Summarize the major differences between a relation and a traditional file

A file system is a technique of arranging the files in a storage medium like a hard disk, pen drive, DVD, etc. It helps you to organizes the data and allows easy retrieval of files when they are required. It mostly consists of different types of files like mp3, mp4, txt, doc, etc. that are grouped into directories.

A file system enables you to handle the way of reading and writing data to the storage medium. It is directly installed into the computer with the Operating systems such as Windows and Linux.

What is DBMS?

Database Management System (DBMS) is a software for storing and retrieving user’s data while considering appropriate security measures. It consists of a group of programs that manipulate the database. The DBMS accepts the request for data from an application and instructs the DBMS engine to provide the specific data. In large systems, a DBMS helps users and other third-party software to store and retrieve data.

A computer system organizes data in a hierarchy that starts with bits and bytes and progresses to fields, records, files, and databases. Traditional file management techniques make it difficult for organizations to keep track of all of the pieces of data they use in a systematic way and to organize these data so that they can be easily accessed. Different functional areas and groups were allowed to develop their own files independently. Over time, this traditional file management environment creates problems such as data redundancy and inconsistency, program-data dependence, inflexibility, poor security, and lack of data sharing and availability.

Wikipedia The original processing system is a method of stocking and organizing computer data and the information in the document. Fundamentally it organizes these data into a data source for the storage space, company, manipulation, and retrieval by the computer's operating system.

For this technique, a record name is given to a document in order to secure storage area location in the computer memory or data storage space devices such as hard disks or CD-ROMs are being used to keep up the physical location of the data. By this file name a data file can be further seen. Whether the file system comes with an underlying safe-keeping device or not, document systems routinely have directories which connect file labels with data files, usually by attaching the data file name to the index in a data file allocation stand.

A new notion for record management is the concept of a database-based data file system.

Files are determined by their characteristics, like type of file, topic, publisher, etc

(DBMS) includes software that operates databases, providing storage area, access, security, backup and other facilities. This technique can be categorized in line with the repository model and the sort of computer that they support such as a server cluster or a mobile phone, the query language(s) that gain access to the database, such as SQL or XQuery, performance trade-offs, such as maximum level or maximum rate or others. Some DBMS cover more than one entrance in these categories, e. g. , supporting multiple query languages.

Meanwhile databases management systems are usually seen in a client-server manner, where in fact the database client and the server can be found on different machines (in an area area network).

Both systems deal with information management.

File-based System

File-based systems were an early try to computerize the manual filing system. File-based system is a collection of request programs that perform services for the end-users, such as upgrading, insertion, deletion adding new data files to repository etc. Each program defines and handles its data.

When some type of computer user needs to store data electronically they must achieve this task by putting data in data. Data files are stored in specific locations on the hard disk (web directories). An individual can create new data to place data in, delete a file which has data, rename the document, etc which is recognized as document management; a function provided by the OPERATING-SYSTEM (OS).

Advantages of traditional record based system

Disadvantages of traditional document based system

No need of exterior storage

Provides less security.

No need of an extremely technical person to handle the database.

Redundancy is more.

Processing rate is high as compared to DBMS

Less integrity.

High complexity in updating of data source.

Table 1. 1. 1

Database Management System

The improvement of the File-Based System (FBS) was the Databases Management System (DBMS) which emerged up in the 60's.

The Database Management System removed the trouble of manually locating data, and needing to proceed through it. The user could create the right structure for the data beforehand, to put the information in the databases that the DBMS is handling. Hence, the physical organizing of documents is done away with and provides an individual with a rational view of the info input.

A data source is a assortment of interrelated information stored in a database server; these data will be stored by means of tables. The principal aim of databases is to provide a way to store and get database information fast and in an productive manner.


Control of data redundancy

Although the databases approach will not remove redundancy completely, it controls the quantity of redundancy in the repository.

Data consistency

By removing or handling redundancy, the database approach reduces the risk of inconsistencies taking place. It ensures all copies of the theory are kept regular.

More information from the same amount of data

With the amalgamation of the controlled data, you'll be able to derive additional information for the same data.

Sharing of data

Database belongs to the complete group and can be shared by all authorized users.

Improved data integrity

Database integrity supplies the validity and consistency of stored data. Integrity is usually expressed in conditions of constraints, that are consistency rules that the databases is not allowed to violate.

Improved security

Provides cover of data from unauthorized users. It should take user brands and passwords to identify individual type and their gain access to right in the operation including retrieval, insertion, upgrading and deletion.

