What is the end result of meiosis 1 quizlet?

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What's the end result of meiosis 1?

Meiosis I ends when the chromosomes of each homologous pair arrive at opposing poles of the cell. The microtubules disintegrate, and a new nuclear membrane forms around each haploid set of chromosomes. The chromosomes uncoil, forming chromatin again, and cytokinesis occurs, forming two non-identical daughter cells.

What are the results of meiosis 1 quizlet?

Meiosis 1 results in 2 haploid daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. The chromosomes line up in a similar way to the metaphase stage of mitosis. The sister chromatids (paired chromatids) separate and move toward opposite ends of the cell. Meiosis 2 results in 4 haploid daughter cells.

What happens at the end of meiosis 1 quizlet?

At the end of meiosis I, there are two haploid cells, each with two sister chromatids per chromosome. The period between meiosis I and II is termed interkinesis.

What is the end result of mitosis 1?

The purpose of mitosis is for cell growth and to replace damaged cells. So, the end result of Mitosis is two identical daughter cells.