Similarities and differences between psychodynamic and behaviourist approach

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What is the difference between behavioral approach and psychodynamic approach?

The strengths of psychodynamic approach are consideration of childhood experiences and recognition of the unconscious part. On the contrary, behavioural approach focuses on behaviour that can be scientifically measured and verified, and recognizes the importance of external environment on personality.

What is the difference between behaviorism and psychoanalytic theory?

Behaviorists give prominence to the external behavior of individuals and believe that behavior is a response to external stimuli. On the other hand, psychoanalysis emphasizes the centrality of the human mind. They believe that the unconscious has the potential to motivate behavior.

What are the differences between the psychodynamic and behaviorist theories of gender development?

The psychodynamic approach explains behaviour in terms of the sex and death instinct and conflicts in the unconscious mind. Whereas the social approach focuses on the social situation. Both approaches focus on the situational context. But Behaviourism focuses on learning through conditioning.

What are the similarities and differences between psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy?

Psychoanalytic: Psychoanalysis focuses on the psyche, unconscious, dreams, etc. Psychodynamic: Psychodynamic approach also focuses on the human mind and personality and tries to broaden the understanding.

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