Which of the following is an advantage of breastfeeding an infant over formula feeding?

Breastmilk: why it’s good for babies

Experts say that breastmilk is the natural food for your baby. Here’s why.

Breastmilk: designed by nature

  • Breastmilk has developed over millions of years to be exactly suited to your baby’s needs. Although baby formula manufacturers try to copy breastmilk as closely as they can, formula won’t ever be exactly the same as breastmilk.
  • Breastmilk adapts to your baby’s changing nutritional needs as your baby gets older and has fewer feeds.

Breastmilk: a complete food

  • For around the first 6 months of life, your baby gets all the nutrients they need from breastmilk alone. Your baby will grow and develop well if you feed them only breastmilk and no solids, water or other liquids. This is called exclusive breastfeeding.
  • Breastmilk is easy to digest. It’s easily absorbed into your baby’s system.

Breastmilk: a basis for healthy development

  • Colostrum is the first breastmilk that babies get when they’re born. Colostrum boosts your baby’s immune system and supports their growth and development.
  • Both colostrum and mature breastmilk contain antibodies, good bacteria and other things that reduce your baby’s risk of infections and conditions like gastroenteritis, respiratory tract infections, ear infections, type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, obesity and some cancers.
  • The fats in breastmilk are important for baby brain development.
  • Breastfeeding is important for baby eyesight, speech, jaw and mouth development.
  • Breastfed babies have a lower risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and fatal sleeping accidents.
  • Breastmilk gives your baby a secure food source, even when power and clean water aren’t available.

Breastfeeding encourages skin-to-skin and eye contact between you and your baby. Being physically connected can help with bonding between you and your baby. This helps your baby feel secure and can help them form strong relationships as they grow up.

Breastfeeding: why it’s good for mothers

  • Breastfeeding is convenient and free. You don’t usually need special equipment to do it, and you can do it whenever and wherever you need to.
  • Breastfeeding can help some women lose weight after the birth.
  • Breastfeeding mothers get back to sleep more easily than formula-feeding mothers. Their sleep cycles are more in tune with their babies’ cycles.
  • Women who breastfeed have lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure. The longer you breastfeed the better it is for your health.

Almost all mothers can breastfeed if they have the right information, support and care.

Breastfeeding: an informed decision

Breastfeeding has many benefits, but it can take time and patience to learn. It’s good to know that you can overcome most breastfeeding issues with the right support.

You and your partner can talk to your midwife or child and family health nurse, or a lactation consultant. You can also get help from an Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) counsellor by phoning the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 1800 686 268 or using the ABA LiveChat.

If you decide not to breastfeed, it’s good to know that infant formulas give your baby adequate nutrition. And if you need to supplement breastmilk with formula, it doesn’t mean that breastfeeding has to stop completely or forever.

How long to feed your baby breastmilk

It’s recommended that you breastfeed exclusively until you introduce solid foods and water at around 6 months. Around this time babies start needing some extra nutrients for growth and development.

At first, your baby needs only small amounts of solid food and water. As your baby grows, you can increase the amount according to your baby’s appetite. But breastmilk will still be your baby’s main source of nutrition until they’re at least 12 months old. And you can keep breastfeeding beyond 12 months for as long as you and your child want to.

Any breastfeeding is good for you and your baby. Breastfeeding gives your baby a great start to life no matter how long you breastfeed for.

There are many nutritional, physical and emotional benefits to breastfeeding (chestfeeding) for you and your baby.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding (chestfeeding) has several health benefits for you and your baby. Understanding the benefits of breastfeeding can help you decide if it’s right for your family.

Benefits for baby

Research suggests that breastfeeding lowers your baby’s risk of certain diseases and helps build a strong immune system. Breastfed (chestfed) babies have a lower risk of:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting and preterm necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
  • Respiratory infections like pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)and whooping cough.
  • Ear infections.
  • Bacterial meningitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and infant mortality.
  • Childhood obesity.
  • Eczema.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Leukemia (in childhood).
  • Cavities and orthodontic problems.
  • Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Studies show that breastfed infants have a lower hospitalization rate and tend to be in better health. This leads to fewer visits to their pediatrician for sicknesses.

Breastfeeding nutrients

Breast milk contains everything your baby needs to grow and develop. It provides a unique and specific formula of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Some nutritional benefits of breast milk are:

  • It’s easy to digest for your baby’s immature tummy and intestines.
  • It contains antibodies that protect against infection and boost immunity.
  • It has the right amount of fat, sugar, water, protein and vitamins for your baby’s development.
  • It promotes healthy weight gain in infants.
  • It changes to meet your baby’s nutritional needs as they grow.
  • It contains substances that naturally soothe your baby.

