Hot toys joker 2.0 review năm 2024

I’ve only ever bought two Hot Toys figures in my short life on this earth. The first was many years back because I was blown away by the “Bank Robber” version of The Dark Knight’s Joker. I was a huge fan of the opening scene of the movie and I thought the head sculpts were incredibly life-like. I’d never really picked up any Hot Toys’ figures since then because it was a pretty cost prohibitive venture, and more-so because none of the characters being made were must-have items for me. So of course the second Hot Toys figure I buy ends up being the same character I got the first time. If you were ever in need of a shrine towards Heath Ledger’s Joker, Hot Toys would be the people to go to populate it. I believe the Joker is second only to Iron Man in number of releases for one character.

I’m not exactly sure what draws me to the Hot Toys’ Heath Ledger Jokers. But I do enjoy when he gets a release, and somehow, something I thought was perfect the last time around gets even better. Once Joker 2.0 arrived at my house I immediately pulled out the Bank Robber version and was surprised at how different the face sculpts really are. The most immediate difference is in the cheeks, in comparison to the Bank Robber version they sucked in the cheeks quite a bit. When you line up the two heads it makes his old head look chubby in comparison. It also gives him almost a “duck face” look. I don’t want to shit on the old one because before I had this version it was the most realistic Dark Knight Joker ever made. Somehow Hot Toys managed to fix up a “perfect” head sculpt.

This version of the Joker comes with an intimidating amount of accessories. My favorite part is the whole interrogation room setup, and as you can see in all my pictures I used it primarily as my backdrop for this shoot. For the interrogation room you get the table, chair, lamp, and a three panel background. The background is really sharp, made of thick durable material and even has reflective paneling for the windows. It can be taken down and is held together by velcro, it folds up well into the box the toy comes packaged in. The table and chair also look outstanding. The table has a couple little hidden features for your display options. First it has a magnet underneath that connects with the lamp, keeping it in place. Second is a little hole where you can stick the included pencil. I realize he didn’t do that in the interrogation room, but the tables are similar looking. So if you get your friends together who also bought this figure, you can make one huge “talk to the chinese guy on the plane” scene with all of your tables.

Past the interrogation room you still have a stand with a light up feature. I feel like this is something nobody would ever actually use for the long-term. Maybe only when you are having a special lady (or guy) over you want to really class up your place with your lit up Hot Toys Joker stand. I can understand that, and I would obviously do the same thing. The stand is fancy without having to actually light it up though, and it looks to fit with the current crop of Dark Knight trilogy Hot Toys figures.

After the stand we have about fifteen hands in both the gloved and ungloved variety. They also included an extra set of wrist connectors either for convenience or in case those pegs snap. The Joker is packed with three guns: a shotgun, machine gun, and pistol. He then has a nice little collection of little parts including money, playing cards, two foot knives, a pencil, a couple of knives, and some handcuffs. If you get the Sideshow exclusive version he has a clown mask and detonator with a box. Now we just need a scary large black convict to take the box and throw it off of a boat.

Being of the “DX” Hot Toys family, the Joker comes with lots of neat stuff including a head with the PERS eye movement system. This is achieved through a removable plait of hair in the back of his head hiding a knob underneath. Unfortunately one knob controls both eyes so I couldn’t live out my dreams of a cross-eyed Joker.

Also being of the “DX” family this action figure comes with a very large price tag. If $250 – $300 scares you then I would probably stay away. I really am amazed how some people have an enormous Hot Toys collection, I just see tens of thousands of dollars sitting on a shelf. But who am I to say how people spend their money? If you can afford the figures, Hot Toys does everything they can to show you the value of their product. From the packaging to every little part these figures are created professionally, artistically, and no corners are cut. Much like when you go to an expensive restaurant you aren’t just getting amazing food, you are also getting it in an incredible presentation.

You can treat a Hot Toys purchase like a nice vacation you want to splurge on and spend more money than you normally would. Only this vacation will involve you not going to a resort, but retreating to your basement with a large purple box. Instead of swimming up to a bar in the middle of a pool you will find yourself adjusting a twelve-inch doll’s tailored clothing and changing his pose. This vacation is going to be totally awesome!

Hot Toys Joker 2.0 was worth the wait regardless of the slight retread of material. If nothing else at least he proves that even something that you thought was perfect can still be improved. There is a large price to be paid for this figure, but I think if you were to get one Hot Toys figure ever, this would be the one. You can still preorder the regular version over at Sideshow’s site if you feel so inclined. If you are willing to pay the price I do not believe you will be disappointed.

What Joker movie was Heath Ledger in?

The Joker is a character portrayed by Heath Ledger and the main antagonist in Christopher Nolan's 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight.

Did the Joker win in The Dark Knight?

Two-Face wants the Commissioner to understand the pain of talking to a loved one in their final moments, just as he did with Rachel. Instead, Batman tackles Dent to his death. Although he might've never known it, Joker emerges victorious in this closing scene.

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