Lỗi adobe lightroom classic cc got crash at develop mode năm 2024

Everything worked fine until a few days ago, now I can sort or label in library, but the moment I try to switch to develop mode it crashes.

Nothing has changed on my computer that I am aware of (no new installs or plugins)

Thus far I have tried...

  • Updating Lightroom Classic
  • Rebooting
  • Optimizing my Library
  • Updating my GPU, rebooting
  • Turning off GPU support/processing in Lightroom
  • Resetting all LRC preferences, rebooting
  • Uninstalling, rebooting and resintalling Lightroom Classic
  • Uninstalling and installing an older version of Lightroom Classic

I'm at a complete loss and have images I need to process. If there are any additional items you can think of for me to try please let me know

Some follow up.......these are notes that I took along with way of this odyssey, but the final observation is there seems to be an adverse interaction between playing music through airplay to HomePod minis and LR 11.1 opening probably. And perhaps this is an issue during the initial installation of 11.1, but don't know that for sure.

So resetting preferences did not work in the most straightforward way.

  1. Working in 11.01 without a problem
  2. Made a copy of the file com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist (located in folder /Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/)
  3. Moved copy to an external drive and deleted the copy in the preferences fold

I did those steps just in case things did not work out with changing preferences.

4. Then upgraded to 11.1

  1. Updated preferences using the Shift + Option keys
  2. Lightroom opened without my old preferences (to be expected)
  3. Closed LR and it crashed on closing asking me to send an error report to Adobe…which I did
  4. Did this several times and it always crashed


  1. I down graded to 11.01
  2. Opened LR with the Shift +Option key to force a new preference file in 11.01
  3. LR opened without my old preferences as expected
  4. Closed LR without a crash.
  5. Opened and closed without a problem several times


  1. Installed 11.1 again
  2. Nothing happened (icon on dock with bounce for a few times and then stop without windows opening)
  3. Opened LR with the Shift + Option key to install 11.1 preferences
  4. Tried to open LR and still did not open..just a brief bouncing icon


Rebooted computer, but had to force quit the Apple Music App to complete reboot process

18. Opened LR after reboot and it opened without my old preferences. Open and closed several times and it seemed to work

19. Opened Music App

20. Opened LR and got the brief bouncing icon on the dock and then nothing

21. Closed the Music App, but had to force quit it

22. Opened LR and it opened properly. Did this several times and it seemed to work

23. While LR was open, reopened the Music App and it spent a very long time loading the library

24. In the meantime, I updated my LR preferences and finally the Music app loaded its library

25. With the Music App open and playing music, quit LR

26. Tried to reopen LR and nothing happened. No bouncing icon or anything

27. Quit the Music App

28. Tried to reopen LR after Music App was closed and it opened with my updated preferences. Closed and open LR several times without problems

29 With LR open, opened the Music app (no music playing)

30. Closed LR and re-opened LR several times and it seemed to work (Music app open, but not playing music)

31. With LR closed, started playing music on the Music App via airplay 2 to Homepod Minis. With music playing, LR refused to open)

31. Stop playing music in the Music App and LR still refused to open

32. Quit Apple Music

33. Opened LR and got an error message saying something about the windows and given an option to reopen the windows. Selected reopen the windows and LR seemed to open properly.

34. Closed LR and reopened it several times without additional errors. , but Apple Music was closed

35. Opened Apple Music but NO music playing

36. Opened and closed LR several times without problems.

I have now replicated this process and the following appears to be the case.

If Apple Music is open AND playing music, LR will not open

If Apple Music is open, AND HAS NOT PLAYED music, LR will open

If Apple Music has been opened and played music even briefly and then stopped, LR will start to open and then close

  1. Opened Pandora and played music through iMac. LR opened and closed successfully several times
  2. Switched Pandora to play through Airplay to Homepod Mini’s. LR fails to open and on second try get a message that says “The last time you opened Lightroom Classic, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you to try to reopen its windows again.” Selected ReOpen option and and LR closes
  3. Switch Pandora to play through iMac, got the same error message as above, but then LR opened properly.
  4. Opened and closed LR several additional times without errors

Went back to Apple Music and played music through the iMac. LR opened and closed several times without problems.

With LR open, switch Apple Music to airplay 2 to Homepod minis (stereo pair)

Closed LR, reopened and it failed to open. On a second try, got the same error message “The last time you opened…), upon selecting ‘ReOpen’, LR closes. A third try a repeat LR fails to open with the same error message

Closed the Music App, and upon reopened LR get the same error message, but selecting the ‘Reopen’, LR opens properly.

SO on further exploration it seems like it is related to any music app playing through airplay and somehow that interferes with LR opening properly.