Dr dennis alpha beta peel review

As soon as I heard this, I was eager to try it. My dehydrated, aging skin was in need of some TLC (especially after exfoliategate). So, I jumped right in and starting using the product every night for a week. The packaging is neat and tidy. Both wipes come in a pack, so you’ll never misplace the pair and it makes for easy application. You can apply either morning or night. I originally chose night to minimize any potential redness. My skin was a little splotchy after the first two uses, but it faded quickly and I was even able to apply in the morning with no issue after the first few days.

The results? I noticed a difference after the first use, no exaggeration. My skin texture felt smoother, but not tight like it once had with my old scrubs. So far, I’ve seen that my pores are smaller, my skin is more supple and a stubborn acne scar on my nose has begun to fade. And I’m not the only one: “Amazing product. My skin in my 30s looks better than it did in my 20s,” raves one reviewer. “This is literally the best thing created in the skin care industry,” says yet another. But out of all the benefits, I’m most blown away by how universally beneficial this peel seems to be. Numerous people say it’s the only thing that treats their cystic acne, and others attest that it has changed the texture of their skin completely. Name any skin concern and there’s a person claiming this peel cures it.

My only qualms are that it’s not exactly environmentally friendly, however the team at Dr. Dennis Gross let me know that they are actively working with vendors and partners to test new biodegradable and compostable materials with the goal to fully transition their peels by 2025 (good news!). The price is also steep for a month’s worth of product, but something I could get past due to the fact that it tackles several skin concerns at once. TLDR; your skin barrier will thank you.

*12-week study conducted on 27 subjects ages 41 to 65 years old with Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-VI (USA 2021)

Rejuvenate tired, dull skin instantly and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with Dr Gross AB Universal Daily Peel home treatment suitable for all types of skin.

This easy 2-part formula is the home version of the skin peels Dr. Gross gives his clients at his New York City practice. Simple to apply the first part of the peel for effective acid exfoliation then proceed to step 2 for alpha hydroxy acid activity and anti-ageing action. This simple-to-use formula leaves skin smooth, evenly-toned, radiant and youthful.

Its blend of 5 exfoliating acids speed the dead cell shedding process, unclog pores and improves skin texture making this peel an ideal formula for first-time users.

Apply both components on a daily basis ensuring that skin is dry and avoiding contact with eyes. Do not rinse skin after application and use sunscreen if going out after treatment to prevent sun ageing.

Key Benefits

  • Revives skin and reduces appearance of fine lines
  • Easy 2-step home peel based on Dr. Gross clinic technique
  • Simple to use
  • Powerful yet effective for daily use
  • Suitable for all skin types





I rang in 28 last August and here’s a quick glimpse into what the last six months of my life have looked like. My hangovers? Now last seven to 10 business days. My idea of a good time? Making dinner reservations before 7 p.m. so I can abide by my newly-enforced 10 p.m. bedtime. My wrinkles? Getting a little too cocky and growing some serious roots on my forehead. Could that be a side effect of me raising my brows multiple times a day at the price of home decor? Probably.

For the first time in my entire life, my face is showing signs of aging. It’s a little terrifying and has prompted me to take a long, hard look at my skincare routine. Out: products that I haven’t seen results with despite multiple months (years) of use. In: do-it-all products that actually make a difference. So when I got rid of all of the products that were seemingly doing nothing for my skin, I was looking to add that one hidden gem product that would fix everything. And when my coworker told me that the Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads “literally erased” her wrinkles, I knew I had to get my paws on a box and try them for myself.

Dr. Dennis Gross

With 5 AHA/BHAs, this at-home, two-step peel does it all. Step one immediately boosts radiance, targets pores, diminishes fine lines, and evens out tone and texture while step two neutralizes while hydrating and delivering anti-aging actives for smooth, even, balanced skin.

Plus, get a free cleanser and moisturizer with purchase with code EVERYGIRL!

About my skin:

Plain and simple: at the start of this Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pad Journey, I was feeling… not good about my skin. I had random breakouts that I couldn’t link to anything except probably stress, wrinkles that were popping up out of nowhere, and enlarged pore size which, until this year I never paid any mind to. I looked pale and tired which led to me relying a lot on makeup and self-tanner to make me look alive (hence why I look like a strange shade of orange in my before pics, RIP), only for my foundation to cake into my pores and fine lines which made me want to throw my skincare routine out the window and start fresh.

The truth is, I’m too busy, lazy, and frugal to drop thousands on pricey treatments or a new skincare routine and I wanted to be realistic on how I approached my maturing-face journey. I’ve heard my coworkers sing the praises of the Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads for years but once I was in the market for a revamp, they were top of mind and I knew that I had to put their rave reviews to the test.

About the product:

I’ve never used anything like the Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads (and I’ve never had a chemical peel before) so when the box arrived, I (surprisingly and uncharacteristically) read the instructions and got to work. Here’s the sitch:

What it is

The Alpha Beta® Daily Peel is a fast-acting, two-step daily treatment with AHAs and BHAs to boost radiance, smooth fine lines, refine pores, and improve tone and texture with no downtime. They offer a range of peels (Ultra Gentle, Universal, and Extra Strength) for different skin types and they’re the easiest way to bring the dermatologist office home.

How it works

After you take their online Peel Quiz and take them up on their free virtual consultation, you pick your peel and get started. I opted for the Universal option based on their recommendation (this option is typically best for first-time peelers).

