Hướng dẫn chơi commandos 3 mang tutorial

Here are some handy tips and tricks for hitting the ground running when starting Commandos 3 HD Remastered.

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If you're into shooters and top-down games, then Commandos 3 HD Remaster is a great combination of the two. You will visit three World War 2 battlefields across Europe, where you can use your tactical skills to get through enemy defences and complete your mission.

With any tactical shooter, there can be multiple ways to play the game and get the mission done, so you need to choose wisely to make your life a little easier in-game. You may need some tips when it comes to starting out in the game and getting into your stride, so here are a few things to remember when you head into battle.

Pay Attention To The Tutorials

It may seem obvious to say that you need to listen to the tutorials when playing a game, but it can be easy to just speed through it and not pay attention. However, when it comes to a game like Commandos 3 HD, you need to learn everything the tutorials have to offer. This is because it is a tactical game, where you can either sneak and be silent in battle or go in guns blazing.

This is why learning all the ways to play this game is going to be beneficial. The tutorials will take you through different scenarios that teach you how to use different soldiers and abilities, and will give you the knowledge you need for certain missions when playing through the game.

Make Sure To Save A Lot

Commandos 3 HD has an autosave feature, with a timer popping up on the screen to show you when it will autosave. However, if you fail the mission before this goes off, then you will have to start from your previous save. This is why you should manually save at the start of each mission and regularly throughout.

This will make sure that should you die or another soldier on the team dies, you will not have to start from too far back — as when a mission ends, it does not automatically save unless you do it manually. If you have forgotten to save in a while and you die without an autosave coming up, then you are going to lose a lot of time and effort you have put in.

Use Your Skills And Weapons

Depending on the character or characters you are playing, you are going to have different skills and weapons at your disposal. You need to use these skills to get through each mission. You can run and gun if you want to when doing a mission, but there is usually an easier way than just trying to kill everything.

So, use the skills you have to help traverse the map and get to the goal of the mission. For example, the spy will have the ability to change clothes, so you can become a superior officer. This means that if you come across a lower-ranked officer, you can distract them by giving them orders to look a different way or to move location altogether. This sort of skill helps you to sneak through a map undetected, making sure it doesn't end up in a gunfight.

When it comes to using weapons, you should choose your loadout wisely. Some will be silent, and some will be loud. If you choose loud weapons then you're going to alert nearby enemies, so you'll need to be ready for a fight. If you want to sneak around enemies, then select knives, fists, or a silenced weapon you can use to take out enemies quietly.

Change The Difficulty If You Are Struggling

Commandos 3 can be tough to play if you're just starting out, so while you are trying to get better you should think about changing to an easier difficulty. When you first start the Campaign it will be set to Original Mode. Press Y, Triangle or click on it depending on your platform, and you can change it to Rookie Mode.

Play on this difficulty until you feel confident enough to go back to Original Mode. The great thing is you can switch the difficulty for each mission individually, so if you are struggling on one mission in particular, just switch for that mission.

Use Camera Mode

Camera Mode is important during missions, as it will help you locate hidden enemies and see where you need to go. If you do not utilize Camera Mode, then you're at risk of being seen by enemies you're unaware of, or could miss an important item to loot.

The Tutorial will cover how to use Camera Mode, so make sure you understand it and revisit it if you do not. It will allow you to move what is being shown by the camera, and you can rotate the camera to change the angle. If you're struggling to notice an item, or you want a wider view of what is ahead of you, then you can also zoom the camera in and out.

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