Fond of là gì

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Fond đi với giới từ gì? Fond of + v gì? là câu hỏi của rất nhiều người khi học tiếng Anh. Bài viết này, Ngolongnd sẽ giải đáp thắc mắc của các bạn.

Fond đi với giới từ gì? Fond of + v gì?

Fond là gì?

/fɒnd/: trìu mến, thân ái và yêu mến

1having a liking for or love of (someone or something) : thích một ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó rất nhiều; 

She grew quite fond of him.

2doing (something) a lot: thích làm điều gì đó rất nhiều

She’s fond of asking silly questions.

3: [ before noun ]

Many of us have fond memories of our childhoods.

We said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.

4. a fond belief/hope: một niềm tin yêu / hy vọng

something that you would like to be true but that is probably not:

I waited at home all evening in the fond hope that he might call.

Fond + of

fond of sb/sth:

I’ve always been very fond of your mother.

fond of (doing) something:

 liking to do something that other people find annoying or unpleasant, and doing it often

  • Sheila’s very fond of telling other people what to do.
  • He’s rather too fond of the sound of his own voice (= he talks too much).

Fond of + v gì?

Theo sau fond of là Verb-ing với ý nghĩa là thích hoặc làm điều gì đó thường xuyên.

Fond đi với các từ nào?

Trạng từ


especially, extremely, genuinely, immensely, particularly, really, very

She seems genuinely fond of the children.

Danh từ

  • Nouns frequently used with fondmemoryrecollectionsremembrancereminiscences.

I have many fond memories of my time at university.

It was time to say a fond farewell to the Japanese students.

They still talk about the festival with fond affection.

  • action or expressionembracesmile

“I think you’ve been dreaming, Daniel,” Janet said with a fond smile.

It is my fond hope that he will grow up to be a healthy young man.

addicted , adoring , affectionate , amorous , attached , caring , devoted , doting , enamored , indulgent , keen on , lovesome , lovey-dovey , loving , mushy * , partial , predisposed , responsive , romantic , sentimental , silly over , sympathetic , tender , warm , affection , amatory , ardent , baseless , beguile , caress , cherished , credulous , dear , desirous , foolish , inclination, infatuated , insipid , kind , liking , over-affectionate , passionate , sanguine , silly , trifling , unfounded , uxorious , vain

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "fond of", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ fond of, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ fond of trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. She's fond of bathing.

2. I'm fond of pop music.

3. He was fond of celery.

4. He's fond of his dram.

5. He is fond of bragging.

6. He is fond of jesting.

7. He was fond of marmalade.

8. She is fond of geometry.

9. I am fond of mushrooms.

10. She has fond of jesting.

11. Boys are fond of mischief.

12. I'm fond of this tea.

13. I'm fond of listening classical music.

14. I'm not overly fond of pasta.

15. They are fond of playing volleyball.

16. I am very fond of Michael.

17. She was very fond of horses.

18. He is too fond of spouting.

19. He professed himself fond of music.

20. She was fond of pansying up.

21. He is fond of a dram.

22. She is passionately fond of tennis.

23. Boys are fond of playing football.

24. He is awfully fond of jesting.

25. She was fond of banging out.

26. Not to be fond of Children.

27. She's inordinately fond of her parrot.

28. I am fond of classic music.

29. She is fond of newspaper clipping.

30. Some people are fond of betting.

31. Are you fond of coin collecting?

32. My brother is fond of study.

33. I'm not overly fond of cooking.

34. I'm not overly fond of cats.

35. She's very fond of sweet things .

36. She is fond of collecting rare carpets.

37. I am not fond of eating meat.

38. I'm fond of listening to classical music.

39. He is fond of retailing the news.

40. Sue's very fond of hiking and backpacking.

41. I've always been very fond of you.

42. Indeed I always distractedly fond of children.

43. Trina professed to be fond of art.

44. My dog is unusually fond of chocolate.

45. I was especially fond of chocolate biscuits.

46. Joe's quite fond of her, isn't he?

47. Many people are fond of French cheeses.

48. Mary to be fond of learning English.

49. She seems genuinely fond of the children.

50. She was inordinately fond of her pets.

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