Enforcement of standards

The integration of the data source enforces the necessary expectations including data types, naming conventions, documents standards, update steps and access guidelines.

Economy of scale

Cost savings can be obtained by incorporating all organization's functional data into one data source with applications to work on one source of data.

Balance of conflicting requirements

By getting a structural design in the databases, the issues between users or departments can be fixed. Decisions will be based on the base use of resources for the business all together rather than for an individual person.

Improved data convenience and responsiveness

By having integration in the repository approach, data accessing can mix departmental limitations. This feature provides more features and better services to the users.

Increased productivity

The database way provides all the low-level file-handling exercises. The provision of these functions permit the programmer to concentrate more on the precise functionality required by the users. The fourth-generation environment provided by the repository can simplify the repository program development.

Improved maintenance

Provides data independence. To be a change of data structure in the databases will affect the application form program, it simplifies repository request maintenance.

Increased concurrency

Database can take care of concurrent data access effectively. It ensures no disturbance between users that would not end result any lack of information or lack of integrity.

Improved backing and recovery services

Modern databases management system provides facilities to minimize the quantity of processing that can be lost carrying out a failure by using the transaction way.



A difficult software. All users must know about its efficiency and take full good thing about it. Therefore, training for the administrators, designers and users is necessary.


Uses a substantial amount of main ram as well as massive amount disk space to make it run effectively.

Cost of DBMS

A multi-user repository management system may be very expensive. Even following the installation, there's a high regular gross annual maintenance cost on the software.

Cost of conversion

When moving from a file-base system to a data source system, the business must have additional expenditures on hardware acquisition and training cost.


As the repository approach is to appeal to many applications rather than exclusively for a particular one, some applications might not exactly run as fast as before.

Higher impact of a failure

Increases the vulnerability of the system because of the centralization. As all users and applications reply on the repository availability, the failure of any element can bring functions to a halt and influence the services to the customer seriously.

The difference between TFS and DBMS

Balajee B. (2005), You will find range of characteristics that change from traditional data file management system to database management system. In record system procedure, each customer implements the required files for a particular application to perform. (Example: in a sales section of an organization, one user will be keeping the facts of the amount of sales personnel for the reason that division and their grades. These details will be stored and looked after in another file. Another individual will maintain the salary details of these sales employees and the thorough salary survey will be stored and looked after in another data file. Although both of the users need the info of the salespersons, they'll be having their details in individual files plus they need different programs to operate their files. ) When such data is isolated in separate data files, it is difficult to gain access to data that needs to be designed for both users. This may lead to wastage of space and redundancy or replication of data, which may lead to confusion, as posting of data among various users is extremely hard and data inconsistency may occur. These files will never be having any inter-relationship among the info stored in these files. Therefore in traditional record processing every customer will be defining their own constraints and apply the files regarding to their needs.

In database way, a single store of data is taken care of that is identified once and then utilized by many users, as repository belongs to the whole organization and can be distributed by all official users. The fundamental characteristic of data source approach is that the repository system not only contains data but it includes complete description or information of the data source composition and control. These meanings are stored in a system catalog, which contains the information about the framework and definitions of the databases. The info stored in the catalog is named the metadata, it represents the primary data source. Hence this process will work on any kind of database for example, insurance repository, Airlines, banking databases, Financing details, and Organization information database. However in traditional file handling system the application form is developed for a particular purpose and they'll access specific database only. But the processing acceleration in TFS is high compared to DBMS.

The other main attribute of the databases is that it will allow multiple users to access the database at exactly the same time and posting of data can be done. The databases must include concurrency control software to ensure that several users endeavoring to update the same data at the same time, it will maintain in a controlled manner. In document system procedure many developers will be creating documents over an extended period and various data have different format, in a variety of application dialects, where duplication of data may appear.

This redundancy in saving same data multiple times contributes to higher costs and wastage of space. This might result in data inconsistency in the application; this is because update is performed for some of the data files only and not all the files. Moreover in database approach multiple views can be created;

External view - User/Application view,

Conceptual view - Rational view,

Internal view - Details about the composition of data and physical storage space of information.

View is a tailored representation of information within one or more dining tables. View is also called as "Virtual table" because view will not contain actually stored records and will not occupy any space.

A multi-user databases whose users have variety of applications must definitely provide facilities for defining multiple views. In traditional data file system, if any changes are created to the composition of the files it will influence all the programs. Therefore, changes to the composition of a document should change all programs that access the record and whereby data dependence will be lost. But in the truth of database procedure the structure of the repository is stored independently in the machine catalog from the gain access to of the application form programs. This property is known as program-data freedom.

