Marketing Specialist job description linkedin

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Ive been asked a few times for a Content Marketing Manager Job Description.

Apparently, this is a pretty hot category as LinkedIn reports more than 15,000 results for content marketing manager job description.

But that still pales in comparison to the more than 110,000 marketing manager job descriptions on Linkedin and the more than 18,000 social media manager positions out there.

Marketing Specialist job description linkedin

Ive written before about how to put together your all-starcontent marketing teamand the resources required to get the job done.

In the end it comes down to 3 core content marketing skills. You need to have experience:

  1. Creating content people actually want
  2. Sharing content on the channels they use
  3. Measuring the results of content marketing activities

But I know that sometimes, the good folks in HR need a formal job description to help get the process rolling and to start looking at all those great candidates that will become your next content marketing rockstar. So here is the job description Ive shared with a few folks lately to help them.

Let me know what you think. Or if you would add anything to your own content marketing manager job description.

Content Marketing Manager Job Description

  • Accountable for all contentmarketinginitiatives to drive traffic, engagement, leads, that deliver sales and customer retention.
  • Collaborates across functions and silos to deliver an effective content marketing strategy and editorial plan to met the business objectives at the lowest possible cost
  • This role requires a brand publisher mindset: the create the content our audience is looking for and then to optimize the path to conversion
  • Editorial requirements include basic SEO understanding, content categorization and structure, content development, distribution and measurement. Development of editorial governance so content is consistent with our brand voice, style and tone.
  • Editorial calendar and organization workflows must be developed and managed.
  • Channel management of digital content hubs and all supporting social channels including email / newsletter distribution. This person must understand the basic best practices of the main social media channels, which content and approaches work on each and why
  • Measurement and optimization of the program will be required on a regular and ongoing basis
  • Management of all creative resources including designers, writers, and other agency personnel
  • Integration of content programs with brand campaigns to drive brand to demand.
  • Executive presentations on the program approaches and results will be required.


  • BA/BS or equivalent working experience
  • Experience creating content for the web and growing a social audience
  • Editorial mindset that seeks to understand what audiences consume and ho to create it
  • Ability to analyze and present content and social performance
  • Experience with wordpress, Google analytics, Slideshare, and the top social channels
  • Project management skills and understanding how to manage the priorities of multiple stakeholders in a complex environment and focus on the delivery of results in the form of engagement, leads and sales (Thanks to @NoyesJesse for this feedback see comment below.)

More Resources
There are a couple of great resources I was able find as well. One was an awesome and downloadableChief Content Officer job description template from the Content Marketing Institute.

And Hubspot provides 10 Marketing Job Descriptions including content marketing manager, social media / community manager and more.

Marketing Specialist job description linkedin

Are you interested in engaging and converting new customers for your business? Contact me hereand lets talk about how we can help.
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Marketing Specialist job description linkedin