Hướng dẫn paragon camptune x 10.10.20 trên macos 10.12 năm 2024

This safely removed the OSXRESERVED partition and reallocated the 8GB space back into the Macintosh HD partition. Aftyerwards I was able to successfully use Camptune X to resize my BOOTCAMP partition and Windows 10 boots fine.

FREIBURG, Germany, February 2, 2016 – Paragon Software Group (PSG), a leader in data backup, disaster recovery, and data migration solutions, announces the release of a major update to Paragon Camptune X 10.10, the system utility for easy and fast redistribution of disk space on OS X systems. The updated version comes with a redesigned user interface, and allows owners of the free edition to also work with Boot Camp.

New and improved features:

  • 2GB can now be reallocated between OS X and Windows absolutely free, particularly convenient for urgent, last-minute changes to available disk space.
  • The new interface design is more intuitive and user-friendly.

Ivan Sidorin, product manager: "We have improved the overall impression of working with the Camptune X application, which has been redesigned to be more convenient from the user’s perspective. We pay close attention to how the user interacts with the software. The new version also improves overall reliability. Finally, we’ve made it more convenient for users of the free edition — for example, if you’re running out of disk space on the Windows partition and urgently need to preserve system updates or other files under 2GB in size. With Paragon Camptune X 10.10, you can now do it in just one click without having to purchase the full version."

About Paragon Camptune X:

Camptune X solves the main problem faced by users of the Boot Camp feature on Macs: The lack of internal storage space. With Camptune X installed, Mac users can redistribute free space between OS X and Windows quickly and without data loss, easily adding gigabytes of free space that can be used by either operating system.

After installing Windows on a Mac using Apple’s Boot Camp utility, you will eventually face the problem of available free space on one of the partitions. Previously, solving this problem required deleting the Windows partition entirely, creating a new partition, then reinstalling the operating system and applications. Paragon Software Group specialists found an easier way, and the result is a utility called Camptune.

Apple's Mac OS X delivers the most reliable and convenient desktop operating system. Thanks to Paragon Camptune X, Mac users receive not only additional new features, but the ability to use them without restriction on a wide variety of software for Windows OS as well.

Paragon Camptune X supports Core Storage technology, detects and automatically fixes unsynchronized partition layout, and other file system errors.

The new, more intuitive interface is based on elements of Mac OS X. The latest Camptune X version comes with support for Core Storage, technology widely used in the latest OS X generations. This means Camptune X effectively works with a PC equipped with Fusion Drive, and those that use FileVault encryption technology.

Bạn nào vừa cài Windows trên Mac bằng BootCamp xong mà thấy dung lượng chia không hợp lý thì có thể nhờ tới PARAGON CAMPTUNE X. PARAGON CAMPTUNE X giúp resize, thay đổi tăng giảm dung lượng bootcamp partition Windows.

Version 10.10.20: With Paragon Camptune X, for the first time, you can redistribute disk space on a Mac in minutes! In the past, to reallocate free space on your Mac, you’d need to back up the Boot Camp partition, delete the partition, recreate an NTFS partition with a new size and, finally, restore the Windows partition backup to the new NTFS partition, a process that could take anywhere between two to five hours. Fortunately, Paragon Software has developed Camptune X, which achieves the same result in a matter of minutes! Note: Now requires a 64-bit Intel processor. 2 GBs to redistribute for free Updated user interface Enhanced overall experience Requirements Intel, 64-bit processor OS X 10.6 or later 32-bit support in Related Links Boot Camp (Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1) Support for uEFI Boot Camp configuration

Paragon Camptune X 10.10.20


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