SharePoint bulk delete list items

SharePoint bulk delete list items

In this Microsoft flow or Power Automate tutorial, we will see how to bulk delete list items in SharePoint Online using Power Automate. Here is a detailed example on Power Automate delete all items in sharepoint list.

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Power automate delete SharePoint list items

There will be a number of scenarios where you will want to delete all items from a SharePoint list. There are various ways we can delete all items from a list in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, or SharePoint 2019. Check out SharePoint 2016 vs SharePoint 2019.

Let us first check the steps to delete SharePoint list items using flow or Power Automate.

For this, I have created a SharePoint list and you can see there are a few items in the list. We will delete all items using flow.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete all items in sharepoint list

Now, let us create the flow or Power Automate.

Go to and then click on the + Create button from the left navigation.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete all items from sharepoint list

Then it will show the three ways to make a flow in Office 365:

  • Start from blank
  • Start from a template
  • Start from a connector

Here select Instant cloud flow from Start from blank. You can select a Scheduled cloud flow or any other option.

You create an Instant cloud flow, then you can trigger manually from Power Automate mobile app. If you make a scheduled cloud flow, then you can trigger the flow on a scheduled basis.

But for this example, I will create an Instant cloud flow.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
delete all items from sharepoint list power automate

Then it will ask for a name and you have to select when to trigger this flow, here I have selected to Manually trigger a flow. In this case, you can see a flow button on Mobile. And I gave the name as Delete All Items Flow. Then click on the Create button.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
delete all items from sharepoint list using flow

Then the flow will get created and here click on + New step to add out flow logic to delete all items from the SharePoint list.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
delete all items from sharepoint list flow

Here search for get items and then add the Get Items SharePoint flow action like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
how to delete all items from sharepoint list using flow

Now, configure the Get items flow action. Choose the SharePoint Online site name where your list is presented. Then it will display all the lists presented under the SharePoint Online site. Here then choose the particular list from which you want to delete all the items.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
how to delete all items from sharepoint list using power automate

Once you have all the list items, we need to iterate over it by using the Apply to each control. Search for Apply to each and add it to the flow.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
how to delete all items from sharepoint list

Then it will ask for Select an output from previous steps, here choose value. Once you put the cursor, it will display.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete all items in sharepoint list

Then inside Apply to each, click on Add an action. Then it will add an action inside it.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete sharepoint list item

Here, we need to delete items from the SharePoint Online list. Search for Delete item and add Delete item SharePoint action. This will take the item id and will delete the item.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete all rows in sharepoint list

Here we need to configure the Delete item action. Here provide the Site Address (Select the SharePoint site URL), List Name (Select the list name) and then in Id provide the ID of the List item like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
sharepoint list delete all items

Now Save the flow and now, we can test the flow. Hereafter saving the flow, click on the Test button like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
sharepoint online bulk delete list items

Then it will ask you to test whether Manually and Automatically. Here choose Manually.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
delete sharepoint list items flow

Then you can click on Run flow button like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
sharepoint delete all items from list

Once the flow run successfully, you can see a message like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete sharepoint online list items

And if you see the Flow history, a green tick mark will appear in all the steps. If there will be any issues, then it will show the error here.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate delete sharepoint list items

Now, when you will open the SharePoint Online list, you will see all the SharePoint list items.

SharePoint bulk delete list items
power automate how to delete sharepoint list items

Anytime you can click on the My flows and you will be able to see all the flows. From here also, you can select the flow and click on the Run button like below:

SharePoint bulk delete list items
delete all items from sharepoint list power automate

If you are using flow mobile app, then you will see a button and on click on the button, the flow will trigger.

This is how to delete all items from SharePoint list using Power Automate.

I have also created a video tutorial on how to delete all items from sharepoint list using power automate.

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In this SharePoint tutorial, we learned, how to delete SharePoint list items using Power Automate. Different ways to delete SharePoint list items:

  • Delete all items from SharePoint list Power Automate
  • power automate bulk delete sharepoint list items
  • How to delete all items from sharepoint list power automate

I am Bijay from Odisha, India. Currently working in my own venture TSInfo Technologies in Bangalore, India. I am Microsoft Office Servers and Services (SharePoint) MVP (5 times). I works in SharePoint 2016/2013/2010, SharePoint Online Office 365 etc. Check out My MVP Profile.. I also run popular SharePoint web site