emmaus là gì - Nghĩa của từ emmaus

emmaus có nghĩa là

It's the Snobby Kids School. The Sophmores are hot as hell, freshmen spoiled as fuck. Freshmen wear more heels than my mom does. And the juniors and seniors are actually sort of normal. They pop their collars and they use their daddys money to buy pot. The boys wear pink polos and about 75% of the school is preppy. The bigger the holes are in your jeans, the cooler you are. The drama is unbearable.


They throw mad hot parties, though.


I think i'll go slit my wrists now.

emmaus có nghĩa là

Ranked 87th and 88th best town to live in during 2007 and 2009. Home to Emmaus High School, one of the richest, snobbiest, and well educated schools in the state. 70% of the school is upper-middle class or flat out loaded (all the snobs, jocks, and spoiled kids), 10% think they're ghetto cause they live on the other side of the tracks (1% of that is actually ghetto, typically originally from NY), 10% are hardcore/scene/emo/metal/hipster and the final 10% is smart kids that are poor who get scholarships to good schools and become parents to the other 70%. Has large influx in a newer population from New Jersey and New York. Mostly non-violent town, however the residents love their drugs, especially born from the 80's on, but not as bad as Salisbury and Bethlehem. Known for having good burn runs from the south of emmaus into vera cruz. Nothing ever to do, but close enough to get to Philly or NY. Cops get new cruisers or SUVs more often then rich people get new mercedes. The young population all drive Honda or VW's with fart can mufflers and race them on Lehigh st. people in emmaus like to waste money on something to make them look better than someone else.


I'm visiting family in Emmaus PA, their guest room is bigger than any room in my house/appartment.

emmaus có nghĩa là

Snobby White Kids School. The Sophmores are hot as hell. Freshmen wear more heels than my mom does, and both grades spoiled as fuck. And the juniors and seniors are actually sort of normal. They pop their collars and they use their daddys money to buy pot. The boys wear pink polos and about 75% of the school is preppy. The bigger the holes are in your jeans, the cooler you are. The drama is unbearable.


They throw mad hot parties, though.


emmaus có nghĩa là

the worst and most boring fucking town on the face of the earth. the children are all either stoners, whores, sport assholes, or nerds. fuck emmaus.


awful town of emmaus

emmaus có nghĩa là

Emmaus Memes is a Instagram page that was created by a student/ex-student from Emmaus College Jimboomba aimed at getting back at the school for stupid rules, refusal to do simple things and really really bad fucking choices.


"Hey MR Schweed can you get the bubblers fixed?"
(6 Months later in the middle of summer) "That fucker lied!! Time to make some Emmaus Memes"

emmaus có nghĩa là

The Emmaus Hall (better known as the "Emmaus Golden Ring") is when at least 6 men, all over the age of 65 gather in an empty building, and all sit in a circle, all facing the person in front of them. They all collectively pee at the same time, aiming their penises as to shoot pee over the head of the partner and straight into their mouths.


My grandpa loves participating in the Emmaus Hall golden ring in his spare time.

emmaus có nghĩa là

A private secondary school hidden around a farm, located in the Western Sydney area. The religion practiced is Roman Catholicism. The school is racially diverse and (oddly enough) religiously diverse. All the rich, cookie-cutter ghetto's go here and it's better than its neighbouring high schools like St Clair High or Erskine Park High which is merely filled with bogan junkies and eshays or eshlads. The juniors are real feral degenerates. Teachers are chill and lit but the admins give the biggest dirties.


Example 1
Mr. N: Good morning, Emmaus Catholic College.
All: Good morning, Mr N.
Mr. N: *presents a 20 minute long speech* Example 2
Person: so what school do you go to?
Emmaus student: Emmaus Catholic College.
Person: ... the fuck is that?
Emmaus student: it's a school isolated from the outside world. The school is full of Mac Fags.

emmaus có nghĩa là

All freshman girls are sluts and think their very cool. They have cool parties and get very drunk and ofter to suck guys dick’s all the time. Each girl sends daily nudes to each boy and are very easy to get with. They dye there hair fake blonde and flirt with every boy possible. The freshman boys are gross and hate all the Allentown Central Catholic boys because they “apparently” steal all their girls. The sophmore girls aren’t much better. They have better parties and often try to get with the older boys. Mostly juniors. The sophomores boys are very cute and date girls in their grade. Much better than the freshman class. The junior and seniors mind their own business and are very polite and the girls aren’t hoes like the freshman and sophmore class but they do like to have there fun. Lots of fun parties full of drinking and drugs!!!


Dude 1/ Hey, I’m looking to pick up a girl to get over my last girlfriend. Dude 2/ Try to go for a girl from emmaus high school !! There easy to get with. Dude 1/ Your right!! I already got a hook up date with TWO of them tonight!!

emmaus có nghĩa là

lots of stoners
like a lot of them


Person 1: "you go to emmaus high school?"
Person 2: "yeah"
Person 1: "I always wondered why you smelled like meth"

emmaus có nghĩa là

Emmaus is a quiet, bright up girl that brings happiness to her friends, she usually keeps everything to herself and support her friends. Usually none of the friends understands her true self as she don't show them easily.


Emmaus can be used as any form of sentence

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