AHAs in the product help to accelerate cell turnover to remove surface dullness and promote healthy, radiant skin—plus, they gently but effectively exfoliate to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles. The combination of AHAs and BHAs gently exfoliate the outermost layer of dead skin cells to reveal fresh, smooth, younger-looking skin… sign me up. They also contain hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump and green tea extract to calm the skin and provide antioxidant protection.

Where to fit it in your routine

One of my number one reasons for giving this product a try was because I read that I wouldn’t have to revamp my entire routine to give these a go. It’s considered a liquid so they recommend using it after your cleanser and LED light therapy and before serums, lotions, creams, ointments, and SPF.

How to use it

Just like the professional treatment, these at-home peels have two steps: the first step (wipe) exfoliates and smooths skin and the second step (wipe) neutralizes and delivers anti-aging ingredients. You use the first wipe until it’s dry, wait two minutes, and then repeat with wipe number two.

Dr. Dennis Gross suggests that first-time peel users may apply every other day until your skin becomes acclimated and then once you’ve introduced it with no sensitivities, they recommend using these daily either in the morning or night.

If you’re skin cycling, you can use it on your first night when you exfoliate, but for best results, they speak more favorably about consistent use.

And for my retinol babes out there: Because this two-step chemical peel features multiple acids at low concentrations, you can typically . If you have sensitive skin and/or are worried about irritation, you can also use the peel in the morning and the retinol at night which is what I’ll do once I add in retinol into my routine.

The verdict

First impressions

I tried these for the first time on a gloomy Thursday evening and, after washing my face, applying my toner, and reading the instructions, I eased them onto my face. My skin isn’t sensitive typically but, whenever I try something new, I proceed with caution, especially because I’ve never tried anything like this before.

I opened wipe one (which was honestly super satisfying) and got to work. I used that first wipe for about a minute and a half before I noticed it drying out, watched a TikTok (read: waited two minutes) and then opened up wipe two and repeated that same process. I’m not sure why, but I anticipated some burning which was not the case. It was super gentle and truly felt like a thin makeup wipe.

I followed up with the rest of my routine: vitamin C serum, moisturizer, and eye cream. Then I walked away to change into my PJs and came back and gasped. I was glowing. Like, the type of glow I have in the summertime, in the middle of winter. My jaw was on the floor. I was expecting some change after a few weeks of use but I did not have immediate gratification on my 2023 Skincare Bingo Card.

After three weeks of use

I’ve been using the Alpha Beta® Universal Daily Peel for a few weeks now and I can honestly say, this product has completely transformed my skin for the better. Maybe my expectations were low because I had been using products with little-to-no payoff previously but, damn. This stuff actually does what it says it does. My pores are smaller, my skin is noticeably more radiant, and my wrinkles are less prominent. I have an apparent glow without makeup or self-tanner which has really helped me to embrace my face without all of the added products (and filters).

I’ve also come to find myself looking forward to using them every night—and that’s coming from someone who typically dreads doing a skincare routine at night. What can I say… by the time I get to it, I’m typically to drained and tired to care to do it but because I find the peel pad process so fun and satisfying, I’ve prioritized it earlier in the evening and have overall been more consistent with my nighttime skincare.

TLDR: Do you need it?

After one use of this two-step peel, I actually said aloud to my boyfriend, “welp, guess I’m buying these until the end of time.” My coworkers never lead me astray so I wasn’t shocked to find that they were right in hyping them up and now, I consider this product a holy grail and can’t stop talking about them. Because they have so many benefits and different strengths, there’s truly something in it for everyone. Plus, right now, you can get a free cleanser and moisturizer with purchase which is a win-win situation if I’ve ever heard of one.

Take the quiz and shop the peels:

Looking to try an Alpha Beta® Daily Peel for yourself? Dr. Dennis Gross has an awesome feature on their site that helped me to take the guesswork out of where to start. Just take their Peel Quiz which asks questions about your skin type, skin sensitivity, peel history, and skincare concerns and shop their recommendation below:

Dr. Dennis Gross

With 5 AHA/BHAs, this peel is best for balanced/combination skin, moderate signs of aging, or blemish concerns—ideal for first time peelers who don't have sensitive skin.

Dr. Dennis Gross

With 7 AHA/BHAs, this peel is best for combination/oily skin, advanced aging, or blemish concerns to dramatically boost radiance, refine pores, clear breakouts, and smooth lines and wrinkles.

Dr. Dennis Gross

With three AHA/BHAs, this peel is best for dry, dehydrated, or sensitive skin or first time peelers to revive your skin without the risk of irritation.

What do alpha beta peels do?

ALPHA BETA PEEL It is a type of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) often used in skincare products due to its natural exfoliating and skin-renewing properties. Glycolic acid targets some of the most common skin issues, such as clogged pores and blackheads, dull, dehydrated skin and visible signs of aging.

Does Dr Dennis Gross daily peel work?

The peel has done wonders for my skin! My pores are less congested, and they look smaller. I'm not breaking out nearly as much, and my skin isn't nearly as blotchy. The two steps required for applying the product couldn't be easier, and now that I've discovered these, it's hard to imagine using anything else!

Can I use retinol after Alpha Beta Peel?

Not only is it safe, but the combination of Retinol and Alpha Beta Daily peels will leave your skin glowing! Both our peels and retinol products are designed to be used together. If you have sensitive skin and/or are worried about irritation, you can use the peel in the morning and the retinol at night.

What should I do after Alpha Beta Peel?

Our daily peel changes your skin instantly and for life - no matter what type of skin you have. Immediately boost radiance, smooth fine lines, refine pores, and improve tone and texture. Finish with our daily, moisturizer to smooth the look of pores and hydrate for dewy, smooth, healthy-looking skin.

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