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const token = process.env["TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN"]const fetchTweetsFromUser = async (screenName, count) => { const response = await fetch( `//${screenName}&count=${count}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, }, } ) const json = await response.json() return json}

Survival Difficulty: Class 0



》Devoid of Entities

An image of The Hub.

The Hub is a secret level/area serving as the nexus of all levels in The Backrooms.


The Hub is a vast subterranean complex, composed of an infinite interconnected network of tunnel systems. It serves as the nexus to the entire Backrooms, containing an entrance to each level. Every tunnel is lined with evenly-spaced doors, the design of each one representing the respective level it leads to. There is only one door for each level, labeled with a certain number. Every door can only be unlocked with its respective Level Key, labeled with a number corresponding to that of the the number on the level door. However, all doors to have previously been manually unlocked always become locked once again for any subsequent entrants into The Hub. Only a small handful of doors remain permanently unlocked; those being Levels 1 and 11,

In the center of this tunnel network is a place called The Temple. It is a structure with distinct greco-roman architecture, serving as a house of worship dedicated to The Keymaster. An imposing marble statue erected in the likeness of The Keymaster lies in The Temple's main hall. Cultists of The Keymaster congregate here to pay tribute. Many do so in the hopes of receiving a level key to one of The Hub's doors. However, others hope to be "unlocked" by him, receiving blessings and boons which grant them immense power. The Temple houses yet more level doors, which are grand and ornate. However, where they lead is unknown, as The Keymaster has prohibited any entry through them.


The Keymaster

The Keymaster resides in this level, primarily in The Temple. It is from The Hub that he travels to every other level of The Backrooms. He is the overseer and guardian of this level, protecting it from hostile influences.


Only benign entities are permitted access to The Hub. All hostile entities immediately disappear upon entering.

Colonies and Outposts

  • No known leader, and indeterminate member count;
  • Individuals have the goal of making as much profit as possible, trading Almond Water for items.
  • Members take interest in oddities or rare items, such as Return Pills and Super Almond Water, even if they have no use for it;
  • Members primarily use Almond Water as a currency similar to dollars, but can make do with item to item trading, especially with rarer objects.

[Uni Citadel] Outpost Hub

  • 80 members reside here
  • Their goal is to trade with

The United Backrooms School System

  • 20 teachers and 80 students.
  • Use doors and The Metro to teach students about entities and The Backrooms in general.
  • Give breakfasts and lunches to students and teacher in exchange for schools supplies.
  • Open to new members in exchange for school supplies.

Entrances and Exits


  • From the spawn of Level 1, you need to continue to the end of the corridor, double back to the entrance, go left, then right, then left, then right, then take the door labelled B and then the door labelled A.
  • Some exiting methods from Level 2 have a chance of teleporting you to The Hub.
  • Trying to dig yourself into the ground in The Barrier will take you to The Hub.
  • Praying to gods or angels in Level 512.
  • Going through the tunnels in Level 1819 has a small chance of bringing you to The Hub.
  • Falling into a pit in The Listening.
  • Going through an upside-down door labelled "Father" in level 2753.
  • Sleeping in the peach blossom forest of level 1061 has a chance to bring you here.
  • Noclipping into anything in a sewer-like area in Level 2.2 will lead here.


  • Unlocking and entering any level door in The Hub will bring you to its respective level.
  • Noclipping through a door will lead to Level -1 or Level 4.
  • Finding a window will lead to Level 188.

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