How do I pass CISA in first attempt?

Passing the CISA exam takes work. Many candidates attempt to pass it on their first attempt, and only a small fraction succeeds. However, if you follow the tips mentioned here, you can increase your chances of passing by a huge margin.

Know the Areas of Content You Will Be Tested on and Prepare Accordingly

You must be comfortable with the topics that will most likely be the exam’s focus if you wish to pass the CISA exam. To ensure that you are prepared and ready to pass the exam, you should know what content areas are likely to be covered.

The content areas tested in the exam include

  • Information Systems Auditing and Control: This is one of the main topics from which most questions are asked during the CISE exam. It covers IT audit principles, concepts, laws, and standards, as well as key processes within an information system framework like planning, preparing for audits, and conducting them effectively to meet required standards.
  • Information Security Governance: This area deals with policies regarding information security management systems (ISMS) implementation within organizations or companies. You will have questions about these policies in this section, such as who should establish them or how they should be implemented according to different situations within businesses worldwide, whether policies are outdated, etc.

Write Down a Study Plan and Stick to It

You are going to be tested on a variety of topics that are covered in the syllabus. You need to know the areas of content you will be tested on, prepare accordingly and write down a study plan which includes what you should read, research and practice test papers/exams. The CISA exam can be challenging, but if you have prepared well enough, you shouldn’t pass it on the first attempt.

Buy the Right Study Materials and Take Practice Tests

CISA exam preparation training is a crucial step in passing the test. It would be best if you were well prepared for your CISA exam as it will be an assurance of a brighter career ahead of you. If, however, you cannot pass it, things may seem quite uphill for you. Therefore, one must get their hands on some good quality study materials before studying for the CISA exam to ensure that there are no roadblocks on their path towards success in life.

Study material should be purchased from a trustworthy source. In addition to buying the right kind of material, taking practice tests or exams at least once every day before going head-on into studying is crucial. This way, you’ll know where exactly you stand regarding which topics need more attention than others, thus allowing them enough time beforehand. By mastering all those tricky topics sufficiently well enough, you’ll save yourself time and money spent on multiple attempts at learning certain concepts.

Get Comfortable With Answering Questions Online or Taking Online Exams

The final part of preparation is getting comfortable taking the CISA exam online. It would be best if you practiced taking the CISA exam on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. It is recommended that you use the same device you will be using to take the actual exam so that there are no surprises regarding how your device works in this setting.

You can also practice answering questions using a mouse or a touch screen. Some users prefer one over the other depending on their preferences and level of comfort with each input method.

Once you have completed your study materials and feel like you are ready to take the CISA exam, it is time to purchase your exam voucher. You will need this voucher to register for the exam online, and you can purchase a CISA exam voucher through ISACA or Prometric.

Take an Exam Preparation Course From a Certified Trainer for Extra Help

If you need extra help and guidance, then it is recommended that you take an exam preparation course from a certified trainer. A good training institute will offer free CISA practice tests before the actual exam. These tests are designed to gauge your current knowledge level and help prepare for what will be on the test.

It is also important that you know which areas will be tested on before attempting any revision or studying. This way, your time spent studying can be more focused on those areas where improvement is necessary instead of trying to cover everything at once!

Finally, ensure that there is enough time between taking these preparatory exams and the actual CISA exam so that there are no last-minute jitters or panic attacks that could affect your performance in other areas besides brain power!

Relax Before the Exam, Stop Cramming, Meditate or Clear Your Mind

The key to passing the CISA exam is simply being relaxed. When you are relaxed, you can focus better and perform better during the exam.

Several relaxation techniques can help you focus and perform better on an exam. Here are some of the best ones:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Deep-breathing exercises
  • Proper nutrition and eating habits (eat healthy foods before an exam)

To get the most out of your relaxation time, you must have a routine for taking breaks throughout your study sessions. If possible, try to set aside 30 minutes at least once every week or two just for relaxing. This way, when it comes time for an actual break during an exam day itself, you’ll be more ready than ever!

How to pass the CISA Exam With a Top Score?

First, you need to prepare for the exam in advance. You will be facing four sections: knowledge area, data aggregation and analytics, security infrastructure and operations, and cryptography and security architecture. Each section has a certain number of questions (20 in total) that you have to answer within two hours. So, it is best to prepare yourself before appearing at the exam center because it is going to be tough as hell! So, if you want your certification, then don’t just sit there like an idiot; do something about it!

The next thing you should do is make a study plan with yourself, which includes the following points:

  • Set goals for yourself, like how many days you will study every week
  • Make sure that these days are fixed so that no one can disturb or stop them from happening
  • Make sure that these goals are realistic; otherwise, they won’t work out well


To summarize, CISA Exam is a tough nut to crack, and you will have to work very hard for it. However, with a proper study plan, a CISA course, and the right resources, you can pass this exam on your first attempt.


Q1. How hard is it to pass the CISA exam? 

Ans. In general, only half of the test takers pass the CISA exam and those who take the exam for the first- time pass at even lower rates. Therefore, preparing for the test is essential.

Q2. How many questions do you need to pass the CISA exam?

Ans. In the raw score conversion, the candidate is given a score between 200 and 800, with 450 as the passing score. Exam questions are equally weighted. The correct answer to each question is required in order to receive credit, and the incorrect answer does not decrease your score.

Is it easy to pass CISA?

CISA Exam Difficulty Level in Terms of Exam Content. Most readers tend to agree: the syllabus and exam content isn't particularly tough. After all, it is a one-part exam with only 150 questions. Compared to other exams in the niche, it is lighter.

What is the best way to study for CISA exam?

Part 1: CISA Exam Prep Tips.
Understand the Core Concepts. ... .
Gauge Your Existing Knowledge with Self Analysis. ... .
Design Your Study Plan. ... .
Familiarize with the Exam Question Format. ... .
Put on the ISACA Hat when Answering Questions. ... .
Analyze Your Answers and Read All Explanations. ... .
Don't Blindly Memorize. ... .
Don't Forget the Mock Exam..

How hard is it to pass the CISA exam?

Though CISA exam is considered to be hard, you can clear this exam with ease if you prepare thoroughly for the exam and cover all the CISA Syllabus topics. If you have obtained thorough knowledge on CISA subject, you can pass this exam with flying colors.

Which ISACA exam is the easiest?

Several ISACA credentials are available, but the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is the easiest and most beneficial. It is also the most widely held ISACA credential.

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