Database can be used for continuous storage area for program things and data structures that led to object oriented data source methodology. Traditional systems experienced impedance mismatch problem and difficulty in being able to access the data, which is prevented in object oriented database system. Database may be used to represent complex human relationships among data as well concerning retrieve and revise related data easily and effectively. Hence DBMS will not automatically remove redundancies, but help control redundancy.

It is possible to identify and enforce integrity constraints for the data stored in the repository. The database also provides facilities for recovering hardware and software failures, as they have automatic and intelligent backup and recovery strategies. It reduces the application form development time substantially when compared to the data file system way and availability of up-to-date information of all users. In addition, it provides security to the info stored in the databases system and retains integrity.

A highly technological person will be required to handle the databases, while for TFS, it isn't so.

File-based systems are incredibly dependent upon the application form programmer. Any required questions or reports need to be written by the application form programmer. Normally, a fixed format query or article can only just be entertained no center for ad-hoc concerns if offered. DBMS has data freedom. Just how information is stored and just how information granted is independent of every other.

File-based systems also give great pressure on data digesting personnel, with users' issues on programs that are limited or inefficient in getting together with their demands. Documentation may be limited and maintenance of the system is difficult. Provision for security, integrity and restoration capability is very limited. Whereas, DBMS has control over security as it offers tools such as use of End user Code, Security password / Privileges and Tasks to ensure security of data.

Data, Field, Record, and Data file are the key components of Database environment. Quickly clarify those.


Webopedia (Anon. , n. d. ), Specific pieces of information usually formatted in a particular way. All software is split into two general categories: data and programs. Programs are selections of instructions for manipulating data. Data can can be found in a number of forms -- as statistics or content material on pieces of paper, as parts and bytes stored in electronic digital recollection, or as facts stored in a person's mind. Purely speaking, data is the plural of datum, an individual piece of information. In practice, however, people use data as both the singular and plural form of the term. The word data is often used to distinguish binary machine-readable information from textual human-readable information. For instance, some applications make a distinction between documents (files that contain binary data) and text message files (documents that contain ASCII data). In database management systems, data files are the documents that store the data source information, whereas other documents, such as index data and data dictionaries, store administrative information, known as metadata.


Webopedia (Anon. , n. d. ), A space allocated for a particular item of information. A duty form, for example, consists of lots of fields: one for your name, one for your Friendly Security amount, one for your income, etc. In data source systems, fields are the smallest systems of information you can access. In spreadsheets, domains are called skin cells.

Most domains have certain qualities associated with them. For example, some fields are numeric whereas others are textual; some are long, while others are short. Furthermore, every field has a name, called the field name.

In database management systems, a field can be required, optional, or calculated. A required field is one in which you must enter in data, while an optional field is one you may leave blank. A determined field is one whose value is derived from some formula including other fields. You do not enter data into a calculated field; the machine automatically determines the right value.

A assortment of fields is named an archive.


Webopedia (Anon. , n. d. ), In databases management systems, a total set of information. Records are composed of domains, each which includes one item of information. A couple of records takes its file. For example, a personnel record might contain documents which may have three areas: a name field, an address field, and a telephone number field. In relational database management systems, information are called tuples. Some development languages allow you to define a particular data structure called an archive. Generally, a record is a mixture of other data items. For example, an archive might contain three integers, a floating-point quantity, and a personality string. In data source management systems, a complete set of information. Records are composed of fields, each which includes one item of information. A couple of records takes its file. For instance, a personnel file might contain details that have three fields: a name field, an address field, and a telephone number field.

Figure 1. 2. 1

Source Author Anon. ,


Webopedia (Anon. , n. d. ), A assortment of data or information which has a name, called the filename. Virtually all information stored in your personal computer must be in a file. There are many different types of documents: data files, text data files, program files, directory files, etc. Various kinds of files store different kinds of information. For instance, program files store programs, whereas content material files store text message.

What is the Importance of DBMS in a Defense Organization and in an Education Section?

Defence Organization

Benjamin (n. d. ), A Data source Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that handles the creation, maintenance, and the use of the databases with computers of an organization and its end users. It allows organizations to put control of organization-wide databases development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists.

