What is the most important focus of a professional learning community (plc) initiative in a school?

Benefits and Importance of PLCs

The benefits of PLCs are not limited to students’ growth and achievement. PLCs can also contribute to creating and maintaining a thriving school culture. They can monitor the pulse of the campus and the impact of the ever-changing educational landscape that we are currently experiencing.

Reflect on March 2020, when the world shut down, and we had to educate our students in unconventional ways. For many, this required skill sets that were not fully developed. And, in some cases, the effectiveness of these skills/approaches had yet to be assessed. There were very few books and little research or strategies that could be relied on to address the challenges. Both newly formed and established PLCs collaborated on how to best meet the academic and social and emotional needs of students. As the world transitions to a level of normalcy, it is important that educators continue to support one another with tips, strategies, and resources as they navigate uncharted paths.

As you may have gleaned, there is no one-size-fits-all for Professional Learning Communities. The established purpose and goal of the team will determine the type, membership, and frequency of the PLC meetings. For example, a school focused on increasing student attendance may create a PLC that includes administration, department or grade level chairs, a PTA representative, and their community liaison. Initially, they may meet monthly to accurately define the root cause and create an effective plan to address the problem. They then may shift to meeting quarterly to monitor and evaluate their plan and adjust as needed.

PLCs can also be used to:

  • Review data
  • Plan collaboratively
  • Support colleagues
  • Reflect and share teaching practices
  • Grow professionally

Reflect on the following questions as you think about creating or redesigning your Professional Learning Community:

  1. What are my goals?
  2. What group will I need to bring together to accomplish the established goals?
  3. What is the time frame needed to reach the goal?
  4. How often do I need to check in and follow up on this goal?
  5. What skills might need to be developed in me, my team, and students to pursue our goals?

What Makes Effective PLCs?

To explore what makes PLCs effective, you must also identify the challenges that tend to derail or make this sacred shared time ineffective. Some of the most common challenges and strategies/practices that have been proven to work in ensuring success with PLCs are outlined below:



No clearly defined goals beyond student performance

• Define specific measurable goals

• Communicate goals to all stakeholders

• Paint a clear picture of what success is with this goal

Meetings are infrequent

• Determine a meeting cadence/schedule

• Protect that time against other scheduling conflicts

• Provide alternate dates for meeting interruptions

PLCs become complaint sessions or time is lost on unrelated topics

• Set meeting norms from the onset and ensure everyone agrees to these norms

• Create an agenda focused on meeting specific goals

• Share agenda and assign responsibilities before PLC

One person does all the work

• Create a responsibility list that shifts each meeting

• Change the lead of the PLC each meeting

• Create a collaborative environment

• Identify the strength(s) of each team member and provide time for each member to build and develop the team in that area

Administrator involvement is seen as oversight and not collaboration

• Establish a culture of support, growth, and development

• Administrators work directly with teachers as a colleague, mentor, collaborator in the development, execution, and evaluation of the plan

• Administrators attend meetings as a collaborator and not a leader

Growth vs Success

• Clearly define success

• Determine benchmarks of growth. What is 25% of success in comparison to 50% success?

• Celebrate growth and success

Developing YOUR Professional Learning Community

The Learn, Be, Do model is a method that has proven to be effective in growth and development. Most people begin in reverse. Why? Detailing the actions that participants must “Do” is the step that most people are familiar with or deem as the most important step when creating a plan. However, there are important steps that should be taken before any action is done.

The “Learn” part of the model is often an overlooked step. As you envision or build out your plan for developing or revamping your PLC(s), spend time reflecting on developing a shared awareness of the purpose and goals of the team, what success will look like, what has been done in the past, and what human or physical resources will be needed.

Be” is a step for the exploration of aspirations. At this stage, consider the ideal behaviors, characteristics, and mindsets you will need in action. When time is spent determining attributes needed to lead the team, qualities needed by teachers to execute the plans, and attributes students need to demonstrate to meet the established goal, you will be better positioned to create a well-crafted plan that will set you on a path to reach your PLC goals.


HMH is proud to now be among the PLPG’s list of professional learning services. Explore our services here.

What is the importance of learning PLC?

PLCs allow educators opportunities to directly improve teaching and learning. PLCs allow teachers an easy way to share best practices and brainstorm innovative ways to improve learning and drive student achievement.

What is a professional learning community PLC according to deped description?

​​​​​Professional learning communities (PLCs) are an approach to school improvement where groups of teachers work collaboratively at the school level to improve student outcomes.​

What is the purpose of a PLC?

PLCs—which harness “an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve”—are a common and proven practice to promote teacher collaboration that increases student achievement.

What do you focus on during the PLC meetings?

Typically, PLC meetings include the following activities: 1) Reviewing student data, 2) setting learning goals, 3) reflecting on teaching practice, 4) exploring resources to learn about new practices, and 5) planning how to apply new learning.

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