What are the strategies for composing negative messages?

January 11, 2011 · 4:57 am

There are times that we might be faced with the challenge of writing a negative message.  This could be a letter of rejection, a performance review, or other message.  Many of us find it very hard to break the bad news, especially if you are the one having to do it.  When writing a negative message there are five different goals to keep in mind.

  1. Convey the bad news.
  2. Gain acceptance for the bad news.
  3. Maintain goodwill with the audience.
  4. Maintain good image for the organization.
  5. Try to reduce or eliminate future correspondence on the matter (discussion might be encouraged at times).

The following three-step writing process is the main key for achieving the  five goals.  All of these techniques will help you write a good negative message.  The three steps you should take are as follows:

  • Planning a negative message

The first thing you have to remember is that the audience does not want to hear the message.  Make sure to consider the purpose and recognize whether it’s going to be a straightforward message or a more complicated one.  Keep the audience in mind and gather the required information for them to accept and understand your message. You also have to know what type of medium to use for the message.  It is sometimes recommended that bad news be delivered in person rather than in a letter or e-mail.

  • Writing a negative message

When it comes down to actually writing the message, make sure that the message is clear and kind.  Use positive words ratherthan negative words. 

  • Completing a negative message

Once your message is complete, pay close attention to details and make sure there are no errors.  The audience will tend to focus even on the smallest of errors when reading a negative message.  Also, be sure to deliver your message promptly, before the audience hears it from somebody else.

Excellence in Business Communication, 9th Edition. Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, 01/10/11 pg.243).


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Negative sign.jpg provided by J. Paxton

The following solution is suggested to handle the subject “Describe the strategies for composing negative messages in the table below.“. Let’s keep an eye on the content below!

Question “Describe the strategies for composing negative messages in the table below.”

 Describe the strategies for composing negative messages in the table below.


The meaning of the word “negligible” should be explained clearly and fully. It is important to convey the negative message clearly and completely so that there is no confusion. The information must be clear so that the receiver can understand the issue.

Projecting a professional image does not mean that you should tell the negative message to anyone.

Empathy and sensitivity are two things that can be used to convey empathy. Be sensitive to the negative behavior of others. Instead of complaining, try to solve the problem.

Fair means that a person should not be judged for doing something wrong. He should be treated honestly and impartially for his negative behavior.


Above is the solution for “Describe the strategies for composing negative messages in the table below.“. We hope that you find a good answer and gain the knowledge about this topic of science.

What are the strategies for writing negative messages?

Tips for Writing Negative Messages.
Avoid Negative or Abusive Language. Sarcasm, profanity, harsh accusations, and abusive or insulting language may feel good to write in a fit of anger but, in the end, make everyone's lives more difficult. ... .
Avoid Oversharing but Tell the Truth. ... .
Respect the Recipient's Privacy..

What are effective strategies for composing bad news messages make short notes for each strategy?

There are seven goals to keep in mind when delivering negative news, in person or in written form: Be clear and concise in order not to require additional clarification..
Avoid abusive language or behaviour..
Avoid contradictions and absolutes..
Avoid confusion or misinterpretation..
Maintain respect and privacy..

What are the examples of negative messages?

What is an example of a negative message? An example of a negative message would be an email from a boss that starts with, "I'm sorry to say that you did not get the promotion." This is a direct way of delivering bad news that could be received poorly by the person who did not get the promotion.

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