Quotes about materialistic woman

Materialistic Quotes

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  • Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions.

    Birthday, Peace, Age
    Peace Pilgrim (1992). Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words, p.19, Friends of Peace PIlgrim
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  • There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything - millions of dollars, mansions, cars, nice clothes, beautiful women, and every other materialistic thing you can imagine. Now I struggle for peace.

    Beautiful, Nice, Struggle
    72 Copy quote
  • Today, society is sacrificing love, values and dharma in its pursuit of materialistic gains.

    Spiritual, Sacrifice, Today
    Twitter post from Jun 06, 2013
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  • But as an adult working in the fashion industry, I struggle with materialism. And I'm one of the least materialistic people that exist, because material possessions don't mean much to me. They're beautiful, I enjoy them, they can enhance your life to a certain degree, but they're ultimately not important.

    Beautiful, Fashion, Struggle
    Interview with John Currin, www.interviewmagazine.com. January 31, 2011.
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  • We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don't satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.

    Granted, Loving Relationships, Involved
    Mitch Albom (2007). Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson, p.84, Broadway Books
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  • To this day, I am the least materialistic person I know, because my father didn't raise me to just go out and buy this or that car. The only reason I wanted to make money as an actor was because I'm passionate about food!

    Father, Car, Passionate
    "Oprah Talks to Hugh Jackman". www.oprah.com. June 2006.
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  • I'm not materialistic. I believe in presents from the heart, like a drawing that a child does.

    Birthday, Children, Believe
    Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
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  • A materialistic world will not be won to Christ by a materialistic church.

    Church, World, Christ
    Twitter post from Mar 14, 2013
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  • I think I'm actually quite a materialistic person, I value what it takes to make a car or build a nice house. Money does change things, but how it changes people depends on how they react to it.

    Change, Nice, Thinking
    "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
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  • There must be a world revolution which puts an end to all materialistic conditions hindering woman from performing her natural role in life and driving her to carry out man's duties in order to be equal in rights.

    Men, Rights, Order
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  • If I'm a lush at anything, it's food and drink. I'm not materialistic in any way, but I value food.

    Way, Drink, Ifs
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  • Sex is the mysticism of materialism and the only possible religion in a materialistic society.

    Sex, Religion, Materialism
    Malcolm Muggeridge, Christopher Ralling (1967). Muggeridge through the microphone: B.B.C. radio and television, Not Avail
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  • Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, let them complain over what might have been, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, let them be discouraged, let them be revengeful and vindictive, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, let them become materialistic and empty, but not you. Let others become ungrateful and stop praying, but not you! Let others give up, but not you! For you know in whom you believe and you know that He is always able. Now, that's you!

    Motivational, Hurt, Giving Up
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  • You know, even though I'm in fashion, I don't, like, do fashion. Fashion isn't me, even though I work in it. It's just materialistic stuff. I just want to do whatever makes me happy...Like being totally conscious. Laughing is, like, my favorite thing to do. Being with friends, having fun...being a bit daft.

    Fashion, Fun, Laughing
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  • Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.

    Life, Positive, Simple
    Henry David Thoreau (2013). The Essential Thoreau, p.11, Simon and Schuster
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  • Nowadays the world is becoming increasingly materialistic, and mankind is reaching toward the very zenith of external progress, driven by an insatiable desire for power and vast possessions. Yet by this vain striving for perfection in a world where everything is relative,they wander even further away from inward peace and happiness of the mind.

    Peace, Perfection, Mind
    62 Copy quote
  • The materialistic point of view in psychology can claim, at best, only the value of an heuristic hypothesis.

    Views, Psychology, Heuristics
    Wilhelm Max Wundt (1969). Principles of Physiological Psychology
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  • When it comes to money, you can't win. If you focus on making it, you're materialistic. If you try to but don't make any, you're a loser. If you make a lot and keep it, you're a miser. If you make it and spend it, you're a spendthrift. If you don't care about making it, you're unambitious. If you make a lot and still have it when you die, you're a fool-for trying to take it with you. The only way to really win with money is to hold it loosely-and be generous with it to accomplish things of value.

    Money, Winning, Focus
    John C. Maxwell (2006). Motivated to Succeed, p.69, Grupo Nelson
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  • Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool.'

    Funny, Money, Writing
    "Paul McCartney: One for the Road". Interview with David Fricke, www.rollingstone.com. February 08, 1990.
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  • Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind

    Men, Mind, Evolution Of Man
    George Gaylord Simpson (1967). The Meaning of Evolution: A Study of the History of Life and of Its Significance for Man, p.345, Yale University Press
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  • The new artists coming through were very materialistic and Hollywood, not so engaged in communication.

    Communication, Artist, Hollywood
    "'Even as a child, I felt like an alien'". Interview with Simon Reynolds, www.theguardian.com. May 22, 2005.
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  • Contrary to the vulgar belief that men are motivated primarily by materialistic considerations, we now see the capitalist system being discredited and destroyed all over the world, even though this system has given men the greatest material comforts.

    Men, Comfort, World
    Ayn Rand (1997). Letters of Ayn Rand, p.108, Penguin
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  • I noted that people are happy here in India. When I went back home, people had everything in the materialistic sense and were surrounded with abundance, but they were not happy.

    Home, People, India
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
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  • Americans are uneasy with their possessions, guilty about power, all of which is difficult for Europeans to perceive because they are themselves so truly materialistic, so versed in the uses of power.

    Power, Use, Guilty
    FaceBook post by Joan Didion from Jul 26, 2011
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  • With a new familiarity and a flesh-creeping homeliness entirely of this unreal, materialistic world, where all sentiment is coarsely manufactured and advertised in colossal sickly captions, disguised for the sweet tooth of a monstrous baby called the Public, the family as it is, broken up on all hands by the agency of feminist and economic propaganda, reconstitutes itself in the image of the state.

    Family, Baby, Sweet
    Wyndham Lewis (1926). The Art of Being Ruled
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