Git desktop login

I'm having some trouble logging in via the Git GUI popup on Windows. I'm trying to run the following command:

git clone ///UserName/Repo.git

Where "UserName" and "Repo" are filled in, as provided by

I have created an app password for my computer and have it copied to my clipboard.

When I try to run the git clone, I get the GUI login below:

Pasting my app password straight from the BitBucket site and hitting "Log in" fails twice. On the third time, it simply asks me for it on the regular command line, at which time I hit paste, and it works just fine.

The problem is that when I try to run "yarn install", it tries to pull from a different private repository which I have added, and since the password isn't properly saved, the yarn install fails. Why didn't the password work on the GUI?

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