lyra là gì - Nghĩa của từ lyra

lyra có nghĩa là

A beautiful girl who is just perfect. She's super popular and everyone likes her. Her boyfriend must be really lucky. She has perfect wavy hair and beautiful eyes. She's super sweet and has the prettiest smile. She is the perfect girlfriend and is very talented at singing and acting and all kinds of things. She is someone you love very much.


Steve: "Man, that girl is such a Lyra" Mike: "Totally"

lyra có nghĩa là

Lyra is a small constellation in the night sky. The word Lyra comes from the Latin, Lyre (a harp). The most notable star is Vega, which also happens to be one of the brighest in the sky.


In the movie K-Pax, Prot claims to be from a planet (K-Pax) which was located in the constellation Lyra.

lyra có nghĩa là

Lyra is the best friend you could ever ask for. She will always be there for you and she can always make you laugh. If you have a Lyra in your life, don’t let her go, you’ll regret it. Don’t hurt Lyra either because her friends will beat your ass to China.


Why did Jake die?
He broke up with Lyra.

lyra có nghĩa là

People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome.


She's so nice.. she's such a Lyra

lyra có nghĩa là

A girl who is just pure beauty. She always talks about how ugly or horrible she is but she is drop dead gorgeous. A Lyra may come off as a rude or standoffish human but she’s honestly so nice and people always go to her for advice. She has a very unique taste and not to mention she always gets complimented for her style. people think she’s a teachers pet, but really she just gets here work done. She can be so nice or she can be the scariest person ever. She’s the most sassy person you’ll ever meet and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself or embarrass someone. She’s very intimidating and she has a death stare that will make even the toughest people stop in their tracks. But as long as you say her name right, you’re in the clear.


Alex: OMG did you see Lyras new outfit? it’s sooo cute
Bertha: It’s so cute. She’s such a Lyra

lyra có nghĩa là

Lyra is the name of a really smart and beautiful girl. She may come off as standoffish or scary, but is actually really sweet. She isn’t afraid of being in the spot light and nearly everyone loves her. She’s talented at pretty much anything from music to sports to outdoor activities and is just generally awesome. She can be a little sassy and can definitely burn you if you piss her off but otherwise she’s the perfect angel!


Lyra is such a sweet heart I voted Lyra for class president

lyra có nghĩa là

Full name Lyra Heartstrings. She is a background character on the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is known to have the desire to become human and she started a trend in Equestria, which is sitting in a human-like position. often seen with the background character Bon Bon


Brony1: Oh Eeem Geee Lyra just talked!
Brony2: OMG!! Is she with Bon Bon??
Brony1: Sadly no.
Brony2: What episode is this?
Brony1: Season 2 finale, aka episode 25
Brony2: OMG NO WAY!
Brony1: Colgate spoke too!!

lyra có nghĩa là

Type Of Speech: Noun

1. Lyra_ is a nickname conjured by Danaroth. Main root is from xJol(lyRa)ncherx,

xJollyRancherx was also called, Jolly, anche (hips is latin) , Jorra and on occations J rancher.

2. lyra (ler-rah) is also a constellation in the sky,and or a group of stars.


Sentence Example:

2. "Hey look at that, you can see Lyra in the sky!

lyra có nghĩa là

A gorgeous girl who everyone loves to hang out with! She's always positive and super friendly towards others. Lyra is a wonderful girlfriend, she's sweet, athletic, kind, and naturally talented and many things. What's there not to love about her?


girl1: hey, who's that? She's so pretty! girl2: oh, that's Lyra! She's perfect.

lyra có nghĩa là

Is the baddest bitch around but doesn't like to show it. She cares for everyone except her self. She loves to see others strive and succeed even if it equals in her failure. She is a genuinely sweet and caring person the everybody loves, cherishes, and would die for. She is also the ULTIMATE OMEGA BEST FUCKING FRIEND IN THE UNIVERSE. She will always make you laugh when your crying or upset and will stand by your side through thick and thin as long as you don’t betray her. Now if that happens watch out cause her whole squad will pull up and her best friend plus others will kick your arse. She has a special love and bond that if taken away will leave a gaping hole in your heart that only a Lyra’s love could fill nobody else’s. So I’d advise you to keep them forever till death do you part even as best friends. But to the look of the Lyra’s they are DRIP DEAD GORGEOUS AND OVERALL STUNNING. Keep them please my warning.


Lyra’s don’t need an example they will do them BOO

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