The sum of all one digit numbers nghĩa là gì

at least one digit

words , each representing one digit

than one digit

single digit

third digit

tens digit

is the sum of all

the sum of all knowledge

the sum of all fears

find the sum of all

the sum of all numbers

the sum of all forms

Câu 1: The sum of all one digit numbers?
0 + 1 + 2 +3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 +9 = 45

Câu 2: Which value is not equal to 4500? (45tens, 450tens, 45 hundred)

Câu 3: Which number below is the word form of 20 300?
20 thousands and 3 hundreds 

Câu 4: How many two digit odd numbers are there that are greater than 15?17, 19, 21, 23,.....99

There are = (99-17) : 2 + 1= 42

Câu 5: Lily writers a number. It has the digit 5 in the thousands place and the digit 8 in the units place. Which of these numbers could Lily have written?
5 008

Câu 6: What is the smallest posible number that can be written using the digits 4, 7, 0, 6? (use each digit only once)

Câu 7: If the sum of three consecutive natural numbers is less than 90, find the largest possible value of the largest natural number is?

Câu 8: How many multiples of 4 lie between 1000 and 2500?1004;1008;1012;...2500There are: (2500-1004) : 4 +1= 375

Câu 9: Read number: 35 206 :
thirty five thousands two hundreds and six

Câu 10: Jack finished the bicycle race with a time of 34152 seconds, Jane finished with a time of 34215 seconds, and Tina finished with a time of 34125 seconds. In what order did they finish the race?
Tina -> Jack -> jane

Câu 11: The The greatest odd number that can be formed by all the digit 1,2,0 and 8 is?

Câu 12: A rectangle having length and breadth are 25cm and 8cm respectively. The perimeter of the rectangle?

Câu 13: Amy put 50 photographs into an online photo album. On each page she could fit eight photos. How many photos were on the last page?
2 photos

Câu 14: Bon is 5 years old. Ben’s age is 3 years more than the double of Bon’s age. Find the age of Ben?
5 x 2 + 3 = 13 (years old)

Câu 15: Which value is equal to 56 hundreds? (56000; 5600 tens; 560 tens; 56 units)
560 tens

Câu 16:What is the perimeter of  a square with side lengths of 205 cm?  
820 cm

Câu 17: What is the greatest 3-digit number whose digits total is 13?

Câu 18: Anna has a chocolate chip cookie recipe that makes 60 cookies and calls for 6cups of flour. If he only wants to make 40 cookies. How many cups of flour would he need?4

Câu 19: A string of 5m35cm was cut into 5 equal parts. What’s the length of each part in cm?

  5m35cm= 535cm

535 : 5 = 107 (cm)

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