Which of the following would be a reason a company would outsource their IT support?

The current business environment relies heavily on having an efficient IT infrastructure. Without it, you may lag behind your competitors in terms of customer experience and support. In addition, your business may be susceptible to cyber threats. Therefore, you should create a robust IT infrastructure with an in-house or outsourced team.

Even with enough resources, in-house teams can still face various challenges. One of the primary reasons is the need for their constant availability. Because of this, the team gets stretched sometimes, which tends to lower their productivity and staff morale. Therefore, it might be best to get the services of an IT support company. Such a company would provide your business with comprehensive managed IT services tailored to your needs. Furthermore, various other reasons exist to use a managed IT service provider (MSP) for your non-core IT requirements. Below are some compelling reasons to outsource your IT support.

#1 Round The Clock Network Monitoring And Support

Your IT infrastructure is essential for vital business engagements such as online transactions, communication, and client online interactions. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that network issues do not arise and interrupt these operations. You need a team on call to offer prompt assistance if there’s a problem. This is especially true if your customer base spans several time zones. 

If you have an in-house team, there are times during the day when they might not be available. Either due to working hours or being in transit. Therefore, if there’s an IT problem, the team might not be on hand to solve it. Hence, you can lose revenue or customers as a result. 

However, if you outsource your IT support, an MSP has a team that provides 24-hour support when you need it. Some MSPs also allocate a dedicated account manager as a point of contact. Thus, whenever you have an issue, it’s easier to reach out and ask for the support you need. In addition, the MSP provides round-the-clock network monitoring. This ensures they can notice network problems and mitigate the risks before they affect your everyday operations.

#2 Scalability

Your IT needs can change from time to time. This can be due to seasonal changes in your operational requirements or short-term projects ending. Therefore, the software solution you require today may not be relevant in three months. This redundancy of IT resources can be costly if you have to maintain them until the next time you need them. 

But if you hire an MSP, you can request the IT resources you need at that particular time. You can scale to regular operational resources when you no longer need them. This ability to scale up or down helps you manage your IT costs better, thus protecting your revenue. 

#3 Lower IT Expenses

A fully operational IT infrastructure can be pretty expensive. Thus, hosting and maintaining hardware and software infrastructure can significantly increase your costs. In addition, you must pay your internal IT team salaries and other benefits. You would also need to pay for any training requirements. Thus, making it expensive to have the right IT expertise. These personnel costs can balloon your recurrent expenses even further. 

You won’t incur any recruitment and training expenses when using an IT services company. The reason is that that’s the MSP’s responsibility. This also means you can maintain a lean IT team for your core operations. Thus, cutting down your labor costs. 

Furthermore, most of the IT infrastructure is hosted by the IT company. Therefore, it reduces your space requirements and maintenance needs. This consequently reduces rental and repairs, and maintenance costs. Overall, outsourcing allows you to access a fully operational IT spectrum with minimal expenses on your end.

#4 Latest Technology And Expertise

The IT industry evolves frequently. Thus, it’s essential to quickly adopt and adapt to emerging trends to stay relevant and competitive. Due to time and in-house responsibilities, an internal IT team may not fully explore these new technological trends. Furthermore, you might not have adequate resources for the same. 

On the other hand, IT is an MSP’s core business. Therefore, they will ensure they stay updated with all emerging technological trends, which they can pass on to their clients. Additionally, the MSPs ensure they recruit some of the best expertise they can get to sufficiently meet their clients’ needs. Their personnel would primarily specialize in different IT areas. Outsourcing allows you to tap into this high-tech expertise without straining your resources.

#5 Focus On Core Business Operations

Ensuring your IT infrastructure runs smoothly requires constant monitoring. Hence, your internal IT team might spend more time on network monitoring at the expense of your core projects. This can significantly reduce your growth and development. In addition, the team might feel left out of the primary business operations. Thus, it can lower their morale and productivity. 

Outsourcing your IT can help relieve your staff of various repetitive responsibilities. Thus, allowing them to focus on your core projects and developments. This can help them realize their worth in the organization, improving their productivity and morale. Furthermore, once you know professionals are handling your IT infrastructure, you can spend quality time on your business goals and objectives. This can help you gain a competitive advantage over your peers.

#6 Cybersecurity And Compliance

While it provides the convenience of doing business, technology also has its risks. One significant risk associated with it is cyber threats. Cybercriminals frequently find ways to obtain data from various networks illegally. Thus, your business might fall victim to cyber attackers if you don’t have sufficient cybersecurity measures. Furthermore, your internal IT team may not manage to keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends. This can increase your network’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks. 

You can reduce these risks significantly with the help of an IT company. IT service provision is their core business. Thus, MSPs ensure they have the latest cybersecurity measures to protect their clients from possible cyber-attacks. In addition, they constantly monitor your network for anomalies. Therefore, at the first sign of a breach, they can take measures to mitigate the risks and prevent intrusion. 

It’s essential to note also that MSPs ensure that they’re up to date with relevant industry regulations on data and network security. Thus, they can advise you on the current compliance requirements you must meet, which would otherwise take considerable time and resources. You can also liaise with your IT service provider to facilitate training for your staff. This can help improve cybersecurity awareness within the organization. It can also enlighten your team on crucial compliance needs in your operations.


While you can rely on your in-house IT team to support and service your IT infrastructure, they can run short of resources to execute their duties fully. In addition, it can become considerably costly in the end. If you have doubts about outsourcing your IT support, the above reasons could help eliminate those doubts. Hiring a managed IT service provider can be substantially beneficial for your business. 

Which of the following terms describes the process of rearranging files on the hard drive?

Question 25:  Correct Which of the following terms describes the process of rearranging files on the hard drive so that the computer runs more efficiently? EXPLANATION Defragmentation rearranges the files on a hard drive so that the computer runs more efficiently.

What term describes the process of rearranging files on the hard drive so that the computer runs more efficiently?

Defragmentation, also known as “defrag” or “defragging”, is the process of reorganizing the data stored on the hard drive so that related pieces of data are put back together, all lined up in a continuous fashion.

Which component gets things running until the operating system takes over?

EXPLANATION The basic input/output system (BIOS) is software that is contained on a memory chip on the computer's motherboard and is the first software that is run whenever a computer is started. It gets things running until the operating system takes over.

What is the name of the menu in the bottom left corner of the Windows environment?

The default settings for the taskbar in Microsoft Windows place it at the bottom of the screen and includes from left to right the Start menu button, Quick Launch bar, taskbar buttons, and notification area.

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