Give it a hear or listen

Meaning What's the meaning of "let's give it a listen?" "His saxophone playing kind of gets on my nervous on that one"

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/ ˈlɪs ən /

verb (used without object)

to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing; give ear.

to pay attention; heed; obey (often followed by to): Children don't always listen to their parents.

to wait attentively for a sound (usually followed by for): to listen for sounds of their return.

Informal. to convey a particular impression to the hearer; sound: The new recording doesn't listen as well as the old one.

Archaic. to give ear to; hear.

listen in,

  1. to listen to a radio or television broadcast: Listen in tomorrow for the names of the lottery winners.
  2. to overhear a conversation or communication, especially by telephone; eavesdrop: Someone was listening in to his private calls.


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Give it a hear or listen
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Give it a hear or listen

before 950; Middle English lis(t)nen, Old English hlysnan; cognate with Middle High German lüsenen, Swedish lyssna; akin to list5

lis·ten·er, nounre·lis·ten, verbun·lis·ten·ing, adjective

listed building, listed company, listed security, listee, listel, listen, listenable, listener, listenership, listen in, listening post Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

accept, admit, attend, get, observe, tune in, adopt, audit, auscultate, catch, concentrate, eavesdrop, entertain, hark, harken, hearken, mind, monitor, obey, overhear

  • About a dozen attendees, socially distanced across the backyard, listened.

  • The real skill is pattern recognition over time of who is actually useful for good information — knowing who to listen to and for what.

  • Instead, I took to spending whole days in the wetland, watching and listening.

  • As always, thanks for the feedback and thanks for listening.

  • Even Spotify only shows you speed options when you’re listening to podcasts.

  • But if you listen to our leaders, they weren't the real targets here.

  • What an amazing thing to be able to listen to any music you want, a whole world of bands.

  • One of the rites of passage for every young political reporter is to listen to the elders tell stories about campaigns past.

  • But then I thought about the feedback I get from fans, yes we do listen to you, and thought why not?

  • Why would they listen to the radio when they can see the outside world?

  • But he walked up and down the room and forced himself to listen, though he could scarcely bear it, I could see.

    Music-Study in Germany|Amy Fay

  • Shopkeepers ran out of their shops, housewives craned over their balconies to listen to him.

    The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol|William J. Locke

  • I am always astonished, amazed and delighted afresh, and even as I listen I can hardly believe that the man can play so!

    Music-Study in Germany|Amy Fay

  • No one would listen to him but old Monsieur Farival, who went into convulsions over the droll story.

    The Awakening and Selected Short Stories|Kate Chopin

  • I knew, further, that Sunday could not be a day of rest for her, for of all his people she would have to listen to his preaching.

    The Soldier of the Valley|Nelson Lloyd

to concentrate on hearing something

to take heed; pay attentionI told you many times but you wouldn't listen

Old English hlysnan; related to Old High German lūstrēn

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


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