How many different words of 4 letters can be formed with the letters of the word EXAMINATION?


In the word Examination,

E, X, A, M, I, N, T, O there are 8 distinct words.

Case I: All words are distinct

We can take 4 words from 8 distinct in 8C4 and we can arrange the 4 words in 4! ways.

Total number of ways=8C4  x 4! ways=1680

Case II:1 word is alike and 2 is distinct

There are 3 groups of alike words .We can choose in 3C1 ways and the distinct words in 7C2 . We can arrange the words in 4! ways but two words are the same so  4! / 2!  ways.

Total number of ways=7C2  x 3C1 x  4!/2!=756

Case III:Two are alike

Total number of ways: 3C2 x 4!/2!  x 2!=18

Total of ways in which 4 letter words can be made out of the word EXAMINATION= 1680 +756 +18=2454

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