Why is my ASUS laptop so slow on the internet

Hi there,

So I recently purchased a laptop that arrived two days ago. This laptop is what I would regard as a pretty decent gaming laptop, an ASUS DASH F15 2021.

The laptop itself is fast, booting programmes and games is quick and easy.

The issue I am getting is from my internet speeds. At the moment it is averaging about 1 - 2Mbps, I have tested on other devices on the same network and they will easily get 40Mbps. I have tried connecting the laptop to the router and still the internet is not going any faster. Something is throttling the speeds.

I have tried updating everything there was to update on the Laptop - Bios, drivers etc - and still no change. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the network driver, no change.

In a way it feels like the speed on this laptop has become worse over the two and a bit days I've had it. I downloaded Outriders within an hour and Photoshop within ten minutes on the first day of purchasing it. It's only really been the last day and a half that the speeds have crashed.

I've looked around and some have mentioned that it could be a third party anti virus being the issue - but I do not have a third party - I am currently using Windows Firewall, I did install Malwarebytes but this was after the issue began to check if I had picked up something. Of course nothing came up.

I feel like I'm one step away from having to return the device - which I'd rather not do of course - I've been waiting for it for around three weeks now and was just getting into the swing of PC Gaming.

In Network Adapters it lists:
Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz
Realtek PCle GbE Family Controller

Let me know if any additional info is required.

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