Remote desktop windows 10 home reddit

Long story short they offer a live thumbnail feed so i can monitor multiple computers on multiple IP ADDRESSES. I capped that because thats the most important part I need to monitor a few dozen computers spread across about 10 different networks. I looked into other software that do the same but they only allow u to monitor computers that are on the same network.

So since all the devices I need to monitor are on windows 10 and 8.1 but none on win 10 pro is there a way to still be able to use it without having spend thousands upgrading to pro on each device?

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Remote desktop windows 10 home reddit


Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to remote desktop from one PC to another on my home network. I know there is teamviewer/chrome remote desktop etc, but ideally, I would simply do it over my home network rather than via the internet. This may be a stupid question but any help would be appreciated.

PS. I dont mean i want to just share files I mean I would like to be able to remote access my workstation from various other PCs.

Hello, I have a windows 10 pc in my home which I have 24/7 running and using it as a combined file server/radarr/sonarr/HTPC and whatever else I happen to use. I want to have remote desktop over the internet.

Right now I am using widows remote desktop with port open over the internet in the router. I use a strong password but I understand that it is not a very secure method.

Should I use another method, for example a VPN connection so I do not have to open the RD port, or another app like teamviewer or VNC?

I am not looking for the absolute most secure way for remote desktop, just a reasonable pretty much secure way. I want to be able to connect to my remote desktop from windows pc, android phone and ipad.

So after only a few weeks of dual booting windows 10 and fedora 35 on my thin and light I am a full convert. The only time I boot into windows now is for running windows only software for school.

I have a powerful desktop that is running windows 10 home that it would be awesome to remote into not only for the additional horse power but for the software compatibility.

However Microsoft in their money hungry ways have made this feature only available with a pro license.

What free or cheap options are out there that I can use? And can you link the setup guides?

Hi folks need help setting up RDP on our home computer so my wife can access from work. Should I use a RDP wrapper or do a 3rd party site like team viewer?

Hey guys I wanted to know if I could connect to vps from my windows 10 home edition I heard that we can’t use Remote Desktop connection on home edition but when I search Remote Desktop connection on my home edition search bar it pops up Is it only that on home edition, I can’t let my computer connect remotely from another computer or also I can’t connect another computer using my home edition? All I want to know is if I could connect to another computer ( use vps ) from my computer even if I have windows 10 home Please help me!!!

Windows 10 Home does not have RDP, but it is actually quite easy to add it.

Go to


Extract files from zip file

Go to folder with extracted files and run install.bat

Go to settings, about, and note pcname (or change pc to a more memorable name)

Reboot PC

You can now connect to Home via RDP using an suitable RDP client using pc name from above, even from android (and probably Apple) phones/tablets. Note: if using a local account, pc must have a password.

If you do this in a hyper-v installation of Home, you can select enhanced mode and get sound as well.

This works on FCU - not tested on SCU but I have no reason to think it would not work.

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Posted byu/[deleted]4 years ago

Remote desktop windows 10 home reddit


I was trying to remote connect to my Windows XP to my Windows 10 on my laptop only to discover that my laptop is Windows 10 Home Edition. I can connect to my Windows XP from Windows 10 but I cannot do the reverse as it is a Home edition and you cannot connect to a Home Edition Windows of any sort. I am looking for alternative means to remote connect to my XP Pro with my Win 10 laptop and vice versa. What are some good, free software that will allow me to do just that?

Years ago I remember running into an issue where Windows 10 Home did not have RDP enabled. You can still find public documentation to that affect like this "You can't connect to computers running a Home edition (like Windows 10 Home)."

What I'm wondering is when did the switch happen. I know that in 20HC build 19042.685 that Home users can RDP, but I have a system that is 2004 OS Build 19041.685 where they can't, and for a kind of historical purposes I'm curious to know when the change occurred.