Lỗi this virtual machine appears to be in use

My vm image got shut down the wrong way and now I get this. ask to take ownership or cancel and neither work? any help.


    This virtual machine appears to be in use.

    If this virtual machine is not in use, press the "Take Ownership" button to obtain ownership of it. Otherwise, press the "Cancel" button to avoid damaging it.

    Lỗi this virtual machine appears to be in use

    Way back in 2008, Jason asked the VMware Community this question:

    Greetings... Recently I experienced a power failure at my office when I was running two different virtual machines. Upon restarting, I am unable to connect to the machines as VMWare tells me "This virutal machine appears to be in use." If I press the "Take Ownership" button, it immediantely returns with a dialog box indicating "Taking ownership of this virtual machine failed." How do I unlock these machines?

    Lỗi this virtual machine appears to be in use
    Disclosure - This VMware Workstation Advertisement earns the author a commission if used for purchases at vmware.com, at no cost to you.

    Strangely enough, even though it's 6 years later, with VMware Workstation 10, the answer is still the same. As community moderator wila states:

    1. close VMware Workstation
    2. delete any .lck or .lock files and/or folders you see, in the directory of the problematic VM
    3. run VMware Workstation
    4. start the VM

    If you need further convincing the fix is that simple, see also my short video that demonstrates the fix. It'd seem that VMware would address this issue with a better recovery technique, given it's an error I've seen occasionally for many years myself. But hey, at least the fix is well documented!

    This issue already bit me once on Windows 10 and VMware Workstation 12, and the same fix worked just fine.

    This issue still persists, but good news, fix above still works, even right through the latest VMware Workstation 12.5! See Ruud van Zundert's .

    This fix apparently still works with VMware Workstation 14, see also release notes. The latest point release is 14.1.1.

    was left below that helps confirm this fix still works with Workstation 14. Thank you, Oh.Y.Not!

    indicates it still work in 15.x, so perhaps that means the latest 15.5 too. There are earlier comments about success with and too.

    If this virtual machine is not in use, press the “Take Ownership” button to obtain ownership of it. Otherwise, press the “Cancel” button to avoid damaging it.

    Lỗi this virtual machine appears to be in use

    Nghĩa là máy ảo hiện đang được sử dụng. Và nó yêu cầu mình thực hiện hành động “Take Ownership” (Chuyển quyền sở hữu)

    Nhưng Sau khi bấm [ Take Ownership ] nhưng lại xuất hiện thêm 1 lỗi nữa.

    Failed to open virtual machine: Taking ownership of this virtual machine failed. This virtual machine is in use by an application on your host computer

    Lỗi this virtual machine appears to be in use

    Nguyên nhân của vấn đề này là do mình copy từ một máy đang hoạt động hoặc 1 lý do nào khác mà nó chưa xóa được thư mục .lck. Đây là thư mục lock mỗi khi máy khởi động và sẽ được xóa đi tự động khi máy ảo suppend hoặc shutdown