Sữa lỗi read only system micro sd site tinhte.vn

It sounds to me to be a permissions issue. I've come across this myself with my Linux Mint 14 (Cinnamon) install, which I believe is based on Ubuntu 12.10.

First thing to do is to check the permissions on the hardware device mounting your card. You'll need to find the device name. To do this run the following command:

sudo fdisk -l

Your device will probably be something along the lines of /dev/sdb1, in my case the SD Reader was /dev/mmcblk0p1.

Next you need to get the permissions on this device:

sudo ls -l /dev/mmcblk0p1

Replace "/dev/mmcblk0p1" with your device location. The output will look something like this:

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 179, 1 Feb 3 21:58 /dev/mmcblk0p1

This tells us the device is owned by User 'root' and group 'disk' You need to be a member of group 'disk' to be able to write to the SD card. You can check which groups your a member of with

groups username

In my case I was not a member of the 'disk' group, I rectified this with

sudo usermod -G disk --append username

This adds the group 'disk' to your user's groups, which should allow you to now read & write to the SD card

Two possibilities, first is that being a hardware thing, as micro SDHC have a little notch you can easily notice which matches another notch in the reader and that basically just enables it in read-only mode. That you can't change, just try to use another reader or you could put a piece of silicon or tape on notch, easiest thing is to use another reader.

Second possibility is that being a file permission issue, in which case you can do the following : In terminal, use these commands:

gksudo nautilus

This will launch nautilus in root shell and bypass all permissions. OR:

sudo fdisk -l

This will give you a list of the drives on your system, figure out which drive it is in the list, easiest way is to look for the blocks as this is the space. It will probably be /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc, then

sudo chown -hR <your username> <the SDHC drive, /dev/sdb for example>

this will change ownership of the drive to you. OR:

sudo chmod -R 777 <the SDHC drive, /dev/sdb for example>

Though if you just execute the first command sudo nautilus it will save you all this trouble, but you'll have to do it every time you use the SDHC.

Diễn đànSmartphone Android


9/1/2011 13:14Phản hồi: 4

Các bác cho em hỏi cái lỗi này với. Em dùng HTC Desire, đã root. Em đã dùng app2sd để cài ứng dụng sang thẻ nhớ. Nhưng không hiểu mấy hôm nay thẻ nhớ bị cái lỗi: Mounted Readonly The SD card has an unexpected problem. Bác nào biết cách xử lý giúp em với. Em xin hậu tạ

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Sữa lỗi read only system micro sd site tinhte.vn

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Sữa lỗi read only system micro sd site tinhte.vn

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Em bị lỗi này cũng khá lâu rồi, nhưng trước thì ko quan tâm lắm, nhưng đôi khi cần thì lại phiền... • Muốn copy file từ thẻ nhớ qua device thì lại phải cắm usb lên PC để chuyển chứ ko copy trực tiếp đc. • Files/Folders của Device không thể di chuyển hay xóa ( trừ khi là những file/folder mới tạo hoặc đc move/copy sang ). • Cũng không thể printscreen đc. • Và 1 số lỗi khác phát sinh... Em cũng mới sử dụng cách đây không lâu, cũng chả phải dân công nghệ nên việc tìm kiếm cách giải quyết trên google/maemo talk là rất khó. Gặp thêm cái App Manager lỗi không down đc rootsh hay Filebox nữa = 3= Hy vọng có ai bày em cách khắc phục tình trạng này nhé :-s