Remote Desktop keyboard wrong characters

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This has been happening over the last few weeks and I have yet to find a solution other than just logging off to fix it. I have a server that types the wrong characters when I press the keys. For example, if I type the letter "g" it will output a "w" or if I type a "n" it will give me the apostrophe. It is consistent though, so each time this happens the characters are mapped to the same incorrect character. I have checked every language setting imaginable on the server and each one points to English (US) and ran a virus scan which came up clean. Also, note that this happens anywhere you can type text on the server and even happens over RDP, so it is not a physical keyboard issue. Any other ideas?

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5 Replies

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Pure Capsaicin
Gary D Williams
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Feb 8, 2016 at 14:26 UTC
Windows Server expert
260 Best Answers
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It could be a physical keyboard issue or a driver issue. Over RDP it'll still use the local keyboard driver and if that has an issue then you could see this type of problem.

First of all, try a reboot. If that doesn't clear it, try a different keyboard so that it reloads the keyboard drivers

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GORT Feb 8, 2016 at 14:38 UTC

It is the [Keyboards and Languages] setting in the Control Panel.
Click on "Region and Language" in the Control Panel, then select the [Keyboards and Language] tab.

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Captain Frostbyte
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Feb 8, 2016 at 14:41 UTC

GORT wrote:

It is the [Keyboards and Languages] setting in the Control Panel.
Click on "Region and Language" in the Control Panel, then select the [Keyboards and Language] tab.

Remove everything but the one you need! we go through this all the time up to the north. The PC will switch to a *multilingual Canadian format and some keys go haywire. We found the easiest solution was to remove all but the standard keyboard from the list.
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Rabbert Klein Feb 8, 2016 at 14:53 UTC

I'll try a new keyboard as all of the keyboard language setting were already set to English (US).

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Rabbert Klein Feb 8, 2016 at 15:02 UTC

I uninstalled all of the keyboard drivers and connected a different one. I will have wait and see for a day or two to see if it reappears.


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