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  • What psychological factors affect the immune system?

    It is postulated that psychological factors such as emotions, stress, life experiences, etc. can produce an abnormality in immune function through mediation of the neuroendocrine system, and in the final analysis, exert control over the immune system.

    Is the field that studies the effects of psychological factors?

    The field of psychoneuroimmunology studies relationships between psychological factors, especially stress, and the workings of the endocrine system, the immune system, and the nervous system (Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 2002).

    What field studies the relationship between psychological factors the immune system and the brain?

    Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a relatively new field of study that looks at the interactions between your central nervous system (CNS) and your immune system.

    What is immune system in psychology?

    The immune system is a collection of billions of cells that travel through the bloodstream. They move in and out of tissues and organs, defending the body against foreign bodies (antigens), such as bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells.

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