Remote desktop disappeared

Recently, some of the users start experiencing the Missing Taskbar bug on a Remote Desktop. Taskbar gets hidden automatically sometimes and may appear when users hover the mouse near its area. This does provide relatively larger Display Screen but may irritate some users. This is why we bring this blog post to guide you on how to access the taskbar so as to access the apps that lie here.

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Here, we guide different methods to resolve this trouble on your Windows 10 device. These workarounds include Reset Windows Explorer, delete unnecessary stored cache, correct corrupt PowerShell components and update incompatible device drivers (if any). Lets explore these solutions in detail-

  1. Restart Windows Explorer
  2. Clear cache of different processes
  3. Repair the Power Shell components
  4. Update Graphics driver
  5. Rollback Display driver

Methods to resolve Missing Taskbar on Remote Desktop

Here, we depict essential ways that help you to retrieve Missing Taskbar on Remote Desktop in Windows 10 PC-

1. Restart Windows Explorer

Sometimes, restarting the explore itself may resolve this missing taskbar trouble on remote desktop. Heres how to perform this action-

  • Press Ctrl+ Alt +Enter keys simultaneously and select Task Manager on the next Screen.
  • Here, switch to the Processes tab and locate the Windows Explorer option from the list.
  • Once found, click on the same and choose the Restart button. See the snapshot below-

  • Once the above procedure completes, Reboot your PC and connect to the LAN again.
  • Now see, if the Taskbar appears on the bottom menu. If not, try next workarounds-

2. Clear cache of different processes

The unnecessary stored cache in your HDD may also cause this Missing Taskbar bug on Windows 10. Clearing cache may resolve this issue-

  • Go to Cortana and type Notepad in the search box.
  • Copy the following code and paste in the text area.
@echo off taskkill /f /im explorer.exe taskkill /f /im shellexperiencehost.exe timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul del%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState\* /q timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK > nul start explorer @echo on

  • Now navigate to the File menu and click Save as button.
  • Henceforth, put CacheClearTWC.bat in the file name and All Files under Save as type: drop-down menu.
  • Succeeding after, go to the location where you want to store this file.
  • Subsequently, make a right-click on the newly created file and choose Run as Administrator option.
  • This will take some time, however, fix the Missing Taskbar bug on the specific Remote Desktop.

3. Repair the Power Shell components

The bad sector under some components in PowerShell may also arise this Taskbar issue on Windows 10 PC. Hence, repair these files by going through the below procedure-

  • Right-click on Windows icon and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  • If UAC prompts, tap Yes to authorize the access.
  • Type the following command line near the blinking cursor-

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + \appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml)}

After the Command Prompt executes the above code, you may no longer receive Missing Taskbar on Remote desktop applications.

4. Update Graphics driver

The mere presence of an obsolete graphics driver can trigger Missing Taskbar in Remote Desktop bug. It is therefore suggested to update all incompatible drivers with their latest version. Heres how to proceed-

  • Right-click on the Start and choose Device Manager from the Power menu.
  • Once the window appears up, expand the display adapter.
  • Again do the right-click on installed Graphics driver and choose Update driver from the context menu.

  • Once you update the drivers,Reboot your PC and try connecting to the client computer again.
  • Check if the taskbar missing problem is solved or still available.

5. Rollback Display driver

If you have installed certain graphic drivers recently on your PC, and this error starts to appear, just roll back the driver. To perform this task, here are the steps-

  • Press Win & R hotkey altogether to open the Run dialog.
  • In the text box, write devmgmt.msc thereafter click OK to launch Device Manager.
  • Here, locate and expand the Display adapters category.
  • Afterward, right-click on the Graphics driver and choose Properties from the context menu.
  • Under the Driver tab, hit the Rollback button to activate then OK again to confirm the changes.

  • This will automatically rollback the driver to an earlier point.

Once you finish the above task, Restart your system to save the changes made so far.

Find and Fix Driver Issues automatically via PC Repair Tool DriverFix.

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