Population and development review submission guidelines năm 2024

Authors may only submit previously unpublished material. Authors agree not to send their manuscript to any journal pending the decision of the Editorial Board.

Population will not publish any text that has already been published or is under review by another journal (by another publisher). Publication is not precluded, however, for working papers or pre-prints previously published on a pre-print platform or non-commercial institutional repository.

Language of submission: French or English (UK or US). If UK, please refer to the Oxford English Dictionary. If US, please use Merriam-Webster.

Language of publication: Population is a bilingual, English–French journal. Accepted submissions in one language will be translated into the other. The journal coordinates the translations and covers the costs.

Manuscript preparation (text, tables, and figures)

Authors must ensure that the properties of electronic files contain no information or reference that could be used to identify them (name, institution, research programme, acknowledgements, etc.). The author’s identity is to be indicated only on the first page (not sent to reviewers), which should state the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s), and the corresponding author’s email address.

The second page includes the title, abstract (less than 150 words for texts in English), and five to eight keywords.

Works should be submitted in a single *.doc file containing the text, tables, figures, and any appendices. Tables and figures should be embedded throughout. Pages must be numbered.

If the article is accepted, the author(s) may be asked to provide vector images and/or the data used to create the figures (in Excel, for instance).


Headings and subheadings must be numbered.

Each table and figure should have a number, title, legend, and source, as well as a note to interpreting it, if necessary.

Mathematical formulae and equations must be numbered in the right-hand margin, referenced in the text, and legibly presented.

If possible, authors should use their software’s equation function or present formulae and equations in text (rather than image) format.

Footnotes must be sequentially numbered. They must not include tables or graphics. They should be used sparingly and must be short (five lines maximum).


A list of references must appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by author, same author(s) in chronological order, and cited in the text in parentheses.

In-text citation examples:

  • Single author: (Guilmoto, 2012)
  • Two authors: (Cortina and Festy, 2014)
  • Three or more authors: (Mazuy et al., 2015)

For two or more works within the same citation, arrange them by date of publication, from oldest to most recent, separated by semicolons.

Reference list examples (DOIs must be included, where available):

Journal articles

Guillaume A., Rossier C., 2018, Abortion around the world: An overview of legislation, measures, trends, and consequences, Population, 73(2), 217–306. https://doi.org/10.3917/popu.1802.0225


Esping-Andersen G., 2009, The incomplete revolution: Adapting to women’s new roles, Cambridge, Polity Press.

Book chapters

Herek G. M., Chopp R., Strohl D., 2007, Sexual stigma: Putting sexual minority health issues in context, in Meyer I. H., Northridge M. E. (eds.), The health of sexual minorities: Public health perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations, New York, Springer, 171–208. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-31334-4


United Nations, 2019, World population prospects 2019: Highlights, New York, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.

PhD dissertations

Anglewicz P., 2007, Migration, risk perception, and HIV infection in Malawi (Doctoral dissertation), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. https://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI3292004

Working papers

Daude C., 2011, Ascendance by descendants? On intergenerational education mobility in Latin America (OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 297), Paris, OECD.


Human Mortality Database, University of California, Berkeley, and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. https://www.mortality.org/

While not essential for submission, the above format is required after acceptance.

Citing data

Authors must include the information recommended by DataCite:

Author, Year, Title, Publisher (or name of repository or archive), identifier (DOI).

Recommendations for articles and short papers

Substantive headings and subheadings are preferred (for example, ‘The context of the Paris Commune’ rather than ‘Background’).

No outline is needed. Articles must include an introduction (without stating results) and a conclusion.

Authors should be careful to present data and limitations accurately.

Population’s readership is international and multidisciplinary, so authors must give adequate information for readers unfamiliar with the context of the study or its approach.

Citing international references, not only from the country studied, is recommended.

Inclusive writing (using bias-free language) is preferred.

Recommendations for data papers

Authors must describe the context, issues and ethical procedures, data, sample, possibilities and limitations, and conditions for making these data and relevant documentation (e.g. a questionnaire) available. This documentation must be deposited in a non-commercial repository and have a DOI (for more information, see Data Policy).

Online appendices and supplementary material

Authors can provide related documents as online supplementary material, such as additional tables and figures, more detailed descriptions of sources and methods, or code for a data processing program. These documents should provide relevant information, but they must not be required for understanding the main text.

A complete list of any online supplementary materials must be submitted at the same time as the manuscript. Items must be named and numbered as follows:

  • Each item must be given the letter ‘S’ and an Arabic numeral (S1, S2, etc.) and named clearly.
  • They must be explicitly mentioned in the text (e.g. ‘see Online Appendix S1’).

The journal may decide to append these items to the main text itself, depending on their relevance and size or quantity.

These materials must be deposited in a data repository that guarantees secure storage and permanent access (DOI).

The scientific quality, formatting, and documentation (metadata) of online supplementary materials are the sole responsibility of the author. The journal declines all responsibility for the consequences of their publication.


Authors must obtain all authorizations concerning privacy, legal, or ethical matters that are required for publishing data, illustrations, or extracts contained in the main text or any supplementary material.

Is population and development review a good journal?

Population and Development Review is essential reading to keep abreast of population studies; the relationships between population and social, economic, and environmental change; and related thinking on public policy.

What is the journal of population review?

About this Journal Population Review, a peer review journal of sociological demography, publishes scholarly research that covers a broad range of social science disciplines, including demography, sociology, social anthropology, socio-environmental science, communication, and political science.

What is the journal of the population council?

The Population Council publishes two leading scholarly journals: Population and Development Review and Studies in Family Planning.

What do you mean by population and development?

Defining What is Population And Development Population refers to the total number of individuals inhabiting a particular area, while development describes the progress in economic growth, living standards, and overall well-being of the people in that area.