Ls is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file jupyter

Once installed, to be able to use the commands from any Windows / python prompt, supposing that MSYS is installed in C:\msys64 (if you let default path untouched), add the following directory to user or system path:

I have a problem in running “ls , head, wc” commands in notebook all this commands show me an error message "‘head’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ",Thank you so much @krassowski ! I used this command in Anaconda Prompt conda install m2-base and it’s works! Appreciate your response. Have a nice day.,If you are using conda you may only need to install m2-base which should give you some of the Unix commands:,This is a subset of MSYS2 which includes some of commands like ls, head, and wc; the alternatives include using full cygwin or WSL (Windows Subsystem For Linux, or currently WSL2; I would only recommend this for advanced users because it is more difficult than it seems) and some of the differences are explained in: What is MSYS2? - MSYS2.

If you are using conda you may only need to install m2-base which should give you some of the Unix commands:

This access to the shell from within the same terminal window as your Python session means that there is a lot less switching back and forth between interpreter and shell as you write your Python code.,When working interactively with the standard Python interpreter, one of the frustrations is the need to switch between multiple windows to access Python tools and system command-line tools. IPython bridges this gap, and gives you a syntax for executing shell commands directly from within the IPython terminal. The magic happens with the exclamation point: anything appearing after ! on a line will be executed not by the Python kernel, but by the system command-line.,Shell commands can not only be called from IPython, but can also be made to interact with the IPython namespace. For example, you can save the output of any shell command to a Python list using the assignment operator:,Any command that works at the command-line can be used in IPython by prefixing it with the ! character. For example, the ls, pwd, and echo commands can be run as follows:

osx: ~$ echo "hello world" # echo is like Python 's print function hello world osx: ~$ pwd # pwd = print working directory / home / jake # this is the "path" that we 're sitting in osx: ~$ ls # ls = list working directory contents notebooks projects osx: ~$ cd projects / # cd = change directory osx: projects $ pwd / home / jake / projects osx: projects $ ls datasci_book mpld3 myproject.txt osx: projects $ mkdir myproject # mkdir = make new directory osx: projects $ cd myproject / osx: myproject $ mv.. / myproject.txt. / # mv = move file.Here we 're moving the # file myproject.txt from one directory # up(.. / ) to the current directory(. / ) osx: myproject $ ls myproject.txt

In[1]: !ls myproject.txt In[2]: !pwd / home / jake / projects / myproject In[3]: !echo "printing from the shell" printing from the shell

In[4]: contents = !ls In[5]: print(contents)['myproject.txt'] In[6]: directory = !pwd In[7]: print(directory)['/Users/jakevdp/notebooks/tmp/myproject']

In[8]: type(directory) IPython.utils.text.SList

In[9]: message = "hello from Python" In[10]: !echo { message } hello from Python

In[11]: !pwd / home / jake / projects / myproject In[12]: !cd.. In[13]: !pwd / home / jake / projects / myproject

Jupyter fails to start,Jupyter can’t start a kernel,How did you install Jupyter?,The Jupyter Discourse Forum

$ jupyter kernelspec list Available kernels: python3 / home / takluyver / .local / lib / python3 .6 / site - packages / ipykernel / resources bash / home / takluyver / .local / share / jupyter / kernels / bash ir / home / takluyver / .local / share / jupyter / kernels / ir

File "c:\users\jovyan\python\myenv.venv\lib\site-packages\jupyter_core\", line 424, in secure_write win32_restrict_file_to_user(fname) File "c:\users\jovyan\python\myenv.venv\lib\site-packages\jupyter_core\", line 359, in win32_restrict_file_to_user import win32api ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

File "C:\Users\jovyan\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\jupyter_core\", line 435, in secure_write win32_restrict_file_to_user(fname) File "C:\Users\jovyan\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\jupyter_core\", line 361, in win32_restrict_file_to_user import win32api ImportError: DLL load failed: % 1 is not a valid Win32 application

pip install--upgrade pywin32

conda install--force - reinstall pywin32

python.exe Scripts / - install

How do you fix jupyter is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

Restart your command prompt and all your python scripts should run directly on the command prompt anywhere. PS : Also, make sure that your jupyter scripts are there in the Python Scripts folder. A proper installation of Jupyter via pip should have ensured this.

How do I add a Jupyter Notebook to my path in Windows 10?

Change Jupyter Notebook startup folder (Windows) Copy the Jupyter Notebook launcher from the menu to the desktop. Right click on the new launcher and change the Target field , change %USERPROFILE% to the full path of the folder which will contain all the notebooks.

What is ls in Jupyter Notebook?

Using only %ls gives you the list in your current directory.

Why can't I open Jupyter Notebook from command line?

Jupyter fails to start If you're using a menu shortcut or Anaconda launcher to start it, try opening a terminal or command prompt and running the command jupyter notebook . If it can't find jupyter , you may need to configure your PATH environment variable.