List where in flutter

How to create a Filter/Search ListView in Flutter (2022)

Last updated on January 4, 2022 A Goodman Loading... Loading... 13 comments


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List where in flutter
List where in flutter

This article is about making a filter/search ListView in Flutter. We will take a quick look at the approach to get the job done then go through a concrete and complete example of applying that approach. No third-party packages are required.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Example
    • Preview
    • The Code
  • Conclusion


We will create a function to filter the results and this function will be called when the text field changes (onChanged). The search algorithm can be different on a case-by-case basis, but the simplest and most popular is to use the following Dart methods:Advertisements

  • where(): Returns a new lazy Iterable with all elements that satisfy one or many conditions.
  • contains(): Used to determine whether a string contains another string (you can try other string methods like startsWith(), endsWith(), etc).
  • toLowerCase(): This string method will convert all characters in this string to lower case so that it doesnt matter whether the search keyword is uppercase or lowercase.

These words can be confusing. See the example for more clarity.


Lets say we have a list of users with some information including id, name, and age. In the beginning, all of these users are shown in a ListView. If you type something into the search field, only users whose names match the keyword will be displayed. If you clear the search field, the full list of users will appear again.


The Code

The full source code in lib/main.dart with explanations in the comments (this code was updated to work properly with the latest version of Flutter):

// main.dart import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const MaterialApp( // Remove the debug banner debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, title: '', home: HomePage(), ); } } class HomePage extends StatefulWidget { const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState(); } class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { // This holds a list of fiction users // You can use data fetched from a database or a server as well final List<Map<String, dynamic>> _allUsers = [ {"id": 1, "name": "Andy", "age": 29}, {"id": 2, "name": "Aragon", "age": 40}, {"id": 3, "name": "Bob", "age": 5}, {"id": 4, "name": "Barbara", "age": 35}, {"id": 5, "name": "Candy", "age": 21}, {"id": 6, "name": "Colin", "age": 55}, {"id": 7, "name": "Audra", "age": 30}, {"id": 8, "name": "Banana", "age": 14}, {"id": 9, "name": "Caversky", "age": 100}, {"id": 10, "name": "Becky", "age": 32}, ]; // This list holds the data for the list view List<Map<String, dynamic>> _foundUsers = []; @override initState() { // at the beginning, all users are shown _foundUsers = _allUsers; super.initState(); } // This function is called whenever the text field changes void _runFilter(String enteredKeyword) { List<Map<String, dynamic>> results = []; if (enteredKeyword.isEmpty) { // if the search field is empty or only contains white-space, we'll display all users results = _allUsers; } else { results = _allUsers .where((user) => user["name"].toLowerCase().contains(enteredKeyword.toLowerCase())) .toList(); // we use the toLowerCase() method to make it case-insensitive } // Refresh the UI setState(() { _foundUsers = results; }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text(''), ), body: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10), child: Column( children: [ const SizedBox( height: 20, ), TextField( onChanged: (value) => _runFilter(value), decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Search', suffixIcon: Icon(, ), const SizedBox( height: 20, ), Expanded( child: _foundUsers.isNotEmpty ? ListView.builder( itemCount: _foundUsers.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) => Card( key: ValueKey(_foundUsers[index]["id"]), color: Colors.amberAccent, elevation: 4, margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10), child: ListTile( leading: Text( _foundUsers[index]["id"].toString(), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24), ), title: Text(_foundUsers[index]['name']), subtitle: Text( '${_foundUsers[index]["age"].toString()} years old'), ), ), ) : const Text( 'No results found', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24), ), ), ], ), ), ); } }

AdvertisementsActually, we dont need a TextEditingController in this case.


Youve learned how to create a filter/search ListView in Flutter. At this point, you should get a better understanding and become more comfortable when dealing with this task or something similar to it. Continue exploring list view and other interesting stuff by taking a look at the following articles:

  • Working with ReorderableListView in Flutter
  • Flutter SliverList Tutorial and Example
  • Flutter AnimatedList Tutorial and Examples
  • Working with ReorderableListView in Flutter
  • Flutter and Firestore Database: CRUD example
  • Flutter + Firebase Storage: Upload, Retrieve, and Delete files

You can also check out our Flutter topic page or Dart topic page for the latest tutorials and examples.Advertisements

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1 month ago

How do we apply to Api

A Goodman
1 month ago
Reply to rew

There are 2 common approaches:
+ Load all data and filter them in your Flutter app (if you have a limited amount of data)
+ Send search params to your backend and filter the results on your sever-side

Bagas Galang Bijaky
1 month ago


A Goodman
1 month ago
Reply to Bagas Galang Bijaky

eres bienvenido

1 month ago

Sir, can I ask you this one question? Ummm is there any way that I can add the filter to this searching system?

A Goodman
1 month ago
Reply to nova

Do you mean a detailed search system? Yes, you can, but it may need some extra work.

2 months ago


A Goodman
2 months ago
Reply to Nursultan

Youre welcome

4 months ago

tank you bro

6 months ago


Ghina Sharaf
6 months ago

Thank you
you are the best <3

7 months ago

Thank you! I am a beginner and have looked for this example.

9 months ago

As always, thank you.


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