Iterate over list of integers

In this article we will discuss different ways to iterate over a list.

Iterate over the list using for-in loop

Its easies solution to iterate over the list i.e.

''' Iterate over the list using for loop ''' for word in wordList: print(word)
hi hello this that is of

Iterate over the list using while loop

  • Fist get the size of list
  • Then iterate using while loop from 0 to len(list) 1
  • In each iteration access iTh element
''' Iterate over the list using while loop ''' i = 0 sizeofList = len(wordList) while i < sizeofList : print(wordList[i]) i += 1
hi hello this that is of
It has an advantage as compared to for-in loop. In each iteration, we know the index too.So, suppose if we want to iterate over the elements at odd number position only. Then with while loop we can do that i.e.
''' Iterate over the odd number position elements in list using while loop ''' i = 0 sizeofList = len(wordList) while i < sizeofList : if i % 2 == 1 : print(wordList[i]) i += 1
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Iterate over the list using for loop and range()

It too provides the access to index while iterating i.e.

''' Iterate over the list using for loop and range() ''' for i in range(len(wordList)) : print(wordList[i]) i += 1
hi hello this that is of

Iterate over the list using List Comprehension

Its a single line solution i.e.

''' Iterate over the list using List Comprehension ''' [print(i) for i in wordList]

hi hello this that is of
Complete example is as follows,
def main(): wordList = ['hi', 'hello', 'this', 'that', 'is', 'of'] ''' Iterate over the list using for loop ''' for word in wordList: print(word) print("*************") ''' Iterate over the list using while loop ''' i = 0 sizeofList = len(wordList) while i < sizeofList : print(wordList[i]) i += 1 print("*************") ''' Iterate over the odd number position elements in list using while loop ''' i = 0 sizeofList = len(wordList) while i < sizeofList : if i % 2 == 1 : print(wordList[i]) i += 1 print("*************") ''' Iterate over the list using for loop and range() ''' for i in range(len(wordList)) : print(wordList[i]) i += 1 print("*************") ''' Iterate over the list using List Comprehension ''' [print(i) for i in wordList] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
hi hello this that is of ************* hi hello this that is of ************* hello that of ************* hi hello this that is of ************* hi hello this that is of