Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone



macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 5, 20113,328152
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #1
Whenever I get in my car which is paired with my phone via Bluetooth it immediately opens Music and starts playing songs from my library. Its very annoying because I have only a few songs on my phone and so it always plays one of 2 or 3, I use streaming services like pandora and Spotify which I have to manually switch to every time.

Why is my library the default music source and how do I switch it to pandora?
Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone

Bow Commander

macrumors member
Sep 16, 201696129
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #2
TH55 said:
Whenever I get in my car which is paired with my phone via Bluetooth it immediately opens Music and starts playing songs from my library. Its very annoying because I have only a few songs on my phone and so it always plays one of 2 or 3, I use streaming services like pandora and Spotify which I have to manually switch to every time.

Why is my library the default music source and how do I switch it to pandora?
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Mine does this too, and it's annoying.
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


Sep 28, 20151,3992,841Chicago, IL
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #3
TH55 said:
Whenever I get in my car which is paired with my phone via Bluetooth it immediately opens Music and starts playing songs from my library. Its very annoying because I have only a few songs on my phone and so it always plays one of 2 or 3, I use streaming services like pandora and Spotify which I have to manually switch to every time.

Why is my library the default music source and how do I switch it to pandora?
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I don't have an answer for you, other than to say that I had the same thing happening and as a Spotify user it drove me nuts. Ultimately, I deleted the Apple Music app from my phone in order to stop it from happening. Now it defaults to Spotify but doesn't always begin playing a song unless I recently had one paused.
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


Sep 28, 20151,3992,841Chicago, IL
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #6
TH55 said:
I didnt think you could delete stock apps.
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You couldn't for the loooooooongest time but Apple finally gave that capability (for select stock apps). I cannot recall which particular iOS update it was. Now you can delete them and it sends them back into the App Store.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 5, 20113,328152
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #7
ARizz44 said:
You couldn't for the loooooooongest time but Apple finally gave that capability (for select stock apps). I cannot recall which particular iOS update it was. Now you can delete them and it sends them back into the App Store.
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Im seriously so sick of Apple forcing things on you. Why do they always think they know whats best for everyone?


macrumors regular
Oct 16, 201323429Berkshire
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #8
Same issue here. Adds more distraction in the car when trying to stop it from playing. Rather dangerous tbh . Thanks Apple !
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 20133,5456,073US Eastern time zone
  • Oct 29, 2019
  • #9
TH55 said:
Im seriously so sick of Apple forcing things on you. Why do they always think they know whats best for everyone?
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Might be they read Macrumor forum threads. ?


macrumors newbie
Oct 29, 20191724
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #10
Keen to hear a resolution. I thought it was just me, and just decided to live with it. Everytime AppleCar Play is connected. Argh.
Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2019776880Atlanta, GA
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #11
rich32gb5s said:
Same issue here. Adds more distraction in the car when trying to stop it from playing. Rather dangerous tbh . Thanks Apple !
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This isn't just Apple. This issue has been around a long time and affects Android users as well.

Example below. The solution is to disable music over bluetooth entirely which isn't really a solution. I'm wondering if this more of a bluetooth problem than a phone problem.
Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors G3
Apr 24, 20169,7247,271
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #12
I wish my Bluetooth in the car would pick up automatically again, it certainly doesnt work for me.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 20141,605929Monroe, Louisiana
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #13
Auto-play is a trigger from the car, not the iPhone. The car is sending a Play command over the air. The auto manufacturer built that In, not Apple. Sometimes cars will have a setting in the menu where you can turn this feature on or off.
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2003673406PA
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #14
perezr10 said:
Auto-play is a trigger from the car, not the iPhone. The car is sending a Play command over the air. The auto manufacturer built that In, not Apple. Sometimes cars will have a setting in the menu where you can turn this feature on or off.
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I wish mine did. Honestly, it's annoying as I use car play all the time and most of the time just need a quick map trafffic check or directions. Why any company assumes I want music to play every single time I connect a device is annoying.
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 68000
Apr 13, 20061,856976
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #15
Same problem on my iPad since iOS 13. When I pause my video playing on YouTube then return to it, my music app starts playing music rather than the video I am watching. So annoying that I think Im going to delete the music app entirely. Surely Apple doesnt intend this behavior.
Eta: This is using my AirPods.
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 603
Aug 18, 20095,4942,499Upstate NY
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • #16
My favorite, not, is when you connected by wire to CarPlay listening to music then STOP the car, pause the music, and then unplug. The result? Bluetooth takes over and starts playing the music. Really? I STOPPED the car AND paused it. SO stupid!
  • Autoplay Spotify when connected to Bluetooth iPhone


macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2009983723Wales
  • Oct 31, 2019
  • #17
My Samsung S10+ used to do it. My iPhone 11 Pro Max doesn't. ?‍️