As organizations develop as time passes, their adoption to the latest technologies in the computer field becomes essential. A Defence business is not a different. In these turbulent times, when nationwide security is more important, providing all Defence staff with access to the latest technology and education opportunities not only immediately contributes to Defence potential but also improve the defence personnels' profession development.

Hence the importance of a DBMS in such an organization like Defence is vital. Because Repository administrators might use this system to configure and operate databases as the software provides advanced, privileged database access. However the management should limit use of this software to certified workers. One function of the database administrator is to set-up particular views of information stored in the repository that are unique for every type of consumer. For example, one officer will have another view of information in the repository than another, say Senior officer. The various user groupings will also have different abilities to add, alter, or delete information. The repository administrator is in charge of providing users with usage of the appropriate degree of information. The principal risk associated with databases administration is an administrator can transform hypersensitive data without those modifications being found.

A supplementary risk is that an administrator can transform access privileges to information stored within the data source as well as their own gain access to rights.

Database security is the last line of defence. So that it deserves greater concentrate on the protection of private data from both interior and external.

The awareness and classification of the info stored in the repository form the basis for establishing control buttons. A databases that stores confidential information may require a far more significant control environment when compared to a repository that stores non-sensitive information. Management should consider the security and performance implications of the security possibilities with modern data source management systems.

Database security specialists and information security and risk management experts could choose a security strategy in DBMS to:

1) Align data source security insurance policies with information security guidelines;

2) Ensure well-defined and formalized data source security procedures;

3) Enforce role separation; and

4) Apply advanced security procedures such as databases auditing, monitoring, data source encryption, data masking, and vulnerability assessment to all critical directories that store private data.

The DBMS can provide long-term benefits for the Defence firm minimizing duplication of data and rendering it easier for HR to update personnel details. If not for DBMS, every time there is a employees change, trainers would have to proceed through their complete content to make the necessary changes. Now, replacing Brigadier X's picture in the content catalogue with Commodore Y's picture can be automatically replicated through all relevant programs. In doing so reduce its expenses on storage area. But, initial training will be needed for all programmers and users. Despite the fact that database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to create, there is increased data integrity and freedom from applications programs and

Education Department

Sue Bushell (2004), To improve coaching and learning with the aid of modern information and communication technology eLearning is effective to education, companies and to all types of learners. It is affordable, helps you to save time, and produces measurable results.

E-learning includes all kinds of electronically recognized learning and teaching. THE INFO and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific multimedia to implement the learning process.

E-learning services have developed since personal computers were first found in education. There is a trend to go towards blended learning services, where computer-based activities are included with useful or classroom-based situations.

E-learning is actually the computer and network-enabled copy of skills and knowledge. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, digital class room opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is provided via the web, intranet/extranet, music or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It could be self-paced or instructor-led and includes mass media by means of text, image, computer animation, streaming training video and audio

The description of e-learning varies with regards to the organization and exactly how it can be used but quite simply it involves electronic digital means of communication, education, and training.

Regardless of the definition you chose to use, designers, coders, and implementers make or break the instructional programs and tools. E-learning is merely a medium for delivering learning and like any other medium, it offers its advantages and disadvantages. E-learning covers several activities from recognized learning, to combined or hybrid learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning methods), to learning occurring 100% online.

As per wikipedia. org, the worldwide e-learning industry is believed to be worth over $48 billion US regarding to conservative quotes. Innovations in internet and multi-media technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning, with talking to, content, technology, services and support being determined as the five key areas of the e-learning industry.

E-learning is obviously suited to distance education and adaptable learning, but can also be found in conjunction with face-to-face coaching, in which case the term Blended learning is commonly used. E-Learning pioneer Bernard Luskin argues that the "E" must be grasped to have broad so this means if e-learning is to be effective. Luskin says that the "e" should be interpreted to mean exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, prolonged, excellent, and educational in addition to "electronic" that is clearly a traditional countrywide interpretation. This broader interpretation allows for 21st century applications and brings learning and press psychology in to the equation.

E-Learning can also refer to educational internet sites such as those offering learning cases, worksheets and interactive exercises for children. The word is also used extensively in the business sector where it generally refers to cost-effective online training

There are extensive advantages to online and computer-based learning when compared to traditional face-to-face training and lectures. There are many cons as well.

Advantages of eLearning

(Anon. , n. d) E-learning is beneficial to education, firms and to all sorts of learners. It really is affordable, helps you to save time, and produces measurable results.

Cost effective

E-learning is less expensive than traditional learning because less time and money is spent touring. Since e-learning can be carried out in any geographic location and there are no travel expenses, this type of learning is much less expensive than doing learning at a traditional institute.


