Which of the following were primary reasons the magazine industry moved to smaller more specialized publications in the 1950s quizlet?

Terms in this set (471)

Hannibal Goodwin
Choice, invented celluloid roll film in 1887
invented celluloid roll film in 1887
George Eastman
Choice, created an easy-to-use camera in 1889
created an easy-to-use camera in 1889
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
Choice, first person to make practical use of a camera and film, around 1816
first person to make practical use of a camera and film, around 1816
Louis Daguerre
Choice, developed a process for recording images on polished metal plates, introduced in 1839
developed a process for recording images on polished metal plates, introduced in 1839
William Henry Fox Talbot
Choice, introduced a paper film process, the calotype, in 1839
introduced a paper film process, the calotype, in 1839

Sets with similar terms

What triggered the move toward magazine specialization in the early 1950s?

What triggered the move toward magazine specialization? The general trend away from mass market publications and toward specialty magazines coincided with radio's move to specialized formats in the 1950s. With the rise of television, magazines reacted the same way as radio and movies did: they adapted.

Which were reasons the magazine industry grew in the late 1800s?

Which of the following were reasons the magazine industry grew in the late 1800s? Magazines became cheaper to mail, more people were literate, allowing them to read and enjoy magazines, magazines became less expensive, making them affordable for more people.

Why did magazines see a growth in circulation in the late 1800s?

America's magazine market increased exponentially in the late 1800s, in large part due to compulsory education and increased literacy. As a result, magazines became more specialized.

Which of the following was a reason for the rise in readership in magazines in the late 1800s to early 1900s?

Magazines became less expensive, making them affordable for more people. More people were literate, allowing them to read and enjoy magazines.

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