Most healthcare organizations recommend that babies are exclusively breastfed for at least six months. Once your baby is old enough for solid food, you can introduce foods and continue with breastfeeding for up to two years or longer.

Benefits for mom or breastfeeding parent

Breastfeeding offers several benefits for you, too. It lowers your risk for several diseases and conditions, like:

  • Breast cancer.
  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Endometrial cancer.
  • Thyroid cancer.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Postpartum depression.

Breastfeeding can also help you recover quicker from childbirth. Breastfeeding produces the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin helps your uterus contract after delivery. This helps it return to its normal size and reduces the amount of vaginal bleeding after delivery.

Breastfeeding is also a special and unique way to feel connected to your baby. It increases both physical and emotional bonding. Many people feel that the bonding from breastfeeding may help reduce social and behavioral problems in both children and adults.

Some of the other benefits of breastfeeding for you include:

  • Promoting faster weight loss after birth (in some people).
  • You can breastfeed anywhere without worrying about preparing bottles or mixing formula. Your milk is always available without needing to bring other supplies.
  • Breastfeeding parents learn to read their infant’s cues, and babies learn to trust caregivers. This helps shape your baby’s early behavior.
  • It’s inexpensive. The cost of formula can be up to $10 a day depending on the brand, type and amount your baby drinks. Breastfeeding may have some initial costs like nursing bras and nipple cream, but it’s more affordable long term.

It’s worth noting that if you exclusively pump, your baby is still getting the nutritional and health benefits of breastmilk.

Are babies who are breastfed smarter?

Studies suggest breastfeeding has a positive long-term effect on brain and behavioral development. However, there hasn’t been a study to confirm that a breastfed baby is smarter than a formula-fed baby. Feeding your baby with formula is also healthy and a great way to support your baby’s growth and development.

Does supplementing with formula reduce the benefits of breastfeeding?

Supplementing with formula doesn’t mean your baby is getting fewer benefits. Having a full, growing and happy baby is what’s most important. If you need give your baby formula, rest assured you’re doing it for the right reasons. Your baby is still getting the nourishment they need.

Does breastfeeding help you lose weight?

Breastfeeding may make it easier for you to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. Breastfeeding burns calories, which can help with weight loss. Not everyone loses weight from breastfeeding. Researchers aren’t entirely sure why some people lose weight while breastfeeding and others don’t.

Why is breastfeeding important?

Whether to breastfeed your baby is an important decision all parents make. It’s good to take time to understand how breastfeeding affects your baby. Some of the biggest benefits of breastfeeding include:

  • It’s easy to digest and contains all the right nutrients for your baby.
  • It builds your baby’s immune system and reduces their risk for certain health conditions.
  • It’s inexpensive.

Some people aren’t able to fully breastfeed or breastfeed at all, and that’s OK. There are many formula options that will help your baby grow as well. Talk to your baby’s pediatrician if you need help with your choice.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

One of the many decisions you’ll make as a parent is how to feed your baby. Before you decide, take time to understand the benefits of breastfeeding. There are many medical, physical and emotional benefits to breastfeeding. Plus, it gives your baby all the nutrients, vitamins and antibodies they need to build a strong immune system.

Ask your pregnancy care provider or a pediatrician for help with your decision. They’re there to provide information and support as you navigate life with a new baby. If you don’t think breastfeeding will work for you, or if you can’t breastfeed, there are still great options for formula available.

What is one of the advantages of breastfeeding over formula feedings?

Breastfed babies have fewer infections and hospitalizations than formula-fed infants. During breastfeeding, antibodies and other germ-fighting factors pass from a mother to her baby and strengthen the immune system. This helps lower a baby's chances of getting many infections, including: ear infections.

What are the advantages of breast feeding an infant?

Breastfeeding can help protect babies against some short- and long-term illnesses and diseases. Breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfed babies are also less likely to have ear infections and stomach bugs.

What are 3 advantages of formula feeding?

Formula feeding is also a healthy choice for babies..
It's convenient. ... .
It's flexible. ... .
Your partner can help out with nighttime feedings and share that bonding experience with your baby..
Scheduling feedings may be easier..

What are the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding and bottle feeding?

Breastfeeding vs Bottle Feeding.

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