Flexibility is a major benefit of e-learning. E-learning has the good thing about taking class anytime anywhere. Education can be acquired when and where it is necessary. E-learning can be done at the office, at home, on the road, 24 hours per day, and 7 days per week.


Learners like e-learning because it accommodates different kinds of learning styles. They may have the advantage of learning at their own speed. Students can also learn through a number of activities that apply to many different learning styles. Learners can fit e-learning into their busy schedule. If indeed they hold a job, they can participate in eLearning right at their desk. If the learner must do the training at night, then this option can be acquired while in their pajamas and do the training if they desire.

Personalized learning

E-learning encourages students to peruse through information by using hyperlinks and sites on the worldwide Web. Learners have the ability to find information relevant to their personal situations and interest. E-learning allows selection of learning materials that meet their degree of knowledge, interest and what they need to know to perform more effectively within an activity.


E-learning is more focused on the learner and it is more interesting for the learner because it is information that they want to learn. E-learning is versatile and can be personalized to meet up with the individual needs of the learners.

Develops knowledge

E-learning helps develop understanding of the Internet. This knowledge can help learners throughout their jobs. E-learning encourages students to have personal responsibility for their own learning. When learners succeed, it builds self-knowledge and self-confidence

Disadvantages of eLearning


One disadvantage of eLearning is the fact that learners need to have access to a computer as well as the web. They also need to have computer skills with programs such as phrase processing, Internet browsers, and e-mail. Without these skills and software it isn't possible for the learner to succeed in eLearning.


E-learners need to be very comfortable utilizing a computer. Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials difficult. This might cause the learners to get frustrated and present up.

Software and files

Another downside of e-learning is handling computer data files, software comfortability and learning new software, including e-learning. For learners with beginner-level computer skills it can sometimes seem intricate to keep their computer documents organized. The lesson points you to definitely download a record which the learner does indeed and later cannot find the record. The record is downloaded to the folder the computer automatically starts to rather than folder chosen by the learner. This file may be lost or misplaced to the learner without good computer organizational skills.

High motivation

E-learning also requires the perfect time to complete especially people that have assignments and interactive collaborations. Which means that students have to be highly motivated and dependable because all the task they do is on their own. Learners with low desire or bad research habits may not complete modules and may fall behind


Another downside of e-learning is that students may feel isolated and unsupported while learning. Instructions aren't always available to help the learner so learners need to have willpower to work separately without assistance. E-learners could also become bored with no conversation with teachers or classmates.

Without the tedious structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or baffled about course activities and deadlines. Teacher may not continually be available when students are studying or need help


Today many technology can be, and are, found in e-learning, from weblogs to collaborative software, E-Portfolios, and exclusive classrooms. Most e-learning situations use combos of these techniques.

Even although hardware and software start-up are costly, the advantages are; reduced data redundancy, minimizing updating mistakes and increased reliability, better data integrity and freedom from applications programs, upgraded data usage of users through use of number and query languages, advanced data security and availability of facilitated development of new software programs and ability for intense research will be the advantages of DBMS.

Task 2

Draw an Entity Romance Data Model which identifies this content and framework of the data organised by the Medi Check Hospital.

Produce the causing tables of above Medi Check Hospital and evidently indicating the principal and foreign tips.

Data Tables


DoctorID (major)










PatientNo (principal)









AppointmentNo (principal)





SymptomCode (primary),




TreatmentTitle (primary)






MedicationNo (most important)










Normalize these furniture to ensure that are in BCNF. Show the steps you have taken in normalizing the furniture.

What is a traditional file?

Traditional file organization describes storing data in paper files, within folders and filing cabinets. Electronic file organization is a common alternative to paper filing; each system has its benefits and drawbacks.

What is the difference between a traditional filing system and DBMS?

What is the Difference between File System and DBMS? The file system is a collection of data and for any management with it, the user has to write the procedures, while DBMS is a collection of data and user need not write the procedures for handling the database.

What is the difference between a file and a database Class 8?

A database is generally used for storing related, structured data, with well defined data formats, in an efficient manner for insert, update and/or retrieval (depending on application). On the other hand, a file system is a more unstructured data store for storing arbitrary, probably unrelated data.

What are the problems with the traditional file environment?

Over time, this traditional file management environment creates problems such as data redundancy and inconsistency, program-data dependence, inflexibility, poor security, and lack of data sharing and availability.

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