart is not only a loving, sincere literary voice, but also by a deep, touching human affection, by innocent, innocent but utterly sincere thoughts. Through the work, not only me but many other friends will draw their own lessons: lessons about friendship, affection for neighbors, about love for families, ...

The article still has many mistakes, please understand

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