British council IELTS academic practice test 2 Listening answers

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Practice for the IELTS Listening Test with this IELTS practice test.

I will go through the answers at the end of the test and you will be able to convert your score into an IELTS band score. So get a piece of paper and a pen, and write down your answers. Good luck!

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To help you in your IELTS preparation, here are some tips for the listening test.

TIP #1 Take care with spelling. If you spell a word incorrectly, it will be marked as incorrect.

TIP #2 Similarly, take care with word endings: if the correct answer is cats and you write cat, your answer will be marked as incorrect.

TIP #3 Beware of distractors this is information put into the recording that is similar to the answer, but is not the answer. For example, if you are listening for someones date of birth, you might hear a date, but might be for something else.

TIP #4 You will be given some time to read the questions before each recording is played. Read the questions very carefully as you will hear each recording only once, so you want to be familiar with the questions before you hear the recording

TIP #5 Write down your answers while you listen you will need to write and listen at the same time.

TIP #6 Dont worry if you dont understand everything you hear. Listen out for the keywords from the questions and focus on what you need to be listening out for.

TIP #7 If you miss a question, dont dwell on it because you may miss the answer to the next one. So, if you miss one, move on.

Tip #8: Make sure you follow the word count in the instructions of each question. For example, if the instructions say write no more than one word and you write the train instead of train, your answer will be marked as incorrect.

NOTE: In the IELTS exam, you will have 10 minutes to copy your answers to the official IELTS listening test answer sheet. You can download a copy of the answer sheet here:

IELTS Listening Part 1 is usually an informal dialogue in a social or everyday situation. In this test, it is a conversation between 2 people in a tourist information office about a day trip.

IELTS Listening Part 2 is usually a non-academic monologue. In this test, the recording is of a restaurant manager talking to new staff.

IELTS Listening Part 3 is usually a discussion (between 3-4 people) related to education/training. In this test, the recording is of 2 students discussing a research project they must do.

IELTS Listening Part 4 is usually a university style lecture. In this test, it is a lecturer giving a talk to business students about business values

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The Listening test is the same for both Academic and General Training tests. Listening sample tasks. The following IELTS Listening Sample Tasks are to be used with the answer sheet and MP3 audio files/transcripts.
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