If I like a playlist on Spotify will they know

How to See Who Liked Your Playlist on Spotify (2022!)

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If you created a Spotify playlist and its starting to get traction, youre probably wondering how to see exactly who liked and followed it.

How to see who liked your playlist on Spotify

Unfortunately, there is no way to see exactly who liked your playlist on Spotify. You can only see the total number of likes each playlists has. Select Your Library and then click your profile icon. Click View Profile and finally Playlists. A total likes count will appear below each playlist name.

Sadly, Spotify no longer gives you a way to drill into exactly who liked your playlist, they only give you the total number of people who liked it.

Spotify did have this capability all the way back in 2013, but unfortunately they got rid of it.

Now the only feature within the product that lets you see individual names/profiles is the list of people who follow your account/profile on Spotify.

Will Spotify ever add the ability to see who liked your playlist?

Dont hold your breath.

A feature request to be able to see who liked your playlist on Spotify was made all the way back in 2013 (shortly after Spotify got rid of it).

For almost a full decade now, Spotify users have been voting and commenting on that request within the Spotify Community forums asking Spotify to make this feature real.

There are over 22,000 votes from Spotify users requesting this feature and 1,700 comments on the ticket asking when it will be available!

Just last week a Spotify customer commented on it pleading with Spotify to add the feature.

Spotify last addressed this request in January of 2019. They said the following:

Were keeping this idea asNot Right Now, as this isnt something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured well check back in here with a new status.

Its not really clear why Spotify refuses to add the ability to view exactly who liked / followed your playlist.

What is clear however, is that Spotify has no intentions of adding the feature anytime soon. Public pressure be damned.

But if you want to try to do your part anyways, you should add your vote to that feature request and comment asking Spotify why they havent added it yet.

Who knows if it will make a difference, but its worth a shot. There is power in numbers!

Are there any hacks to see who liked your Spotify playlist?

Unfortunately there is a TON of click-bait out there on this topic, but the reality is that there is no reliable workaround or hack to see who liked your Spotify playlist.

Ive watched countless hours of YouTube videos and read many articles on this topic, NONE of them provide a working way to do this.

Most of them suggest you wait until your Spotify profile gets a new follower and then compare your previous playlist like / follower counts to see if the person who recently followed you also liked one of your playlists.

How useless is that suggestion?

First off, there is no way to prove that the new follower was also the one that liked your playlist.

And who is sitting around all day watching their Spotify follower count and keeping minute-by-minute track of their playlist like counts?

Take my word for it, a hack for this does not exist.

Your best bet is to vote and comment on the feature request and hope that Spotify actually builds it.

How to see the number of likes / followers your Spotify playlist has

As mentioned, the one thing you can do with likes / followers on Spotify playlists, is see how many people liked / followed it.

To view the number of likes / followers any one of your playlists has on Spotify, start by opening up the app and then selecting Your Library at the bottom of the screen.

This will pull up a list of your recently played songs and artists. Your profile icon and name will appear at the top of the screen. Click on it.

At the top now you will see your name and underneath it should say View Profile. Select View Profile (on desktops it will simply say Profile).

From here you will see all of your playlists, followers and everyone youre following. If you click on Playlists, a full list of all your playlists will appear.

You should see the total number of likes / followers just below the playlist title.

It is worth noting that on the mobile app Spotify calls them likes, whereas on the desktop version Spotify refers to them as followers. They are the same thing.

Also, on the desktop version the number of likes / followers may appear to the right of the playlist title, instead of directly beneath it.

How to see who follows your Spotify account

To view exactly who follows you on Spotify start by opening up the app and then selecting Your Library at the bottom of the screen.

This will pull up a list of your recently played songs and artists. Your profile icon and name will appear at the top of the screen. Click on it.

At the top now you will see your name and underneath it should say View Profile. Select View Profile (on desktops it will simply say Profile).

From here you will see all of your playlists, followers and everyone youre following. If you click on Followers, a full detailed list of your followers will appear.

Simply scroll down to the see everyone!


Back in 2013 Spotify used to have a feature that allowed you to see exactly who liked / followed your playlists, but they got rid of it.

Now, all you can see is the number of people who like / follow your Spotify playlist.

For nearly every year since they removed the ability to see who liked / followed your playlist, it has been one of the top requested Spotify features! Over 22,000 people have voted for it.

Yet Spotify classified the requested as Not Right Now and they have not commented on it since 2019. It doesnt seem like they have plans to add it any time soon.

And worse, there are no reliable hacks or workarounds for this!

Why do you think Spotify is ignoring their customers? Leave me a comment below!

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